4 research outputs found

    Autonomous Person-Specific Following Robot

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    Following a specific user is a desired or even required capability for service robots in many human-robot collaborative applications. However, most existing person-following robots follow people without knowledge of who it is following. In this paper, we proposed an identity-specific person tracker, capable of tracking and identifying nearby people, to enable person-specific following. Our proposed method uses a Sequential Nearest Neighbour with Thresholding Selection algorithm we devised to fuse together an anonymous person tracker and a face recogniser. Experiment results comparing our proposed method with alternative approaches showed that our method achieves better performance in tracking and identifying people, as well as improved robot performance in following a target individual

    Multi-target tracking using appearance models for identity maintenance

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    This thesis considers perception systems for urban environments. It focuses on the task of tracking dynamic objects and in particular on methods that can maintain the identities of targets through periods of ambiguity. Examples of such ambiguous situations occur when targets interact with each other, or when they are occluded by other objects or the environment. With the development of self driving cars, the push for autonomous delivery of packages, and an increasing use of technology for security, surveillance and public-safety applications, robust perception in crowded urban spaces is more important than ever before. A critical part of perception systems is the ability to understand the motion of objects in a scene. Tracking strategies that merge closely-spaced targets together into groups have been shown to offer improved robustness, but in doing so sacrifice the concept of target identity. Additionally, the primary sensor used for the tracking task may not provide the information required to reason about the identity of individual objects. There are three primary contributions in this work. The first is the development of 3D lidar tracking methods with improved ability to track closely-spaced targets and that can determine when target identities have become ambiguous. Secondly, this thesis defines appearance models suitable for the task of determining the identities of previously-observed targets, which may include the use of data from additional sensing modalities. The final contribution of this work is the combination of lidar tracking and appearance modelling, to enable the clarification of target identities in the presence of ambiguities caused by scene complexity. The algorithms presented in this work are validated on both carefully controlled and unconstrained datasets. The experiments show that in complex dynamic scenes with interacting targets, the proposed methods achieve significant improvements in tracking performance

    Development of novel gearbox lubrication condition monitoring sensors in the context of wind turbine gearboxes

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    Wind power has become established as an alternative power source that forms a significant proportion of national energy generation. An increasing proportion of turbines is being constructed offshore to exploit higher average wind speeds and to avoid development issues associated with onshore wind farms. Isolated locations and unpredictable weather conditions lead to increased access costs for operators when conducting scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and repairs. This has increased interest in condition monitoring systems which can track the current state of components within a wind turbine and provide operators with predicted future trends. Asset management can be improved through condition based maintenance regimes and preventative repairs. Development of novel condition monitoring systems that can accurately predict incipient damage can optimise operational performance and reduce the overall level of wind turbine generation costs. The work described in this thesis presents the development of novel sensors that may be applied to monitor wind turbine gearboxes, a component that experiences relatively high failure rates and causes considerable turbine downtime. Current systems and technology that may be adapted for use in wind turbine condition monitoring are evaluated. Lubrication related monitoring systems have been identified as an area that could be improved and are divided into those that track liberated wear material suspended in the lubricant and those that assess the state of the lubricant itself. This study presents two novel lubrication based gearbox monitoring sensors that potentially offer a low cost solution for continuous data capture. The first demonstrates the potential for active pixel sensors such as those found in digital cameras to capture images of wear particles within gearbox lubricants. Particle morphology was tracked in this system, allowing the type of particles to be correlated with the type of wear that is generated and a potential source. The second sensor uses a targeted form of infra-red absorption spectroscopy to track changes in the lubricant chemistry due to the increase in acidity. Ensuring the lubricant is functioning correctly decreases component stress and fatigue, reducing maintenance requirements.Wind power has become established as an alternative power source that forms a significant proportion of national energy generation. An increasing proportion of turbines is being constructed offshore to exploit higher average wind speeds and to avoid development issues associated with onshore wind farms. Isolated locations and unpredictable weather conditions lead to increased access costs for operators when conducting scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and repairs. This has increased interest in condition monitoring systems which can track the current state of components within a wind turbine and provide operators with predicted future trends. Asset management can be improved through condition based maintenance regimes and preventative repairs. Development of novel condition monitoring systems that can accurately predict incipient damage can optimise operational performance and reduce the overall level of wind turbine generation costs. The work described in this thesis presents the development of novel sensors that may be applied to monitor wind turbine gearboxes, a component that experiences relatively high failure rates and causes considerable turbine downtime. Current systems and technology that may be adapted for use in wind turbine condition monitoring are evaluated. Lubrication related monitoring systems have been identified as an area that could be improved and are divided into those that track liberated wear material suspended in the lubricant and those that assess the state of the lubricant itself. This study presents two novel lubrication based gearbox monitoring sensors that potentially offer a low cost solution for continuous data capture. The first demonstrates the potential for active pixel sensors such as those found in digital cameras to capture images of wear particles within gearbox lubricants. Particle morphology was tracked in this system, allowing the type of particles to be correlated with the type of wear that is generated and a potential source. The second sensor uses a targeted form of infra-red absorption spectroscopy to track changes in the lubricant chemistry due to the increase in acidity. Ensuring the lubricant is functioning correctly decreases component stress and fatigue, reducing maintenance requirements

    Developing a person guidance module for hospital robots

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    This dissertation describes the design and implementation of the Person Guidance Module (PGM) that enables the IWARD (Intelligent Robot Swarm for attendance, Recognition, Cleaning and delivery) base robot to offer route guidance service to the patients or visitors inside the hospital arena. One of the common problems encountered in huge hospital buildings today is foreigners not being able to find their way around in the hospital. Although there are a variety of guide robots currently existing on the market and offering a wide range of guidance and related activities, they do not fit into the modular concept of the IWARD project. The PGM features a robust and foolproof non-hierarchical sensor fusion approach of an active RFID, stereovision and cricket mote sensor for guiding a patient to the X-ray room, or a visitor to a patient’s ward in every possible scenario in a complex, dynamic and crowded hospital environment. Moreover, the speed of the robot can be adjusted automatically according to the pace of the follower for physical comfort using this system. Furthermore, the module performs these tasks in any unconstructed environment solely from a robot’s onboard perceptual resources in order to limit the hardware installation costs and therefore the indoor setting support. Similar comprehensive solution in one single platform has remained elusive in existing literature. The finished module can be connected to any IWARD base robot using quick-change mechanical connections and standard electrical connections. The PGM module box is equipped with a Gumstix embedded computer for all module computing which is powered up automatically once the module box is inserted into the robot. In line with the general software architecture of the IWARD project, all software modules are developed as Orca2 components and cross-complied for Gumstix’s XScale processor. To support standardized communication between different software components, Internet Communications Engine (Ice) has been used as middleware. Additionally, plug-and-play capabilities have been developed and incorporated so that swarm system is aware at all times of which robot is equipped with PGM. Finally, in several field trials in hospital environments, the person guidance module has shown its suitability for a challenging real-world application as well as the necessary user acceptance