3,663 research outputs found

    Robust H∞ filtering for a class of nonlinear networked systems with multiple stochastic communication delays and packet dropouts

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    Copyright [2010] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.In this paper, the robust H∞ filtering problem is studied for a class of uncertain nonlinear networked systems with both multiple stochastic time-varying communication delays and multiple packet dropouts. A sequence of random variables, all of which are mutually independent but obey Bernoulli distribution, are introduced to account for the randomly occurred communication delays. The packet dropout phenomenon occurs in a random way and the occurrence probability for each sensor is governed by an individual random variable satisfying a certain probabilistic distribution in the interval. The discrete-time system under consideration is also subject to parameter uncertainties, state-dependent stochastic disturbances and sector-bounded nonlinearities. We aim to design a linear full-order filter such that the estimation error converges to zero exponentially in the mean square while the disturbance rejection attenuation is constrained to a give level by means of the H∞ performance index. Intensive stochastic analysis is carried out to obtain sufficient conditions for ensuring the exponential stability as well as prescribed H∞ performance for the overall filtering error dynamics, in the presence of random delays, random dropouts, nonlinearities, and the parameter uncertainties. These conditions are characterized in terms of the feasibility of a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), and then the explicit expression is given for the desired filter parameters. Simulation results are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed filter design technique in this paper.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the U.K. under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the U.K., the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany, National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 60825303, 60834003, 973 Project under Grant 2009CB320600, Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation under Grant 111064, and the Youth Science Fund of Heilongjiang Province under Grant QC2009C63

    Fundamental Limitations of Disturbance Attenuation in the Presence of Side Information

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    In this paper, we study fundamental limitations of disturbance attenuation of feedback systems, under the assumption that the controller has a finite horizon preview of the disturbance. In contrast with prior work, we extend Bode's integral equation for the case where the preview is made available to the controller via a general, finite capacity, communication system. Under asymptotic stationarity assumptions, our results show that the new fundamental limitation differs from Bode's only by a constant, which quantifies the information rate through the communication system. In the absence of asymptotic stationarity, we derive a universal lower bound which uses Shannon's entropy rate as a measure of performance. By means of a case-study, we show that our main bounds may be achieved

    On general systems with network-enhanced complexities

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    In recent years, the study of networked control systems (NCSs) has gradually become an active research area due to the advantages of using networked media in many aspects such as the ease of maintenance and installation, the large flexibility and the low cost. It is well known that the devices in networks are mutually connected via communication cables that are of limited capacity. Therefore, some network-induced phenomena have inevitably emerged in the areas of signal processing and control engineering. These phenomena include, but are not limited to, network-induced communication delays, missing data, signal quantization, saturations, and channel fading. It is of great importance to understand how these phenomena influence the closed-loop stability and performance properties

    Direct Adaptive Control for Infinite-dimensional Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems

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    AbstractGiven a linear continuous-time infinite-dimensional plant on a Hilbert space and disturbances of known and unknown waveform, we show that there exists a stabilizing direct model reference adaptive control law with certain disturbance rejection and robustness properties. The closed loop system is shown to be exponentially convergent to a neighborhood with radius proportional to bounds on the size of the disturbance. The plant is described by a closed densely defined linear operator that generates a continuous semigroup of bounded operators on the Hilbert space of states.Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems of partial differential equations describe many physical phenomena such as wave behavior, electromagnetic fields, and quantum fields. To illustrate the utility of the adaptive control law, we apply the results to control of symmetric hyperbolic systems with coercive boundary conditions

    A Comparative Study on the L-1 Optimal Event-Based Method for Biped Walking on Rough Terrains

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    This paper is concerned with a comparative study of biped walking on rough terrains. Given a bipedal robot capable of walking on a flat ground with periodic behavior, whose motion can be described by a limit cycle with the Poincare map, we consider whether the robot remains stable on rough terrain, in which geometrical uncertainties of the terrain are assumed to be persistent and bounded. More precisely, the l(infinity)-induced norm is defined on the Poincare map and taken as a performance measure evaluating a robot walking with the bounded persistent uncertainties. To minimize the performance measure and achieve an optimal walking performance, we further provide a systematic controller design scheme consisting of a inner-loop continuous-time controller and a outer-loop event-based controller, in which the latter is described as a sort of the l(1) optimal controller. Finally, the validity as well as the effectiveness of our proposed methods in biped walking on a rough terrain are demonstrated through simulation studies.11Yscopu

    Composite Disturbance Filtering: A Novel State Estimation Scheme for Systems With Multi-Source, Heterogeneous, and Isomeric Disturbances

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    State estimation has long been a fundamental problem in signal processing and control areas. The main challenge is to design filters with ability to reject or attenuate various disturbances. With the arrival of big data era, the disturbances of complicated systems are physically multi-source, mathematically heterogenous, affecting the system dynamics via isomeric (additive, multiplicative and recessive) channels, and deeply coupled with each other. In traditional filtering schemes, the multi-source heterogenous disturbances are usually simplified as a lumped one so that the "single" disturbance can be either rejected or attenuated. Since the pioneering work in 2012, a novel state estimation methodology called {\it composite disturbance filtering} (CDF) has been proposed, which deals with the multi-source, heterogenous, and isomeric disturbances based on their specific characteristics. With the CDF, enhanced anti-disturbance capability can be achieved via refined quantification, effective separation, and simultaneous rejection and attenuation of the disturbances. In this paper, an overview of the CDF scheme is provided, which includes the basic principle, general design procedure, application scenarios (e.g. alignment, localization and navigation), and future research directions. In summary, it is expected that the CDF offers an effective tool for state estimation, especially in the presence of multi-source heterogeneous disturbances

    Adaptive Neural Network Feedforward Control for Dynamically Substructured Systems

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