9 research outputs found

    Enumeration of 0/1-matrices avoiding some 2x2 matrices

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    We enumerate the number of 0/1-matrices avoiding 2x2 submatrices satisfying certain conditions. We also provide corresponding exponential generating functions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; Some references and related works are added in v

    Supermodularity on chains and complexity of maximum constraint satisfaction

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    In the maximum constraint satisfaction problem (Max  CSP\mathrm{Max \; CSP}), one is given a finite collection of (possibly weighted) constraints on overlapping sets of variables, and the goal is to assign values from a given finite domain to the variables so as to maximise the number (or the total weight) of satisfied constraints. This problem is NP\mathrm{NP}-hard in general so it is natural to study how restricting the allowed types of constraints affects the complexity of the problem. In this paper, we show that any Max  CSP\mathrm{Max \; CSP} problem with a finite set of allowed constraint types, which includes all constants (i.e. constraints of the form x=ax=a), is either solvable in polynomial time or is NP\mathrm{NP}-complete. Moreover, we present a simple description of all polynomial-time solvable cases of our problem. This description uses the well-known combinatorial property of supermodularity

    Large homogeneous submatrices

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    A matrix is homogeneous if all of its entries are equal. Let PP be a 2×22\times 2 zero-one matrix that is not homogeneous. We prove that if an n×nn\times n zero-one matrix AA does not contain PP as a submatrix, then AA has an cn×cncn\times cn homogeneous submatrix for a suitable constant c>0c>0. We further provide an almost complete characterization of the matrices PP (missing only finitely many cases) such that forbidding PP in AA guarantees an n1−o(1)×n1−o(1)n^{1-o(1)}\times n^{1-o(1)} homogeneous submatrix. We apply our results to chordal bipartite graphs, totally balanced matrices, halfplane-arrangements and string graphs.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, moved Theorem 1.6 to introduction, added its proof + a new application of Theorem 1.

    Large homogeneous submatrices

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    A matrix is homogeneous if all of its entries are equal. Let P be a 2 × 2 zero-one matrix that is not homogeneous. We prove that if an n × n zero-one matrix A does not contain P as a submatrix, then A has a cn × cn homogeneous submatrix for a suitable constant c > 0. We further provide an almost complete characterization of the matrices P (missing only finitely many cases) such that forbidding P in A guarantees an n1 - o(1) × n1 - o(1) homogeneous submatrix. We apply our results to chordal bipartite graphs, totally balanced matrices, halfplane arrangements, and string graphs. © 2020 author

    Permuting matrices to avoid forbidden submatrices

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    This paper attaches a frame to a natural class of combinatorial problems and points out that this class includes many important special cases. A matrix M is said to avoid a set of matrices if M does not contain any element of as (ordered) submatrix. For a fixed set of matrices, we consider the problem of deciding whether the rows and columns of a matrix can be permuted in such a way that the resulting matrix M avoids all matrices in . We survey several known and new results on the algorithmic complexity of this problem, mostly dealing with (0,1)-matrices. Among others, we will prove that the problem is polynomial time solvable for many sets containing a single, small matrix and we will exhibit some example sets for which the problem is NP-complete