16,440 research outputs found

    Mean ergodicity vs weak almost periodicity

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    We provide explicit examples of positive and power-bounded operators on c0c_0 and ℓ∞\ell^\infty which are mean ergodic but not weakly almost periodic. As a consequence we prove that a countably order complete Banach lattice on which every positive and power-bounded mean ergodic operator is weakly almost periodic is necessarily a KB-space. This answers several open questions from the literature. Finally, we prove that if TT is a positive mean ergodic operator with zero fixed space on an arbitrary Banach lattice, then so is every power of TT.Comment: 10 pages; minor adjustments and three new references included compared to version

    Entanglement dynamics and quasi-periodicity in discrete quantum walks

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    We study the entanglement dynamics of discrete time quantum walks acting on bounded finite sized graphs. We demonstrate that, depending on system parameters, the dynamics may be monotonic, oscillatory but highly regular, or quasi-periodic. While the dynamics of the system are not chaotic since the system comprises linear evolution, the dynamics often exhibit some features similar to chaos such as high sensitivity to the system's parameters, irregularity and infinite periodicity. Our observations are of interest for entanglement generation, which is one primary use for the quantum walk formalism. Furthermore, we show that the systems we model can easily be mapped to optical beamsplitter networks, rendering experimental observation of quasi-periodic dynamics within reach.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    The Flux-Phase of the Half-Filled Band

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    The conjecture is verified that the optimum, energy minimizing magnetic flux for a half-filled band of electrons hopping on a planar, bipartite graph is π\pi per square plaquette. We require {\it only} that the graph has periodicity in one direction and the result includes the hexagonal lattice (with flux 0 per hexagon) as a special case. The theorem goes beyond previous conjectures in several ways: (1) It does not assume, a-priori, that all plaquettes have the same flux (as in Hofstadter's model); (2) A Hubbard type on-site interaction of any sign, as well as certain longer range interactions, can be included; (3) The conclusion holds for positive temperature as well as the ground state; (4) The results hold in D≥2D \geq 2 dimensions if there is periodicity in D−1D-1 directions (e.g., the cubic lattice has the lowest energy if there is flux π\pi in each square face).Comment: 9 pages, EHL14/Aug/9

    On the structure of eigenfunctions corresponding to embedded eigenvalues of locally perturbed periodic graph operators

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    The article is devoted to the following question. Consider a periodic self-adjoint difference (differential) operator on a graph (quantum graph) G with a co-compact free action of the integer lattice Z^n. It is known that a local perturbation of the operator might embed an eigenvalue into the continuous spectrum (a feature uncommon for periodic elliptic operators of second order). In all known constructions of such examples, the corresponding eigenfunction is compactly supported. One wonders whether this must always be the case. The paper answers this question affirmatively. What is more surprising, one can estimate that the eigenmode must be localized not far away from the perturbation (in a neighborhood of the perturbation's support, the width of the neighborhood determined by the unperturbed operator only). The validity of this result requires the condition of irreducibility of the Fermi (Floquet) surface of the periodic operator, which is expected to be satisfied for instance for periodic Schroedinger operators.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Periodicity in Rank 2 Graph Algebras

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    Kumjian and Pask introduced an aperiodicity condition for higher rank graphs. We present a detailed analysis of when this occurs in certain rank 2 graphs. When the algebra is aperiodic, we give another proof of the simplicity of \ca(\Fth). The periodic C*-algebras are characterized, and it is shown that \ca(\Fth) \simeq \rC(\bT) \otimes \fA where \fA is a simple C*-algebra.Comment: 27 page

    On the location of spectral edges in Z\mathbb{Z}-periodic media

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    Periodic 22nd order ordinary differential operators on R\R are known to have the edges of their spectra to occur only at the spectra of periodic and antiperiodic boundary value problems. The multi-dimensional analog of this property is false, as was shown in a 2007 paper by some of the authors of this article. However, one sometimes encounters the claims that in the case of a single periodicity (i.e., with respect to the lattice Z\mathbb{Z}), the 1D1D property still holds, and spectral edges occur at the periodic and anti-periodic spectra only. In this work we show that even in the simplest case of quantum graphs this is not true. It is shown that this is true if the graph consists of a 1D1D chain of finite graphs connected by single edges, while if the connections are formed by at least two edges, the spectral edges can already occur away from the periodic and anti-periodic spectra.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Recompression: a simple and powerful technique for word equations

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    In this paper we present an application of a simple technique of local recompression, previously developed by the author in the context of compressed membership problems and compressed pattern matching, to word equations. The technique is based on local modification of variables (replacing X by aX or Xa) and iterative replacement of pairs of letters appearing in the equation by a `fresh' letter, which can be seen as a bottom-up compression of the solution of the given word equation, to be more specific, building an SLP (Straight-Line Programme) for the solution of the word equation. Using this technique we give a new, independent and self-contained proofs of most of the known results for word equations. To be more specific, the presented (nondeterministic) algorithm runs in O(n log n) space and in time polynomial in log N, where N is the size of the length-minimal solution of the word equation. The presented algorithm can be easily generalised to a generator of all solutions of the given word equation (without increasing the space usage). Furthermore, a further analysis of the algorithm yields a doubly exponential upper bound on the size of the length-minimal solution. The presented algorithm does not use exponential bound on the exponent of periodicity. Conversely, the analysis of the algorithm yields an independent proof of the exponential bound on exponent of periodicity. We believe that the presented algorithm, its idea and analysis are far simpler than all previously applied. Furthermore, thanks to it we can obtain a unified and simple approach to most of known results for word equations. As a small additional result we show that for O(1) variables (with arbitrary many appearances in the equation) word equations can be solved in linear space, i.e. they are context-sensitive.Comment: Submitted to a journal. Since previous version the proofs were simplified, overall presentation improve
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