39 research outputs found

    A new proof for the decidability of D0L ultimate periodicity

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    We give a new proof for the decidability of the D0L ultimate periodicity problem based on the decidability of p-periodicity of morphic words adapted to the approach of Harju and Linna.Comment: In Proceedings WORDS 2011, arXiv:1108.341

    Decidability of the HD0L ultimate periodicity problem

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    In this paper we prove the decidability of the HD0L ultimate periodicity problem

    The Monadic Theory of Toric Words

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    For which unary predicates P1,,PmP_1, \ldots, P_m is the MSO theory of the structure N;<,P1,,Pm\langle \mathbb{N}; <, P_1, \ldots, P_m \rangle decidable? We survey the state of the art, leading us to investigate combinatorial properties of almost-periodic, morphic, and toric words. In doing so, we show that if each PiP_i can be generated by a toric dynamical system of a certain kind, then the attendant MSO theory is decidable

    Distances and automatic sequences in distinguished variants of Hanoi graphs

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    In this thesis three open problems concerning Hanoi-type graphs are addressed. I prove a theorem to determine all shortest paths between two arbitrary vertices s and t in the General Sierpiński graph S_p^n with base p ≥ 3 and exponent n ≥ 0 and find an algorithm based on this theorem which gives us the index of the potential auxiliary subgraph, the distance between s and t and the best first move(s). Using the isomorphism between S_3^n and the Hanoi graphs H_3^n, this algorithm also determines the shortest paths in H_3^n. The results are also used in order to simplify proofs of already known metric properties of S_p^n. Additionally, I compute the average number of input pairs (s_i, t_i) for i ϵ{1,...,n} to be read by the algorithm. The Theorem and the algorithm for S_p^n are modified for the Sierpiński triangle graphs, which are deeply connected to the well-known Sierpiński triangle and the Sierpiński graphs, with the result that the shortest paths in the Sierpiński triangle graphs can be determined for the first time. The Hanoi graphs H_3^n are then considered as directed graphs by differentiating the directions of the disc moves between the pegs of the corresponding Tower of Hanoi. For the problem to transfer a tower from one peg to another peg there are five different solvable variants. Here, the variants TH(C_3^+) and TH(K_3^-) are discussed concerning the infinite sequences of moves which arise from the solutions as n tends to infinity. The Allouche-Sapir Conjecture says that these sequences are not d-automatic for any d. I prove this for the TH(C_3^+) sequence with the aid of the frequency of a letter and its rationality in automatic sequences. For the TH(K_3^-) sequence I employ Cobham’s Theorem about multiplicative independence, automatic sequences and ultimate periodicity. I show that this sequence is the image, under a 1-uniform morphism, of an iterative fixed point of a primitive prolongable endomorphism. F. Durand’s methodᵃ is then used for the decision about the question whether the sequence is ultimately periodic. The method of I. V. Mitrofanovᵇ, which works with subword schemata,is applied to the problem as well. Using the theory of recognisable sets, a sufficient condition for deciding the question about the automaticity of the TH(K_3^-) sequence is deduced. Finally, a yet not studied distance problem on the so-called Star Tower of Hanoi, which is based on the star graph S t(4), is considered. Assuming that the Frame-Stewart type strategy is optimal, a recurrence for the length of the resulting paths is deduced and solved up to n = 12. ᵃ F. Durand, HD0L ω-equivalence and periodicity problems in the primitive case (to the memory of G. Rauzy). Journal of Uniform Distribution Theory, 7(1):199-215, 2012 ᵇ I. V. Mitrofanov, Periodicity of Morphic Words, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 206(6):679-687, 2015Ich beweise ein Theorem zur Bestimmung aller kürzesten Wege zwischen zwei beliebigen Ecken s und t in den allgemeinen Sierpiński-Graphen S_p^n mit Basis p ≥ 3 und Exponent n ≥ 0 und erstelle auf diesem Theorem beruhend einen Algorithmus, der den Index des allfälligen Hilfsuntergraphen, den Abstand zwischen s und t und einen besten ersten Schritt liefert. Unter Verwendung des Isomorphismus zwischen S_3^n und den Hanoi-Graphen H_3^n bestimmt dieser Algorithmus auch die kürzesten Wege in H_3^n. Die Ergebnisse werden benutzt, um Beweise bereits bekannter metrischer Eigenschaften der S_p^n zu vereinfachen. Zusätzlich berechne ich die durchschnittlich benötigte Anzahl von Eingabepaaren (s_i, t_i) für i ϵ{1,...,n} in den Algorithmus. Das Theorem und der Algorithmus für S_p^n werden für die Klasse der Sierpiński-Dreiecksgraphen, welche in direktem Zusammenhang mit dem berühmten Sierpiński-Dreieck und den Sierpiński-Graphen stehen, modifiziert, sodass erstmals auch die kürzesten Wege in diesen Graphen bestimmt werden können. Die Hanoi-Graphen H_3^n werden dann als gerichtete Graphen betrachtet, indem man die Richtungen der Bewegungen zwischen den Stäben des entsprechenden Turms von Hanoi differenziert. Für das Problem des Versetzens eines Turms von einem Stab auf einen anderen gibt es fünf verschiedene lösbare Varianten. Die Varianten TH(C_3^+) und TH(K_3^-) werden bezüglich der unendlichen Folgen von Bewegungen betrachtet, die sich durch die Lösung für n gegen Unendlich strebend ergeben. Die Allouche-Sapir-Vermutung besagt, dass für kein d diese Folgen d-automatisch erzeugt sind. Ich beweise dies für die TH(C_3^+) Folge mit Hilfe der Theorie über die Häufigkeit eines Buchstabens und deren Rationalität in automatisch erzeugten Folgen. Für die TH(K_3^-) Folge wird Cobhams Theorem über multiplikative Unabhängigkeit, automatisch erzeugte Folgen und ultimative Periodizität verwendet. Ich zeige, dass diese Folge das Bild, unter einem 1-uniformen Morphismus, eines iterativen Fixpunktes eines primitiven verlängerbaren Endomorphismus ist. Die Methode von F. Durandᵃ wird dann für die Entscheidung über die Frage, ob die Folge ultimativ periodisch ist, verwendet. Ebenso wird die Methode von I. V. Mitrofanovᵇ, welche mit Teilwortschemata arbeitet, auf das Problem angewandt. Unter Verwendung der Theorie über erkennbare Mengen wird eine hinreichende Bedingung für die Frage der Automatizität der TH(K_3^-) Folge hergeleitet. Zuletzt wird ein bislang nicht untersuchtes Abstandsproblem im sogenannten Stern-Turm-von- Hanoi betrachtet, welcher auf dem Stern-Graphen St(4) beruht. Unter der Annahme, dass die Frame-Stewart-Strategie optimal sei, wird eine Rekursionsvorschrift für die Länge der so gewonnenen Wege entwickelt und bis n = 12 gelöst. ᵃ F. Durand, HD0L ω-equivalence and periodicity problems in the primitive case (to the memory of G. Rauzy). Journal of Uniform Distribution Theory, 7(1):199-215, 2012 ᵇ I. V. Mitrofanov, Periodicity of Morphic Words, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 206(6):679-687, 201

    Periodic and almost periodic flows of periodic Ito equations

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    summary:Under the uniform asymptotic stability of a finite dimensional Ito equation with periodic coefficients, the asymptotically almost periodicity of the lpl^p-bounded solution and the existence of a trajectory of an almost periodic flow defined on the space of all probability measures are established

    Combinatorics on Words 10th International Conference

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    This volume contains the Local Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on WORDS, that took place at the Kiel University, Germany, from the 14th to the 17th September 2015. WORDS is the main conference series devoted to the mathematical theory of words, and it takes place every two years. The first conference in the series was organised in 1997 in Rouen, France, with the following editions taking place in Rouen, Palermo,Turku, Montreal, Marseille, Salerno, Prague, and Turku. The main object in the scope of the conference, words, are finite or infinite sequences of symbols over a finite alphabet. They appear as natural and basic mathematical model in many areas, theoretical or applicative. Accordingly, the WORDS conference is open to both theoretical contributions related to combinatorial, algebraic, and algorithmic aspects of words, as well as to contributions presenting application of the theory of words, for instance, in other fields of computer science, inguistics, biology and bioinformatics, or physics. For the second time in the history of WORDS, after the 2013 edition, a refereed proceedings volume was published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. In addition, this local proceedings volume was published in the Kiel Computer Science Series of the Kiel University. Being a conference at the border between theoretical computer science and mathematics, WORDS tries to capture in its two proceedings volumes the characteristics of the conferences from both these worlds. While the Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume was dedicated to formal contributions, this local proceedings volume allows, in the spirit of mathematics conferences, the publication of several contributions informing on current research and work in progress in areas closely connected to the core topics of WORDS. All the papers, the ones published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science proceedings volume or the ones from this volume, were refereed to high standards by the members of the Program Committee. Following the conference, a special issue of the Theoretical Computer Science journal will be edited, containing extended versions of papers from both proceedings volumes. In total, the conference hosted 18 contributed talks. The papers on which 14 of these talks were based, were published in th LNCS volume; the other 4 are published in this volume. In addition to the contributed talks, the conference program included six invited talks given by leading experts in the areas covered by the WORDS conference: Jörg Endrullis (Amsterdam), Markus Lohrey (Siegen), Jean Néraud (Rouen), Dominique Perrin (Paris), Michaël Rao (Lyon), Thomas Stoll (Nancy). WORDS 2015 was the tenth conference in the series, so we were extremely happy to welcome, as invited speaker at this anniversary edition, Jean Néraud, one of the initiators of the series and the main organiser of the first two editions of this conference. We thank all the invited speakers and all the authors of submitted papers for their contributions to the the success of the conference. We are grateful to the members of the Program Committee for their work that lead to the selection of the contributed talks, and, implicitly, of the papers published in this volume. They were assisted in their task by a series of external referees, gratefully acknowledged below. The submission and reviewing process used the Easychair system; we thank Andrej Voronkov for this system which facilitated the work of the Programme Committee and the editors considerably. We grateful thank Gheorghe Iosif for designing the logo, poster, and banner of WORDS 2015; the logo of the conference can be seen on the front cover of this book. We also thank the editors of the Kiel Computer Science Series, especially Lasse Kliemann, for their support in editing this volume. Finally, we thank the Organising Committee of WORDS 2015 for ensuring the smooth run of the conference

    Asymptotic properties of free monoid morphisms

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    Motivated by applications in the theory of numeration systems and recognizable sets of integers, this paper deals with morphic words when erasing morphisms are taken into account. Cobham showed that if an infinite word w=g(fω(a))w =g(f^\omega(a)) is the image of a fixed point of a morphism ff under another morphism gg, then there exist a non-erasing morphism σ\sigma and a coding τ\tau such that w=τ(σω(b))w =\tau(\sigma^\omega(b)). Based on the Perron theorem about asymptotic properties of powers of non-negative matrices, our main contribution is an in-depth study of the growth type of iterated morphisms when one replaces erasing morphisms with non-erasing ones. We also explicitly provide an algorithm computing σ\sigma and τ\tau from ff and gg.Comment: 25 page