224 research outputs found

    Breathers in oscillator chains with Hertzian interactions

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    We prove nonexistence of breathers (spatially localized and time-periodic oscillations) for a class of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattices representing an uncompressed chain of beads interacting via Hertz's contact forces. We then consider the setting in which an additional on-site potential is present, motivated by the Newton's cradle under the effect of gravity. Using both direct numerical computations and a simplified asymptotic model of the oscillator chain, the so-called discrete p-Schr\"odinger (DpS) equation, we show the existence of discrete breathers and study their spectral properties and mobility. Due to the fully nonlinear character of Hertzian interactions, breathers are found to be much more localized than in classical nonlinear lattices and their motion occurs with less dispersion. In addition, we study numerically the excitation of a traveling breather after an impact at one end of a semi-infinite chain. This case is well described by the DpS equation when local oscillations are faster than binary collisions, a situation occuring e.g. in chains of stiff cantilevers decorated by spherical beads. When a hard anharmonic part is added to the local potential, a new type of traveling breather emerges, showing spontaneous direction-reversing in a spatially homogeneous system. Finally, the interaction of a moving breather with a point defect is also considered in the cradle system. Almost total breather reflections are observed at sufficiently high defect sizes, suggesting potential applications of such systems as shock wave reflectors

    Wave Propagation in a Strongly Nonlinear Locally Resonant Granular Crystal

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    In this work, we study the wave propagation in a recently proposed acoustic structure, the locally resonant granular crystal. This structure is composed of a one-dimensional granular crystal of hollow spherical particles in contact, containing linear resonators. The relevant model is presented and examined through a combination of analytical approximations (based on ODE and nonlinear map analysis) and of numerical results. The generic dynamics of the system involves a degradation of the well-known traveling pulse of the standard Hertzian chain of elastic beads. Nevertheless, the present system is richer, in that as the primary pulse decays, secondary ones emerge and eventually interfere with it creating modulated wavetrains. Remarkably, upon suitable choices of parameters, this interference "distills" a weakly nonlocal solitary wave (a "nanopteron"). This motivates the consideration of such nonlinear structures through a separate Fourier space technique, whose results suggest the existence of such entities not only with a single-side tail, but also with periodic tails on both ends. These tails are found to oscillate with the intrinsic oscillation frequency of the out-of-phase motion between the outer hollow bead and its internal linear attachment

    Micropterons, Nanopterons and Solitary Wave Solutions to the Diatomic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou Problem

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    We use a specialized boundary-value problem solver for mixed-type functional differential equations to numerically examine the landscape of traveling wave solutions to the diatomic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) problem. By using a continuation approach, we are able to uncover the relationship between the branches of micropterons and nanopterons that have been rigorously constructed recently in various limiting regimes. We show that the associated surfaces are connected together in a nontrivial fashion and illustrate the key role that solitary waves play in the branch points. Finally, we numerically show that the diatomic solitary waves are stable under the full dynamics of the FPUT system

    Tunable Vibrational Band Gaps in One-Dimensional Diatomic Granular Crystals with Three-Particle Unit Cells

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    We investigate the tunable vibration filtering properties of one-dimensional diatomic granular crystals composed of arrays of stainless steel spheres and cylinders interacting via Hertzian contact. The arrays consist of periodically repeated three-particle unit cells (steel-cylinder-sphere) in which the length of the cylinder is varied systematically. We apply static compression to linearize the dynamic response of the crystals and characterize their linear frequency spectrum. We find good agreement between theoretical dispersion relation analysis (for infinite systems), state-space analysis (for finite systems), and experiments. We report the observation of up to three distinct pass bands and two finite band gaps and show their tunability for variations in cylinder length and static compression

    Nonlinear Waves in Disordered Diatomic Granular Chains

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    We investigate the propagation and scattering of highly nonlinear waves in disordered granular chains composed of diatomic (two-mass) units of spheres that interact via Hertzian contact. Using ideas from statistical mechanics, we consider each diatomic unit to be a "spin", so that a granular chain can be viewed as a spin chain composed of units that are each oriented in one of two possible ways. Experiments and numerical simulations both reveal the existence of two different mechanisms of wave propagation: In low-disorder chains, we observe the propagation of a solitary pulse with exponentially decaying amplitude. Beyond a critical level of disorder, the wave amplitude instead decays as a power law, and the wave transmission becomes insensitive to the level of disorder. We characterize the spatio-temporal structure of the wave in both propagation regimes and propose a simple theoretical interpretation for such a transition. Our investigation suggests that an elastic spin chain can be used as a model system to investigate the role of heterogeneities in the propagation of highly nonlinear waves.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures (some with multiple parts), to appear in Physical Review E; summary of changes: new title, one new figure, additional discussion of several points (including both background and results

    Nonlinear Low-to-High-Frequency Energy Cascades in Diatomic Granular Crystals

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    We study wave propagation in strongly nonlinear one-dimensional diatomic granular crystals under an impact load. Depending on the mass ratio of the “light” to “heavy” beads, this system exhibits rich wave dynamics from highly localized traveling waves to highly dispersive waves featuring strong attenuation. We demonstrate experimentally the nonlinear resonant and antiresonant interactions of particles, and we verify that the nonlinear resonance results in strong wave attenuation, leading to highly efficient nonlinear energy cascading without relying on material damping. In this process, mechanical energy is transferred from low to high frequencies, while propagating waves emerge in both ordered and chaotic waveforms via a distinctive spatial cascading. This energy transfer mechanism from lower to higher frequencies and wave numbers is of particular significance toward the design of novel nonlinear acoustic metamaterials with inherently passive energy redistribution properties