16 research outputs found

    Conference Program

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    Document provides a list of the sessions, speakers, workshops, and committees of the 32nd Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications

    The impact of the nonlinear effects on thermally stimulated depolarization currents in ion dielectrics

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    In this paper, the methods described the calculation of thermally stimulated depolarization currents in materials of the HBC class. In the identification of nonlinear processes of thermally stimulated depolarization, at this stage of the research, as defining criteria the authors consider the calculation of the dielectric initial polarization in the infinite approximation of perturbation theory (at the fundamental frequency fields) and calculation of kinetic coefficients in functions of the polarizing field intensity. Generalized nonlinear expressions for the complex dielectric constant and polarization are formulated, which are performed at the fundamental frequency of the alternating polarizing field. The generalized equations that are nonlinear by the field for kinetic coefficients of the kinetic equation are formulated. The obtained theoretical results are of current interest from the perspective of further development of analytical and computer methods of research and prediction of HBC properties as perspective nonlinear materials for a number of branches of modern industry

    Unsolved Problems in Group Theory. The Kourovka Notebook

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    This is a collection of open problems in group theory proposed by hundreds of mathematicians from all over the world. It has been published every 2-4 years in Novosibirsk since 1965. This is the 19th edition, which contains 111 new problems and a number of comments on about 1000 problems from the previous editions.Comment: A few new solutions and references have been added or update

    Distance Learning: Modern Approaches to Engineering Education

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    The Zinc/Bromine Flow Battery: Fundamentals and Novel Materials for Technology Advancement

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    Flow batteries are a promising solution for solving intermittency challenges and increasing uptake of renewable power sources such as wind and solar. In particular, zinc/bromine batteries are an attractive option for large-scale electrical energy storage due to their relatively low cost of primary electrolyte and high theoretical specific energy of 440 Wh kg-1. However, inefficient materials of construction hinder practical utilization of this capability and reduce power delivery. The work presented in this thesis aims to overcome these limitations by providing an understanding of the fundamental physical and electrochemical processes governing interactions within the bulk electrolyte and at the electrode–electrolyte interface. Suitable alternative materials to improve system performance are developed via electrochemical investigations, physical characterization and molecular modelling. It is shown that conventional chloride-based supporting electrolytes significantly influence the morphology of zinc electrodeposits generated. High chloride concentration causes removal of zinc from the bulk, causing coulombic losses in the system. It is shown that sulfates, phosphates or even a higher proportion of bromides, are potentially suitable alternatives. Single-halide type tetrahedral zinc complexes exist in conventional electrolytes, and a previously unreported Raman vibrational band at 220 cm-1 is assigned to the [ZnBr2Cl(H2O)]– complex. Ionic liquid additives are proven not to be merely spectators in the zinc half-cell, due to the effects of their chemical structures. Studies using hybrid ionic liquid mixtures indicate that each half-cell benefits from the use of different compounds. It is expected that the approaches and findings presented in this thesis contribute towards aiding and guiding the future search for novel materials to further improve Zn/Br battery technology

    Automaatioalusta etäasennuksille – suunnitelma EDMS-sovellusalustan asennusten automatisoimiseksi

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    Software installation is a reoccurring task in complex energy data management system (EDMS) platform development projects. The installation verification is part of the deployment, Continuous Integration and Quality Assurance testing efforts. While the procedure in general follows infrequently changing patterns the task requires technical knowledge and consumes time that is taken away from other development tasks. Moreover, the business is driving the deployment model from larger infrequent deployments towards more frequent incremental deployments that will demand high efficiency of the software deployment methods. In this thesis we studied the installation cases of a specific EDMS platform and the problems related to remote installation and installation automation. The goal was to come up with a solution that will increase the installation efficiency and decrease the human effort required to complete the installation tasks. Based on the findings, we modelled the installation process as an abstracted work flow and designed a multi-agent software platform. The designed platform can execute the installations in remote environments in an automated manner. The design includes fully automated installation execution and result reporting, centralized management interface for all the installation processes and proposes different feedback methods for installation information distribution. To prove that the concepts and ideas presented in the design work well in practise, we build a reference implementation. With hundreds of executed, differentiating installations that served a real life purpose the platform proved that with automation it can improve the installation process efficiency and decrease the required manual human effort after the processes that previously required manual effort were automated.Energiatiedonhallintajärjestelmien (EDMS) kehitystyöprojektien eri vaiheissa on jatkuvasti tarvetta uudelleenasentaa ja päivittää järjestelmiä. Asennusta tarvitaan paitsi tuotteen toimituksissa asiakkaille, mutta myös osana jatkuvaa integraatiota (CI) ja laadunvarmistus (QA) testausta. Vaikka nämä ohjelmistoasennukset pääosin seuraavatkin samaa kaavaa, ne vaativat silti teknistä osaamista sekä kuluttavat sovellusammattilaisten aikaa, joka on poissa muusta kehitystyöstä. Lisäksi sovelluskehitystyön trendi on vahvasti siirtymässä harvemmin tehtävistä suurista päivitysoperaatioista kohti jatkuvasti tapahtuvaa pienempien osa-kokonaisuuksien päivittämistä. Tämä muutos asettaa ohjelmistojen toimitus- ja asennusprosessin tehokkuuden entistäkin tärkeämpään asemaan. Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin erään EDMS-sovellusalustan asennustapauksia sekä ongelmia, joita asennuksen automatisointi ja etäasennus tuovat mukanaan. Tavoitteena oli löytää ratkaisu, jolla asennusoperaatio saadaan tehokkaammaksi sekä siihen ihmiseltä vaadittavan työmäärän suuruutta saadaan pienennettyä. Tutkimustyön löydösten perusteella asennus mallinnettiin sarjaksi tehtäviä ja ehdotetaan sovellusalustaratkaisua, joka kykenee suorittamaan etäasennustehtäviä automaattisesti. Ratkaisu sisältää asennusten suorittamisen, raportoinnin, operaatioiden keskitetyn hallinnan sekä ehdotuksia menetelmistä asennuksista saatavan informaation välittämiseksi. Osana tutkimusta toteutettiin toimiva ohjelmistoalusta ehdotettujen ratkaisujen ja konseptien toimivuuden testaamiseksi. Kehitetyllä ohjelmistolla suoritettiin satoja vaihtelevia asennuksia, jotka pohjautuivat todellisiin asennustarpeisiin. Asennukset osoittavat, että ehdotettu ratkaisu toimii tarkoituksessaan. Ratkaisun seurauksena asennusprosessin tehokkuutta saatiin nostettua ja prosessien automatisoituessa asennustyöhön ihmisiltä vaadittava työpanos pieneni

    A comparative study of the existing methods for their suitability to beam stabilization in Storage Ring at Canadian Light Source

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    The stabilization of electron beam in the Storage Ring (SR) is an important task in the 3rd generation synchrotron facility worldwide. Deviations in the position and angle of electron beam with respect to a desired orbit must be below 10% of the beam size. This requirement corresponds to about 3 μm deviations at the Canadian Light Source (CLS). Further, the higher the correction bandwidth, the better in the stabilization process. The correction bandwidth at CLS was expected to increase to be 45 Hz or higher from the current operating rate at 18 Hz. In addition, there is requirement to control the beam deviation at specific positions on the orbit. To meet these requirements, a comparative study of the existing methods for the stabilization of electron beam in the SR is thus necessary, which is the main motivation of this thesis study. The overall objective of this thesis study was to find the most suitable method for CLS so that the correction bandwidth can be 45 Hz or higher. The study was primarily conducted by simulation due to the restriction in performing experiments on the whole beamline. The transfer functions of three important devices at the storage ring, which are Beam Position Monitor (BPM), Orbit Correction Magnets (OCM) and Vacuum Chamber (VC), were identified. Noises on the storage ring were also identified to improve the reliability of the simulation study. The existing methods for beam orbit correction, such as (1) Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), (2) Eigen Vector method with Constraints (EVC) and (3) SVD plus Proportional integral derivative (PID), were compared based on the simulation technique. Several conclusions can be drawn from this study: (1) there is no significant difference between the EVC method and SVD method in terms of overall orbit correction performance, and they both can meet the correction bandwidth of 45 Hz. The EVC method is however much better than the SVD method in terms of the beam orbit correction performance at specific positions; (2) the SVD plus PID method is much better than the SVD method as well as EVC method in terms of the overall orbit correction performance, and its performance for specific position orbit correction is comparable with the performance of EVC. Therefore, the SVD plus PID method is recommended for CLS. This study has made the following contributions on the problem of beam stabilization the storage ring in the synchrotron technology: (1) provision of the models of BPM and OCM and the PID controller tailored to specific BPM and OCM devices, which is useful to other synchrotron facilities in the world; (2) generation of the knowledge regarding the performances of SVD, EVC and SVD plus PID methods on one synchrotron facility is valuable, and this knowledge is useful to other synchrotron facilities in selection of the best methods for electron orbit correction