8 research outputs found

    Regular and almost universal hashing: an efficient implementation

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    Random hashing can provide guarantees regarding the performance of data structures such as hash tables---even in an adversarial setting. Many existing families of hash functions are universal: given two data objects, the probability that they have the same hash value is low given that we pick hash functions at random. However, universality fails to ensure that all hash functions are well behaved. We further require regularity: when picking data objects at random they should have a low probability of having the same hash value, for any fixed hash function. We present the efficient implementation of a family of non-cryptographic hash functions (PM+) offering good running times, good memory usage as well as distinguishing theoretical guarantees: almost universality and component-wise regularity. On a variety of platforms, our implementations are comparable to the state of the art in performance. On recent Intel processors, PM+ achieves a speed of 4.7 bytes per cycle for 32-bit outputs and 3.3 bytes per cycle for 64-bit outputs. We review vectorization through SIMD instructions (e.g., AVX2) and optimizations for superscalar execution.Comment: accepted for publication in Software: Practice and Experience in September 201

    Addressing multiple bit/symbol errors in DRAM subsystem

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    As DRAM technology continues to evolve towards smaller feature sizes and increased densities, faults in DRAM subsystem are becoming more severe. Current servers mostly use CHIPKILL based schemes to tolerate up-to one/two symbol errors per DRAM beat. Such schemes may not detect multiple symbol errors arising due to faults in multiple devices and/or data-bus, address bus. In this article, we introduce Single Symbol Correction Multiple Symbol Detection (SSCMSD)—a novel error handling scheme to correct single-symbol errors and detect multi-symbol errors. Our scheme makes use of a hash in combination with Error Correcting Code (ECC) to avoid silent data corruptions (SDCs). We develop a novel scheme that deploys 32-bit CRC along with Reed-Solomon code to implement SSCMSD for a ×4 based DDR4 system. Simulation based experiments show that our scheme effectively guards against device, data-bus and address-bus errors only limited by the aliasing probability of the hash. Our novel design enabled us to achieve this without introducing additional READ latency. We need 19 chips per rank, 76 data bus-lines and additional hash-logic at the memory controller

    Vivid cuckoo hash : fast cuckoo table building in SIMD

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    Orientador: Eduardo Cunha de AlmeidaCoorientador: Marco Antonio Zanata AlvezDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 09/07/2019Inclui referências: p. 39-40Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Tabelas Hash possuem um lugar de destaque em Bancos de Dados modernos, encontrando aplicações na execução de junções, agrupamentos, indexação, remoção de duplicidades e acelerando consultas pontuais. Essa dissertação tem como foco estudar o efeito do paralelismo em Tabelas Cuckoo. Cuckoo Hashing (Pagh and Rodler (2004)) é uma técnica que lida com colisões garantindo que o dado seja recuperado em, no máximo, dois acessos à memória no pior caso. No entanto, a construção de tabelas Cuckoo com os métodos sequenciais atualmente utilizados é ineficiente ao lidar com o expurgo de chaves que colidem na estrutura de dados. Nós propomos um método vetorizado verticalmente e com técnica de dependência de dados para construir tabelas Cuckoo - ViViD Cuckoo Hash. Nosso método explora paralelismo de dados com instruções SIMD AVX512 e transforma dependências de controle em dependências de dados para reduzir o tempo de resposta médio para o processo de construção em cerca de 90% comparado ao método de construção sequencial. Palavras-chave: Cuckoo Hash. SIMD. Hash Join.Abstract: Hash Tables play a lead role in modern databases systems, finding applications in the execution of joins, grouping, indexing, removal of duplicates, and accelerating point queries. In this dissertation, we focus on Cuckoo Hash(Pagh and Rodler (2004)), a technique to deal with collisions guaranteeing that data is retrieved with at most two memory access in the worst case. However, building the Cuckoo Table with the current scalar methods is inefficient to treat the eviction of the colliding keys within the data structure. We propose a vertically vectorized data-dependent method to build Cuckoo Tables - ViViD Cuckoo Hash. Our method explores data parallelism with AVX-512 SIMD instructions and transforms control dependencies into data dependencies to make the build process faster with an overall reduction in response time by 90% compared to the scalar Cuckoo Hash. Keywords: Cuckoo Hash. SIMD. Hash Join

    Performance of the most common non-cryptographic hash functions

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    Non-cryptographic hash functions (NCHFs) have an immense number of applications, ranging from compilers and databases to videogames and computer networks. Some of the most important NCHF have been used by major corporations in commercial products. This practical success demonstrates the ability of hashing systems to provide extremely efficient searches over unsorted sets. However, very little research has been devoted to the experimental evaluation of these functions. Therefore, we evaluated the most widely used NCHF using four criteria as follows: collision resistance, distribution of outputs, avalanche effect, and speed. We identified their strengths and weaknesses and found significant flaws in some cases. We also discuss our conclusions regarding general hashing considerations such as selection of the compression map. Our results should assist practitioners and engineers in making more informed choices regarding which function to use for a particular problemThis work was funded by the Spanish Department of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) under the research project Gestión de Movilidad Eficiente y Sostenible (TIN2011‐28336)

    Energy-efficient and cost-effective reliability design in memory systems

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    Reliability of memory systems is increasingly a concern as memory density increases, the cell dimension shrinks and new memory technologies move close to commercial use. Meanwhile, memory power efficiency has become another first-order consideration in memory system design. Conventional reliability scheme uses ECC (Error Correcting Code) and EDC (Error Detecting Code) to support error correction and detection in memory systems, putting a rigid constraint on memory organizations and incurring a significant overhead regarding the power efficiency and area cost. This dissertation studies energy-efficient and cost-effective reliability design on both cache and main memory systems. It first explores the generic approach called embedded ECC in main memory systems to provide a low-cost and efficient reliability design. A scheme called E3CC (Enhanced Embedded ECC) is proposed for sub-ranked low-power memories to alleviate the concern on reliability. In the design, it proposes a novel BCRM (Biased Chinese Remainder Mapping) to resolve the address mapping issue in page-interleaving scheme. The proposed BCRM scheme provides an opportunity for building flexible reliability system, which favors the consumer-level computers to save power consumption. Within the proposed E3CC scheme, we further explore address mapping schemes at DRAM device level to provide SEP (Selective Error Protection). We explore a group of address mapping schemes at DRAM device level to map memory requests to their designated regions. All the proposed address mapping schemes are based on modulo operation. They will be proven, in this thesis, to be efficient, flexible and promising to various scenarios to favor system requirements. Additionally, we propose Free ECC reliability design for compressed cache schemes. It utilizes the unused fragments in compressed cache to store ECC. Such a design not only reduces the chip overhead but also improves cache utilization and power efficiency. In the design, we propose an efficient convergent cache allocation scheme to organize the compressed data blocks more effectively than existing schemes. This new design makes compressed cache an increasingly viable choice for processors with requirements of high reliability. Furthermore, we propose a novel, system-level scheme of memory error detection based on memory integrity check, called MemGuard, to detect memory errors. It uses memory log hashes to ensure, by strong probability, that memory read log and write log match with each other. It is much stronger than conventional protection in error detection and incurs little hardware cost, no storage overhead and little power overhead. It puts no constraints on memory organization and no major complication to processor design and operating system design. In the thesis, we prove that the MemGuard reliability design is simple, robust and efficient