4 research outputs found

    Toward Data-Driven Radar STAP

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    Catalyzed by the recent emergence of site-specific, high-fidelity radio frequency (RF) modeling and simulation tools purposed for radar, data-driven formulations of classical methods in radar have rapidly grown in popularity over the past decade. Despite this surge, limited focus has been directed toward the theoretical foundations of these classical methods. In this regard, as part of our ongoing data-driven approach to radar space-time adaptive processing (STAP), we analyze the asymptotic performance guarantees of select subspace separation methods in the context of radar target localization, and augment this analysis through a proposed deep learning framework for target location estimation. In our approach, we generate comprehensive datasets by randomly placing targets of variable strengths in predetermined constrained areas using RFView, a site-specific RF modeling and simulation tool developed by ISL Inc. For each radar return signal from these constrained areas, we generate heatmap tensors in range, azimuth, and elevation of the normalized adaptive matched filter (NAMF) test statistic, and of the output power of a generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC). Using our deep learning framework, we estimate target locations from these heatmap tensors to demonstrate the feasibility of and significant improvements provided by our data-driven approach in matched and mismatched settings.Comment: 39 pages, 24 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. This article supersedes arXiv:2201.1071

    Regularized Covariance Matrix Estimation in Complex Elliptically Symmetric Distributions Using the Expected Likelihood Approach - Part 1: The Over-Sampled Case

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    In \cite{Abramovich04}, it was demonstrated that the likelihood ratio (LR) for multivariate complex Gaussian distribution has the invariance property that can be exploited in many applications. Specifically, the probability density function (p.d.f.) of this LR for the (unknown) actual covariance matrix R0\R_{0} does not depend on this matrix and is fully specified by the matrix dimension MM and the number of independent training samples TT. Since this p.d.f. could therefore be pre-calculated for any a priori known (M,T)(M,T), one gets a possibility to compare the LR of any derived covariance matrix estimate against this p.d.f., and eventually get an estimate that is statistically ``as likely'' as the a priori unknown actual covariance matrix. This ``expected likelihood'' (EL) quality assessment allows for significant improvement of MUSIC DOA estimation performance in the so-called ``threshold area'' \cite{Abramovich04,Abramovich07d}, and for diagonal loading and TVAR model order selection in adaptive detectors \cite{Abramovich07,Abramovich07b}. Recently, a broad class of the so-called complex elliptically symmetric (CES) distributions has been introduced for description of highly in-homogeneous clutter returns. The aim of this series of two papers is to extend the EL approach to this class of CES distributions as well as to a particularly important derivative of CES, namely the complex angular central distribution (ACG). For both cases, we demonstrate a similar invariance property for the LR associated with the true scatter matrix \mSigma_{0}. Furthermore, we derive fixed point regularized covariance matrix estimates using the generalized expected likelihood methodology. This first part is devoted to the conventional scenario (T≥MT \geq M) while Part 2 deals with the under-sampled scenario (T≤MT \leq M)

    Persymmetric Parametric Adaptive Matched Filter for Multichannel Adaptive Signal Detection

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    Modified GLRT and AMF framework for adaptive detectors

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE."This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder."The well-known general problem of signal detection in background interference is addressed for situations where a certain statistical description of the interference is unavailable, but is replaced by the observation of some secondary (training) data that contains only the interference. For the broad class of interferences that have a large separation between signal-and noise-subspace eigenvalues, we demonstrate that adaptive detectors which use a diagonally loaded sample covariance matrix or a fast maximum likelihood (FML) estimate have significantly better detection performance than the traditional generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) and adaptive matched filter (AMI') detection techniques, which use a maximum likelihood (ML) covariance matrix estimate. To devise a theoretical framework that can generate similarly efficient detectors, two major modifications are proposed for Kelly's traditional GLRT and AMF detection techniques. First, a two-set GLRT decision rule takes advantage of an a priori assignment of different functions to the primary and secondary data, unlike the Kelly rule that was derived without this. Second, instead of ML estimates of the missing parameters in both GLRT and AMF detectors, we adopt expected likelihood (EL) estimates that have a likelihood within the range of most probable values generated by the actual interference covariance matrix. A Gaussian model of fluctuating target signal and interference is used in this study. We demonstrate that, even under the most favorable loaded sample-matrix inversion (LSMI) conditions, the theoretically derived EL-GLRT and FL-AMF techniques (where the loading factor is chosen from the training data using the EL matching principle) gives the same detection performance as the loaded AMF technique with a proper a priori data-invariant loading factor. For the least favorable conditions, our EL-AMF method is still superior to the standard AMF detector, and may be interpreted as an intelligent (data-dep- endent) method for selecting the loading factor.Yuri I. Abramovich, Nicholas K. Spencer, Alexei Y. Gorokho