2 research outputs found

    Desain Dan Simulasi Encoder-Decoder Berbasis Angka Sembilan Untuk Transmisi Informasi Digital

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    . The development of information and communication technology is growing rapidly, particularly in the transmission of digital information. The process of transmitting digital information through the communication channel will be interferenced by noise, distortion and multipath fading so that the information is likely to experience an error or incorrect detection at the receiver, which can decrease the system performance. This research proposes the design and simulation of encoder-decoder based on the number nine to transmit digital information reliably and precisely. The goal of this research is to design and simulate the encoder decoder as a scheme of error detection and correction and to reduce bit error rate that occurs during the process of transmitting digital information. The research method uses design and computer simulation where the encoder-decoder is modeled mathematically, design is structured and a computer simulation is developed for the performance of encoder-decoder based on the number nine in the transmission of digital information. The result of this research shows that the proposed encoder-decoder can detect the errors transmission and correct the errors at receiver

    Desain dan Simulasi Encoder-Decoder Berbasis Angka Sembilan Untuk Transmisi Informasi Digital

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    Abstract. The development of information and communication technology is growing rapidly, particularly in the transmission of digital information. The process of transmitting digital information through the communication channel will be interferenced by noise, distortion and multipath fading so that the information is likely to experience an error or incorrect detection at the receiver, which can decrease the system performance. This research proposes the design and simulation of encoder-decoder based on the number nine to transmit digital information reliably and precisely. The goal of this research is to design and simulate the encoder decoder as a scheme of error detection and correction and to reduce bit error rate that occurs during the process of transmitting digital information. The research method uses design and computer simulation where the encoder-decoder is modeled mathematically, design is structured and a computer simulation is developed for the performance of encoder-decoder based on the number nine in the transmission of digital information. The result of this research shows that the proposed encoder-decoder can detect the errors transmission and correct the errors at receiver.Keywords: Digital information, encoder-decoder, coding scheme, and transmission information. Abstrak. Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi saat ini sangat pesat, khususnya dalam teknologi transmisi informasi digital. Proses transmisi informasi digital melalui kanal komunikasi akan mendapat gangguan seperti noise, distorsi, interferensi dan multipath fading. Sehingga informasi yang dikirim kemungkinan akan terjadi kesalahan atau salah deteksi pada penerima, yang menyebabkan penurunan kinerja dari sistem. Penelitian ini mengusulkan suatu desain dan simulasi encoder-decoder berbasis angka sembilan untuk transmisi informasi digital, yang mampu bekerja secara handal dan tepat. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang dan mensimulasikan encoder-decoder berbasis angka Sembilan sebagai skema deteksi dan koreksi kesalahan serta mengurangi bit error rate yang terjadi pada saat proses transmisi informasi digital. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah perancangan dan simulasi komputer, dimana prosesnya adalah pemodelan secara matematis, perancangan encoder-decoder, pembuatan simulasi kinerja encoder-decoder berbasis angka sembilan untuk transmisi informasi digital. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa encoder-decoder yang diusulkan dapat mendeteksi kesalahan transmisi dan mengoreksi kesalahan pada penerima.Kata Kunci: Informasi digital, encoder-decoder, pengkodean kanal, transmisi informasi