13 research outputs found

    Comparative Study on the Performance of Different TCP Flavors

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    Indeed the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the main transport layer protocol for the end-to-end control that helps the creation of information communication. Most of today`s Internet applications depend on the Performance TCP simply because the most frequently used networks by today are the TCP/IP networks. TCP was originally created to handle the problem of network congestion collapse. In this research project, we had investigated the performance of four TCP variants namely Reno, Vegas, NewReno and SACK based on two performance measures: The Bandwidth (effective throughput) and fairness. The network topology is simple wired network and it will be configured into different scenarios to maximize the chances of achieving the desired goal. Simulation methodology is used in this study. The simulation tool or software that was used as an investigation environment is the popular NS-2 simulator. The objective was to investigate and find out the performance of TCP variants according to the bandwidth and fairness in a simple dumbbell wired network, in a hope to observe a better performance.However, the results are daunting, TCP Reno is the most aggressive (least fair one), and highest amount of throughput. In the case of TCP NewReno it follows Reno’s steps by becoming the second most aggressive (second least fair), and second highest throughput.SACK (Sack1) is fair to Reno and NewReno, but when it is competing with Vegas, it shows that it is very unfair. Finally Vegas shows the highest degree of fairness (least aggressive) and as well Vegas produces the lowest amount throughput

    Performance Modelling of UUM Local Area Network(Wired)

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    Slow network connection in accessing resources is a common complaint on a computer network that has switches as dominant network equipment, when certain nodes are heavily loaded with clients more than their capacity. In this study a simulation model was developed and validated for the University of Utara Malaysia wired Local Area Network. The effect of network parameters such as the processing time and the packet arrival rate on the performance metrics such as throughput, end to end delay and utilization of the servers and switches on the network was investigated. The analysis of the results from the simulations carried out can assist the management of computer centre that manages the network in identifying the bottleneck node on the network and for future network capacity building

    Composite DoS attack model

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    Preparation for potential threats is one of the most important phases ensuring system security. It allows evaluating possible losses, changes in the attack process, the effectiveness of used countermeasures, optimal system settings, etc. In cyberattack cases, executing real experiments can be difficult for many reasons. However, mathematical or programming models can be used instead of conducting experiments in a real environment. This work proposes a composite denial of service attack model that combines bandwidth exhaustion, filtering and memory depletion models for a more real representation of similar cyber-attacks. On the basis of the introduced model, different experiments were done. They showed the main dependencies of the influence of attacker and victim’s properties on the success probability of denial of service attack. In the future, this model can be used for the denial of service attack or countermeasure optimization. Article in English. Jungtinis DoS atakų modelis Santrauka. Siekiant užkirsti kelią bet kokioms sistemų saugumo grėsmėms, vienas iš svarbiausių uždavinių yra prevencija. Tai leidžia numatyti galimus pavojus ir kovos su jais būdus, nustatyti jų efektyvumą ir pan. Tačiau realiai eksperimentuoti su turima sistema dažnai gali būti pernelyg sudėtinga, todėl daug lengviau šią problemą spręsti padeda matematiniai / programiniai modeliai. Straipsnyje siūlomas naujas DoS atakų modelis, sujungiantis kelių tipų DoS atakas (srauto ir atminties išnaudojimo, netinkamo filtrų nustatymo) ir jų įtaką viena kitai. Remiantis šiuo naujai sukurtu modeliu atlikti eksperimentai, kurių metu vertinama skirtingų atakos ir aukos savybių reikšmių įtaka bendrai atakos sėkmės tikimybei. Raktiniai žodžiai: elektroninės paslaugos trikdymo ataka; modelis; DoS; DDo

    Route discovery based on energy-distance aware routing scheme for MANET

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    Route discovery proses in a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is challenging due to the limitation of energy at each network node. The energy constraint limits network connection lifetime thus affecting the routing process. Therefore, it is necessary for each node in the network to calculate routing factor in terms of energy and distance in deciding optimal candidate relay nodes needed to forward packets. This study proposes a new route discovery mechanism called the Energy-Distance Routing Aware (EDRA) that determines the selection of nodes during route discovery process to improve the network connection lifetime. This mechanism comprises of three schemes namely the Energy-Distance Factor Aware (EDFA), the Energy-Distance Forward Strategy (EDFS), and the Energy-Aware Route Selection (EARS). The EDFA scheme begins by calculating each nodes energy level (ei) and the distance (di) to the neighbouring nodes to produce the energy-distance factor value used in selecting the relay nodes. Next, the EDFS scheme forwards route request packets within discovery area of relay nodes based on the number of nodes. Then, the EARS scheme selects stable routing path utilising updated status information from EDFA and EDFS. The evaluation of EDRA mechanism is performed using network simulator Ns2 based on a defined set of performance metrics, scenarios and network scalability. The experimental results show that the EDRA gains significant improvement in the network connection lifetime when compared to those of the similar mechanisms, namely the AODV and the DREAM. EDRA also optimises energy consumption by utilising efficient forwarding decisions on varying scale of network nodes. Moreover, EDRA maximizes network connection lifetime while preserving throughput and packet drop ratio. This study contributes toward developing an efficient energy-aware routing to sustain longer network connection lifetime in MANET environment. The contribution is significant in promoting the use of green and sustainable next generation network technology

    Locating bottleneck nodes on a large wired local area network

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    When certain nodes are heavily loaded with clients more than their capacity, slow connection in accessing network resources is a common complaint on such a computer network with switches as dominant network equipment.In this study, performance simulation model was developed and validated for a federal university in Malaysia.The effect of network parameters such as the processing time on throughput and utilization of the servers and switches on the network was investigated through simulations.In conclusion, results from the simulation model suggest some bottleneck nodes on the network

    Evaluating Health Information Systems for Developing Countries using Simulation

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    Digitization and networked computing in the healthcare sector have resulted in electronic patient records that are stored, managed and shared among different healthcare providers. In Developing Countries such systems are being considered to improve on healthcare service delivery, with the aim of nationally available patient records. To implement this, network architectures and data transfer solutions can be adapted from other contexts, such as centralised or peer-to-peer computing. However, it is not always clear that such solutions are most appropriate, especially given the unstable and limited resources of developing countries. This paper proposes that discrete event simulation can be used as the foundation of a tool to measure and evaluate the performance of algorithms and network architectures. The initial proof-of-concept tool is presented, along with how it can be used to evaluate a solution for sharing records between a group of facilities

    International Information Management Corporation

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    Abstract: Digitization and networked computing in the healthcare sector have resulted in electronic patient records that are stored, managed and shared among different healthcare providers. In Developing Countries such systems are being considered to improve on healthcare service delivery, with the aim of nationally available patient records. To implement this, network architectures and data transfer solutions can be adapted from other contexts, such as centralised or peer-to-peer computing. However, it is not always clear that such solutions are most appropriate, especially given the unstable and limited resources of developing countries. This paper proposes that discrete event simulation can be used as the foundation of a tool to measure and evaluate the performance of algorithms and network architectures. The initial proof-of-concept tool is presented, along with how it can be used to evaluate a solution for sharing records between a group of facilities. Initial results are promising and further envisaged investigation is discussed

    A Software Engineered Voice-Enabled Job Recruitment Portal System

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    The inability of job seekers to get timely job information regarding the status of the application submitted via conventional job portal system which is usually dependent on accessibility to the Internet has made so many job applicants to lose their placements. Worse still, the epileptic services offered by Internet Service Providers and the poor infrastructures in most developing countries have greatly hindered the expected benefits from Internet usage. These have led to cases of online vacancies notifications unattended to simply because a job seeker is neither aware nor has access to the Internet. With an increasing patronage of mobile phones, a self-service job vacancy notification with audio functionality or an automated job vacancy notification to all qualified job seekers through mobile phones will simply provide a solution to these challenges. In this paper, we present a Voice-enabled Job Recruitment Portal (JRP) System. The system is accessed through two interfaces – the voice user’s interface (VUI) and web interface. The VUI was developed using VoiceXML and the web interface using PHP, and both interfaces integrated with Apache and MySQL as the middleware and back-end component respectively. The JRP proposed in this paper takes the hassle of job hunting from job seekers, provides job status information in real-time to the job seeker and offers other benefits such as, cost, effectiveness, speed, accuracy, ease of documentation, convenience and better logistics to the employer in seeking the right candidate for a job

    A simulation model for evaluating national patient record networks in South Africa.

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.This study has shown that modelling and simulation is a feasible approach for evaluating NPR solutions in the developing context. The model can represent different network models, patient types and performance metrics to aid in the evaluation of NPR solutions. Using the current model, more case studies can be investigated for various public health issues - such as the impact of disease or regional services planning

    Traffic locality oriented route discovery algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks

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    There has been a growing interest in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) motivated by the advances in wireless technology and the range of potential applications that might be realised with such technology. Due to the lack of an infrastructure and their dynamic nature, MANETs demand a new set of networking protocols to harness the full benefits of these versatile communication systems. Great deals of research activities have been devoted to develop on-demand routing algorithms for MANETs. The route discovery processes used in most on-demand routing algorithms, such as the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), rely on simple flooding as a broadcasting technique for route discovery. Although simple flooding is simple to implement, it dominates the routing overhead, leading to the well-known broadcast storm problem that results in packet congestion and excessive collisions. A number of routing techniques have been proposed to alleviate this problem, some of which aim to improve the route discovery process by restricting the broadcast of route request packets to only the essential part of the network. Ideally, a route discovery should stop when a receiving node reports a route to the required destination. However, this cannot be achieved efficiently without the use of external resources; such as GPS location devices. In this thesis, a new locality-oriented route discovery approach is proposed and exploited to develop three new algorithms to improve the route discovery process in on-demand routing protocols. The proposal of our algorithms is motivated by the fact that various patterns of traffic locality occur quite naturally in MANETs since groups of nodes communicate frequently with each other to accomplish common tasks. Some of these algorithms manage to reduce end-to-end delay while incurring lower routing overhead compared to some of the existing algorithms such as simple flooding used in AODV. The three algorithms are based on a revised concept of traffic locality in MANETs which relies on identifying a dynamic zone around a source node where the zone radius depends on the distribution of the nodes with which that the source is “mostly” communicating. The traffic locality concept developed in this research form the basis of our Traffic Locality Route Discovery Approach (TLRDA) that aims to improve the routing discovery process in on-demand routing protocols. A neighbourhood region is generated for each active source node, containing “most” of its destinations, thus the whole network being divided into two non-overlapping regions, neighbourhood and beyond-neighbourhood, centred at the source node from that source node prospective. Route requests are processed normally in the neighbourhood region according to the routing algorithm used. However, outside this region various measures are taken to impede such broadcasts and, ultimately, stop them when they have outlived their usefulness. The approach is adaptive where the boundary of each source node’s neighbourhood is continuously updated to reflect the communication behaviour of the source node. TLRDA is the basis for the new three route discovery algorithms; notably: Traffic Locality Route Discovery Algorithm with Delay (TLRDA D), Traffic Locality Route Discovery Algorithm with Chase (TLRDA-C), and Traffic Locality Expanding Ring Search (TL-ERS). In TLRDA-D, any route request that is currently travelling in its source node’s beyond-neighbourhood region is deliberately delayed to give priority to unfulfilled route requests. In TLRDA-C, this approach is augmented by using chase packets to target the route requests associated with them after the requested route has been discovered. In TL-ERS, the search is conducted by covering three successive rings. The first ring covers the source node neighbourhood region and unsatisfied route requests in this ring trigger the generation of the second ring which is double that of the first. Otherwise, the third ring covers the whole network and the algorithm finally resorts to flooding. Detailed performance evaluations are provided using both mathematical and simulation modelling to investigate the performance behaviour of the TLRDA D, TLRDA-C, and TL-ERS algorithms and demonstrate their relative effectiveness against the existing approaches. Our results reveal that TLRDA D and TLRDA C manage to minimize end-to-end packet delays while TLRDA-C and TL-ERS exhibit low routing overhead. Moreover, the results indicate that equipping AODV with our new route discovery algorithms greatly enhance the performance of AODV in terms of end to end delay, routing overhead, and packet loss