35,328 research outputs found

    Pushing the Boundaries of Boundary Detection using Deep Learning

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    In this work we show that adapting Deep Convolutional Neural Network training to the task of boundary detection can result in substantial improvements over the current state-of-the-art in boundary detection. Our contributions consist firstly in combining a careful design of the loss for boundary detection training, a multi-resolution architecture and training with external data to improve the detection accuracy of the current state of the art. When measured on the standard Berkeley Segmentation Dataset, we improve theoptimal dataset scale F-measure from 0.780 to 0.808 - while human performance is at 0.803. We further improve performance to 0.813 by combining deep learning with grouping, integrating the Normalized Cuts technique within a deep network. We also examine the potential of our boundary detector in conjunction with the task of semantic segmentation and demonstrate clear improvements over state-of-the-art systems. Our detector is fully integrated in the popular Caffe framework and processes a 320x420 image in less than a second.Comment: The previous version reported large improvements w.r.t. the LPO region proposal baseline, which turned out to be due to a wrong computation for the baseline. The improvements are currently less important, and are omitted. We are sorry if the reported results caused any confusion. We have also integrated reviewer feedback regarding human performance on the BSD benchmar

    Loss Rank Mining: A General Hard Example Mining Method for Real-time Detectors

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    Modern object detectors usually suffer from low accuracy issues, as foregrounds always drown in tons of backgrounds and become hard examples during training. Compared with those proposal-based ones, real-time detectors are in far more serious trouble since they renounce the use of region-proposing stage which is used to filter a majority of backgrounds for achieving real-time rates. Though foregrounds as hard examples are in urgent need of being mined from tons of backgrounds, a considerable number of state-of-the-art real-time detectors, like YOLO series, have yet to profit from existing hard example mining methods, as using these methods need detectors fit series of prerequisites. In this paper, we propose a general hard example mining method named Loss Rank Mining (LRM) to fill the gap. LRM is a general method for real-time detectors, as it utilizes the final feature map which exists in all real-time detectors to mine hard examples. By using LRM, some elements representing easy examples in final feature map are filtered and detectors are forced to concentrate on hard examples during training. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our method. With our method, the improvements of YOLOv2 detector on auto-driving related dataset KITTI and more general dataset PASCAL VOC are over 5% and 2% mAP, respectively. In addition, LRM is the first hard example mining strategy which could fit YOLOv2 perfectly and make it better applied in series of real scenarios where both real-time rates and accurate detection are strongly demanded.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure