3 research outputs found

    Proceedings of a IIASA Conference on Computer Communications Networks

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    This publication contains the papers presented at the Conference on Computer Networks organized by the Computer Science Project of IIASA in October 1974. This area is one of the main concerns of the Computer Science Project, but also has a broader significance for the Institute. IIASA deals with various problems of industrialization and its consequences, and inevitably depends on permanent working contacts with a number of national institutions. The interdisciplinary and international character of the Institute is essential to success in finding solutions to these problems. Applied research today depends heavily on the use of large amounts of data and data processing. We believe that connecting computers installed in various national institutions will contribute significantly to the achievements of the main goals, allowing for the exchange of data and programs, and in this way facilitating the understanding of problems, resulting in faster solutions. This Conference was the first of a series of conferences and workshops to be held on this topic. In addition to the exchange of ideas and the discussion of problems arising in networking, it was intended also to identify people and institutions that were interested in establishing links contributing to the achievement of the goals of the Institute. In addition to the presentation of papers and formal discussions, discussions on the periphery of the conference were probably of equal importance. The papers presented do not reflect the spirit of cooperation which was very characteristic of the conference. However, we feel that the publication of these papers will be useful to the scientific community and give a picture of recent developments in this area. Mr. J. Sexton and Miss U. Sichra are staff members of the Computer Science Project who devoted a great deal of their time and efforts to the editing of the papers. Mrs. H. MacKinnon was especially helpful in the technical editing and polishing of a number of the papers presented

    リョウイキ ニ モトズイタ ガゾウ ジョウホウ ノ キカイ カイセキ システム

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    京都大学0048新制・論文博士工学博士乙第4289号論工博第1330号新制||工||492(附属図書館)UT51-57-E354(主査)教授 坂井 利之, 教授 堂下 修司, 教授 長尾 真学位規則第5条第2項該当Kyoto UniversityDFA

    Geografie kyberprostoru: od počátku k budoucnosti disciplíny

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    Diplomová práce Geography of Cyberspace: from the beginning to the future of the discipline. Natália Lukášová Praha 2010 Abstrakt Diplomová práce se zabývá tématem kyberprostoru a jeho postavením v rámci sociální geografie. Kyberprostor, Internet a jejich vliv na každodenní život, na řadu sociálních, ekonomických, politických a tudíž i geografických aspektů jsou nepřehlédnutelné. Cílem diplomové práce je odkrýt a vysvětlit disciplínu "geografie kyberprostoru", být dobrou základnou a odrazovým můstkem pro další studium této disciplíny i jejich subdisciplín. Práce se zaměřuje především na hodnocení základní literatury disciplíny a představení nejdůležitějších vědců i institucí, zabývajících se výzkumem této problematiky. Pro účely hodnocení základní literatury byla použita metoda rešerše. Pro celkový přehled a lepší pochopení disciplíny se práce zabývá technologickou historií vzniku kyberprostoru. Práce se snaží zodpovědět otázky, zda a v jaké míře kyberprostor ovlivňuje "reálný" svět, nebo zda kyberprostor znamená konec klasickému geografickému chápání světa. Pro lepší pochopení lidského vnímání kyberprostoru vs. reálného prostoru byl proveden kvalitativní výzkum na skupině univerzitních studentů, kteří byli v době výzkumu na zahraničním výměnném studijním pobytu. Vybranou kvalitativní metodou se stala...Diplomová práce Geography of Cyberspace: from the beginning to the future of the discipline. Natália Lukášová Praha 2010 Abstract This thesis focuses on the topic of Cyberspace and its role within social geography. Cyberspace, the Internet and their influences on everyday life, on many social, economical, political, as well as geographical aspects are obvious. The aim of the work is to uncover and explain the discipline "Geography of Cyberspace", to form a solid basis and spring board for further studies of this discipline and its sub-disciplines. The work is mainly focused on evaluation of basic literature within the discipline and on introduction of the most important researchers and institutions which are concerned with the research of these issues. The retrieval method was used for purposes of the evaluation. For a complete overview and better understanding of the discipline the thesis depicts the technological history of Cyberspace. It is trying to answer the questions whether and how much Cyberspace influences the "real world", or whether Cyberspace means the end of classical geographical understanding of the world. A qualitative research was realised for the purpose of the thesis for better comprehension of human perception of Cyberspace. The research was done with the sample of university students...Department of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult