30 research outputs found

    How to Choose the Relevant MAC Protocol for Wireless Smart Parking Urban Networks?

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    Parking sensor network is rapidly deploying around the world and is regarded as one of the first implemented urban services in smart cities. To provide the best network performance, the MAC protocol shall be adaptive enough in order to satisfy the traffic intensity and variation of parking sensors. In this paper, we study the heavy-tailed parking and vacant time models from SmartSantander, and then we apply the traffic model in the simulation with four different kinds of MAC protocols, that is, contention-based, schedule-based and two hybrid versions of them. The result shows that the packet interarrival time is no longer heavy-tailed while collecting a group of parking sensors, and then choosing an appropriate MAC protocol highly depends on the network configuration. Also, the information delay is bounded by traffic and MAC parameters which are important criteria while the timely message is required.Comment: The 11th ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (2014

    Réseau de capteurs sans fil distribués pour le monitoring des activités de vie au sein d'une maison intelligente

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    International audienceCe projet consiste Ă  dĂ©velopper des modules capteurs/actionneurs communicants sans fil autonomes en Ă©nergie avec la fonction de mesurer des paramĂštres d’activitĂ©s au sein d’un domicile et d’assurer au moyen d’un contrĂŽleur de dialogue une interaction intuitive et adaptĂ©e pour le pilotage des Ă©quipements. Le rĂ©seau de capteurs est basĂ© sur des modules gĂ©nĂ©riques WiNo conçu de façon Ă  pouvoir s’interfacer avec les Ă©quipements d’un habitat. L’interaction avec l’utilisateur s’effectue via une tablette tactile. L’article prĂ©sente les Ă©lĂ©ments du systĂšme et les premiĂšres implĂ©mentations au sein d’une maison intelligente

    Prototyping and Performance Analysis of a QoS MAC Layer for Industrial Wireless Network

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    Today's industrial sensor networks require strong reliability and guarantees on messages delivery. These needs are even more important in real time applications like control/command, such as robotic wireless communications where strong temporal constraints are critical. For these reasons, classical random-based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols present a non-null frame collision probability. In this paper we present an original full deterministic MAC-layer for industrial wireless network and its performance evaluation thanks to the development of a material prototype.Comment: 7th IFAC International Conference on. Fieldbuses and nETworks in industrial and embedded systems, Toulouse : France (2007

    Performance analysis of 802.15.4 wireless standard

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    none3Emanuele, Losavio; Orcioni, Simone; Conti, MassimoEmanuele, Losavio; Orcioni, Simone; Conti, Massim

    AnĂĄlisis del rendimiento de redes basadas en el estĂĄndar IEEE 802.15.4

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    El artĂ­culo presenta un anĂĄlisis del rendimiento en redes inalĂĄmbricas soportadas en el estĂĄndar IEEE 802.15.4, el estudio es basado en las medidas del tiempo de latencia, tomado en diferentes topologĂ­as de redes en la banda de frecuencia de 2400 MHz, en un ambiente edificado. Este anĂĄlisis sigue los conceptos de tiempo de espera: en la interfaz serial, en la capa MAC, en la capa fĂ­sica y debido a la influencia de otras estaciones en un entorno equiprobable. Finalmente, se proponen modelos estadĂ­sticos del comportamiento del trĂĄfico, estos modelos pueden ser utilizados para determinar el nĂșmero mĂĄximo de dispositivos y de enrutadores que se deben conectar a una red sin afectar las exigencias del trĂĄfico, brindando una herramienta para dimensionar y planificar redes basadas en esta tecnologĂ­a.We present a performance analysis supported by IEEE 802.15.4 standard for wireless networks. The analysis was performed in different network topologies in the frequency band of 2400 MHz for indoor environments, taking into account latency measurements. Our aproach considers the timeout in: the serial interface, the MAC layer, the physical layer and the influence of other workstations that have the same probabilities of network access. Finally, we propose statistical models of traffic behavior; these models can be used to determine the maximum amount of devices and routers that must be connected to the network without affecting traffic demands. Our methodology represents a tool to size and plan networks based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard