2,019 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems: A Stochastic Geometry Approach

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Cell-free (CF) massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) has emerged as an alternative deployment for conventional cellular massive MIMO networks. As revealed by its name, this topology considers no cells, while a large number of multi-antenna access points (APs) serves simultaneously a smaller number of users over the same time/frequency resources through time-division duplex (TDD) operation. Prior works relied on the strong assumption (quite idealized) that the APs are uniformly distributed, and actually, this randomness was considered during the simulation and not in the analysis. However, in practice, ongoing and future networks become denser and increasingly irregular. Having this in mind, we consider that the AP locations are modeled by means of a Poisson point process (PPP) which is a more realistic model for the spatial randomness than a grid or uniform deployment. In particular, by virtue of stochastic geometry tools, we derive both the downlink coverage probability and achievable rate. Notably, this is the only work providing the coverage probability and shedding light on this aspect of CF massive MIMO systems. Focusing on the extraction of interesting insights, we consider small-cells (SCs) as a benchmark for comparison. Among the findings, CF massive MIMO systems achieve both higher coverage and rate with comparison to SCs due to the properties of favorable propagation, channel hardening, and interference suppression. Especially, we showed for both architectures that increasing the AP density results in a higher coverage which saturates after a certain value and increasing the number of users decreases the achievable rate but CF massive MIMO systems take advantage of the aforementioned properties, and thus, outperform SCs. In general, the performance gap between CF massive MIMO systems and SCs is enhanced by increasing the AP density. Another interesting observation concerns that a higher path-loss exponent decreases the rate while the users closer to the APs affect more the performance in terms of the rate.Peer reviewe

    Modeling and Performance of Uplink Cache-Enabled Massive MIMO Heterogeneous Networks

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    A significant burden on wireless networks is brought by the uploading of user-generated contents to the Internet by means of applications such as social media. To cope with this mobile data tsunami, we develop a novel multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) network architecture with randomly located base stations (BSs) a large number of antennas employing cache-enabled uplink transmission. In particular, we formulate a scenario, where the users upload their content to their strongest BSs, which are Poisson point process distributed. In addition, the BSs, exploiting the benefits of massive MIMO, upload their contents to the core network by means of a finite-rate backhaul. After proposing the caching policies, where we propose the modified von Mises distribution as the popularity distribution function, we derive the outage probability and the average delivery rate by taking advantage of tools from the deterministic equivalent and stochastic geometry analyses. Numerical results investigate the realistic performance gains of the proposed heterogeneous cache-enabled uplink on the network in terms of cardinal operating parameters. For example, insights regarding the BSs storage size are exposed. Moreover, the impacts of the key parameters such as the file popularity distribution and the target bitrate are investigated. Specifically, the outage probability decreases if the storage size is increased, while the average delivery rate increases. In addition, the concentration parameter, defining the number of files stored at the intermediate nodes (popularity), affects the proposed metrics directly. Furthermore, a higher target rate results in higher outage because fewer users obey this constraint. Also, we demonstrate that a denser network decreases the outage and increases the delivery rate. Hence, the introduction of caching at the uplink of the system design ameliorates the network performance.Peer reviewe

    Towards a Realistic Assessment of Multiple Antenna HCNs: Residual Additive Transceiver Hardware Impairments and Channel Aging

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    Given the critical dependence of broadcast channels by the accuracy of channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT), we develop a general downlink model with zero-forcing (ZF) precoding, applied in realistic heterogeneous cellular systems with multiple antenna base stations (BSs). Specifically, we take into consideration imperfect CSIT due to pilot contamination, channel aging due to users relative movement, and unavoidable residual additive transceiver hardware impairments (RATHIs). Assuming that the BSs are Poisson distributed, the main contributions focus on the derivations of the upper bound of the coverage probability and the achievable user rate for this general model. We show that both the coverage probability and the user rate are dependent on the imperfect CSIT and RATHIs. More concretely, we quantify the resultant performance loss of the network due to these effects. We depict that the uplink RATHIs have equal impact, but the downlink transmit BS distortion has a greater impact than the receive hardware impairment of the user. Thus, the transmit BS hardware should be of better quality than user's receive hardware. Furthermore, we characterise both the coverage probability and user rate in terms of the time variation of the channel. It is shown that both of them decrease with increasing user mobility, but after a specific value of the normalised Doppler shift, they increase again. Actually, the time variation, following the Jakes autocorrelation function, mirrors this effect on coverage probability and user rate. Finally, we consider space division multiple access (SDMA), single user beamforming (SU-BF), and baseline single-input single-output (SISO) transmission. A comparison among these schemes reveals that the coverage by means of SU-BF outperforms SDMA in terms of coverage.Comment: accepted in IEEE TV
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