7 research outputs found

    Worst-case additive attack against quantization-based data-hiding methods

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    Performance Analysis of Existing and New Methods for Data Hiding with Known-Host Information in Additive Channels

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    A considerable amount of attention has been lately payed to a number of data hiding methods based in quantization, seeking to achieve in practice the results predicted by Costa for a channel with side information at the encoder. With the objective of filling a gap in the literature, this paper supplies a fair comparison between significant representatives of both this family of methods and the former spread-spectrum approaches that make use of near-optimal ML decoding; the comparison is based on measuring their probabilities of decoding error in the presence of channel distortions. Accurate analytical expressions and tight bounds for the probability of decoding error are given and validated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. For Dithered Modulation (DM) a novel technique that allows to obtain tighter bounds to the probability of error is presented. Within the new framework, the strong points and weaknesses of both methods are distinctly displayed. This comparative study allows us to propose a new technique named "Quantized Projection" (QP), which by adequately combining elements of those previous approaches, produces gains in performance

    Oblivious data hiding : a practical approach

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    This dissertation presents an in-depth study of oblivious data hiding with the emphasis on quantization based schemes. Three main issues are specifically addressed: 1. Theoretical and practical aspects of embedder-detector design. 2. Performance evaluation, and analysis of performance vs. complexity tradeoffs. 3. Some application specific implementations. A communications framework based on channel adaptive encoding and channel independent decoding is proposed and interpreted in terms of oblivious data hiding problem. The duality between the suggested encoding-decoding scheme and practical embedding-detection schemes are examined. With this perspective, a formal treatment of the processing employed in quantization based hiding methods is presented. In accordance with these results, the key aspects of embedder-detector design problem for practical methods are laid out, and various embedding-detection schemes are compared in terms of probability of error, normalized correlation, and hiding rate performance merits assuming AWGN attack scenarios and using mean squared error distortion measure. The performance-complexity tradeoffs available for large and small embedding signal size (availability of high bandwidth and limitation of low bandwidth) cases are examined and some novel insights are offered. A new codeword generation scheme is proposed to enhance the performance of low-bandwidth applications. Embeddingdetection schemes are devised for watermarking application of data hiding, where robustness against the attacks is the main concern rather than the hiding rate or payload. In particular, cropping-resampling and lossy compression types of noninvertible attacks are considered in this dissertation work

    Contribution des filtres LPTV et des techniques d'interpolation au tatouage numérique

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    Les Changements d'Horloge Périodiques (PCC) et les filtres Linéaires Variant Périodiquement dans le Temps (LPTV) sont utilisés dans le domaine des télécommunications multi-utilisateurs. Dans cette thèse, nous montrons que, dans l'ensemble des techniques de tatouage par étalement de spectre, ils peuvent se substituer à la modulation par code pseudo-aléatoire. Les modules de décodage optimal, de resynchronisation, de pré-annulation des interférences et de quantification de la transformée d'étalement s'appliquent également aux PCC et aux filtres LPTV. Pour le modèle de signaux stationnaires blancs gaussiens, ces techniques présentent des performances identiques à l'étalement à Séquence Directe (DS) classique. Cependant, nous montrons que, dans le cas d'un signal corrélé localement, la luminance d'une image naturelle notamment, la périodicité des PCC et des filtres LPTV associée à un parcours d'image de type Peano-Hilbert conduit à de meilleures performances. Les filtres LPTV sont en outre un outil plus puissant qu'une simple modulation DS. Nous les utilisons pour effectuer un masquage spectral simultanément à l'étalement, ainsi qu'un rejet des interférences de l'image dans le domaine spectral. Cette dernière technique possède de très bonnes performances au décodage. Le second axe de cette thèse est l'étude des liens entre interpolation et tatouage numérique. Nous soulignons d'abord le rôle de l'interpolation dans les attaques sur la robustesse du tatouage. Nous construisons ensuite des techniques de tatouage bénéficiant des propriétés perceptuelles de l'interpolation. La première consiste en des masques perceptuels utilisant le bruit d'interpolation. Dans la seconde, un schéma de tatouage informé est construit autour de l'interpolation. Cet algorithme, qu'on peut relier aux techniques de catégorisation aléatoire, utilise des règles d'insertion et de décodage originales, incluant un masquage perceptuel intrinsèque. Outre ces bonnes propriétés perceptuelles, il présente un rejet des interférences de l'hôte et une robustesse à diverses attaques telles que les transformations valumétriques. Son niveau de sécurité est évalué à l'aide d'algorithmes d'attaque pratiques. ABSTRACT : Periodic Clock Changes (PCC) and Linear Periodically Time Varying (LPTV) filters have previously been applied to multi-user telecommunications in the Signal and Communications group of IRIT laboratory. In this thesis, we show that in each digital watermarking scheme involving spread-spectrum, they can be substituted to modulation by a pseudo-noise. The additional steps of optimal decoding, resynchronization, pre-cancellation of interference and quantization of a spread transform apply also to PCCs and LPTV filters. For white Gaussian stationary signals, these techniques offer similar performance as classical Direct Sequence (DS) spreading. However we show that, in the case of locally correlated signals such as image luminance, the periodicity of PCCs and LPTV filters associated to a Peano-Hilbert scan leads to better performance. Moreover, LPTV filters are a more powerful tool than simple DS modulation. We use LPTV filters to conduct spectrum masking simultaneous to spreading, as well as image interference cancellation in the spectral domain. The latter technique offers good decoding performance. The second axis of this thesis is the study of the links between interpolation and digital watermarking.We stress the role of interpolation in attacks on the watermark.We propose then watermarking techniques that benefit from interpolation perceptual properties. The first technique consists in constructing perceptualmasks proportional to an interpolation error. In the second technique, an informed watermarking scheme derives form interpolation. This scheme exhibits good perceptual properties, host-interference rejection and robustness to various attacks such as valumetric transforms. Its security level is assessed by ad hoc practical attack algorithms