7 research outputs found

    An Innovative Design of a Dual Axis Automatic Tracking Solar Power Generation System with Improved Performance in Different Environmental Conditions

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    The term solar energy refers to the radiation in light energy and the heat of the sun that is received in a high amount. The solar energy that is received from the sun reaches the surface from the 6 surface layers that travel from the sun to power the environment. Some parts of solar energy can be converted into electrical energy, and the maximum solar energy is transmitted or reflected in the environment. Solar energy can be converted and used to the fullest extent possible while there is an energy crisis in the world, society, and power companies. In this paper, we will discuss solar energy generation, control of power, tracking of the solar panel, data collection from the SPV power plant, and comparison of the solar tracking data and non-tracking data. The main aims of this research are to reduce the cost and increase the amount of electricity generated for installed PV systems by fabricating a simple control circuit for dual axis solar tracker PV systems. It is possible to design an SPV power plant monitoring system that can be installed along with the solar panels for the generation of electrical energy and can be controlled and monitored remotely. It should be checked frequently to ensure system control and continuous power supply. By implementing both techniques, the cost of a PV power plant can be reduced by increasing the productivity and proper monitoring of the photovoltaic generation system. This paper presents a detailed description of the designed and fabricated electrical circuits used in the tracker PV system and string monitoring system. Reduction in operating cost of SPV dual axis tracking system. Power losses due to control circuits in the moonlight are also avoided, as per the design presented by many authors in the past. Energy losses can be detected and corrected by monitoring the operational performance and analyzing the recorded data of PV systems. Monitoring PV systems is pretty helpful in developing white papers and setting benchmarks for the system performance of PV systems. The sun tracker circuit consists of a 12-volt power supply circuit, an LDR-based sensor circuit, an H-bridge circuit, a timer circuit, and a DC motor driving circuit. For transferring the data wirelessly like PV string array voltage, current, and voltage taken by DC motor during the sun tracking throughout the whole day from the remote station to base station, a simple X-bee-based designed circuit

    Design and Development of a DAST Based on 2RPS-1S Parallel Mechanism

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    There are a number of process design that available in the literature in order to develop a new parallel mechanism that can be applied to the solar farm. However, the best ways to develop a new mechanism still have a challenge. Therefore, this project provides a systematic process design with include the kinematics derivation, mechanical and hardware development, and software development. This project aims to design and development of a Dual Axes Solar Tracking (DAST) based on 2RPS (Revolute-Prismatic-Spherical) -1S (Spherical) parallel mechanism by implementing the systematic process design. The focus is on a two degree-of-freedom (DOF) parallel mechanism – which encloses a closed loop in the structure. Based on MATLAB simulation and real prototyping motion result is show that the movement position of the solar panel has similarity. In summary, both method simulation and prototyping are able to represent a two DOF parallel mechanism. At the same time, the comparative analysis is able also to validate the equation of kinematics that derives from Denavit-Harternberg (DH) methods

    Analisis Kinerja Penggabungan Logika Fuzzy dan PID pada Penjejak Matahari Dua Sumbu

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    Utilization of renewable energy from solar panel systems is increasingly being applied, but until now its utilization has not been maximized. The movement of the sun caused by rotation of the earth and cloudy condition should be taken into account to maximize the electrical energy in solar panels. In this study, a concept to calculate the movement of a two-axis sun tracker is proposed by using a combination of two controller methods, i.e. Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) and Fuzzy logic known as Fuzzy-PID (F-PID). To follow the movement of the sun, the LDR sensor is used as an input to light as well as output used to drive 2 units servo for x-axis and y-axis. Sun tracker that is used is based on tetrahedron geometry and uses three Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) sensors as input. Input and output components are connected to the Atmega 328P by using a combination of Fuzzy logic and PID programs (F-PID). Fuzzy logic programming is first performed on the Matlab application using Fuzzy Inference System (FIS), then converted into an Arduino-based programming language. The sun tracker movement and the voltage received by the solar panel will be stored into the SD card using a data logging module. Adjusting the sun tracker movement using the combined Fuzzy logic and PID method intends to maximize the electrical energy received by the solar panel. The results showed that the F-PID method obtained the maximum voltage of 5.3 V, a maximum current of 0.11 A, and a maximum power of 0.61 W

    Diseño e Implementación de un fotorresistor y sus interacciones en un laboratorio virtual para el análisis de circuitos por medio de modelamiento geométrico en 3D

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    El presente proyecto es parte del macro proyecto “ …(UNAD, 2019) del semillero de investigación en instrumentación y teleinformática (SIIT) avalado por la universidad UNAD (Universidad Nacional Abierta y/a Distancia) y que hace parte del grupo de investigación GIDESTEC (Grupo de Investigación en Desarrollo Tecnológico), con alianza del grupo de investigación GITEM++ de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas quien nos aporta su experiencia en investigación y producción de alto impacto. En la fase I del proyecto se estableció la necesidad de diseñar una herramienta que permita acercar a los estudiantes a una experimentación previa de los elementos de laboratorio involucrados en los “componentes prácticos in situ” que hacen parte de los cursos de la cadena ETR (Electrónica, Telecomunicaciones y Redes), cuyo objetivo de las sesiones presenciales es adquirir las competencias en la manipulación de circuitos y uso de elementos de instrumentación, observando el comportamiento de los diferentes elementos involucrados y la forma correcta de utilizarlos..” [1] El SENSOR FOTORESISTOR es un componente electrónico que será parte del laboratorio virtual el cual contribuirá a que los estudiantes de Ingeniería Electrónica, Telecomunicaciones, Sistemas, Multimedia y Redes puedan construir, desarrollar e implementar diferentes circuitos electrónicos dentro de su aprendizaje práctico; todo esto a través de la recolección de información sobre usos, aplicación, creación de componente físico y lógicos, así como información sobre su programación y modelado en 3D a través del uso de herramientas utilizadas en la industria creativa de videos juegos; éstas tecnologías son vitales para visualizar digitalmente los elementos electrónicos, empezando por el Motor de renderizado y simulación “Unreal Engine” y continuando con el software de modelamiento 3D “Autodesk Maya”; con estos programas se puede recrear a los elementos electrónicos reales así como programarlos para que funcionen de forma adecuada, logrando interactuar con el entorno y con esto facilitar las practicas electrónicas propuestas en los laboratorios virtuales. Así mismo, este trabajo es parte fundamental del engranaje del Laboratorio virtual el cual busca brindar oportunidades a los estudiantes de Electrónica, Telecomunicaciones y Redes (ETR) de la Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería (ECBTI) para que puedan implementar herramientas de modelado 3D, Motores de simulación que permitan realizar los diferentes proyectos que dentro de cada uno de sus carreras se presenten; de igual forma dentro de estas herramientas haber diseñado un SENSOR FOTORRESISTOR es una contribución primordial para la implementación de este laboratorio ya que es la base para ayudar a la construcción de prototipos de encendido automático, activación o desactivación de un Relay, alarmas, medidores de luz entre otros, dándonos cuenta que tiene infinidad de aplicaciones que se pueden llevar a la realidad.This project is part of the macro project “… (UNAD, 2019) in instrumentation and tele informatics (SIIT) of the research hotbed endorsed by the UNAD university (Open and / at Distance National University) and which is part of the GIDESTEC research group (Technological Development Research Group), in partnership with the GITEM ++ research group of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, who brings us their experience in high-impact research and production. In phase one of the project, the need was established to design a tool that allows students to approach a prior experimentation of those in the laboratory involved in the "practical in situ components" that are part of the courses of the ETR chain (Electronics, Telecommunications and Networks), whose objective of the face-to-face sessions is to acquire skills in the manipulation of circuits and the use of instrumentation elements, observing the behavior of the different elements involved and the correct way to use them .. "[1] The PHOTORESISTOR SENSOR is an electronic component that will be part of the virtual laboratory which will help students of Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications, Systems, Multimedia and Networks to develop, develop and implement different electronic circuits within their practical learning; all this through the collection of information on uses, application, creation of physical and logical components, as well as information on their programming and 3D modeling through the use of tools used in the creative video game industry; including technologies are vital to digitally visualize electronics, starting with the "Unreal Engine" simulation and rendering engine and continuing with the "Autodesk Maya" 3D modeling software; With these programs, it is possible to recreate the real electronic elements as well as program them to function properly, interacting with the environment and thereby facilitating the electronic practices proposed in virtual laboratories. Likewise, this work is a fundamental part of the virtual Laboratory gear, which seeks to provide opportunities to students of Electronics, Telecommunications and Networks (ETR) of the School of Basic Sciences, Technology and Engineering (ECBTI) so that they can implement modeling tools 3D, simulation engines that will carry out the different projects that are presented within each of their careers; In the same way, within these tools, having designed a PHOTORESISTOR SENSOR is a fundamental contribution to the implementation of this laboratory since it is the basis to help build prototypes of automatic ignition, activation or deactivation of a relay, alarms, light meters among others, realizing that it has countless applications that can be carried out in reality

    Desenvolvimento de um sistema de seguimento solar para aplicação em medição de aerossóis atmosféricos

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    Os aerossóis são pequenas partículas no estado sólido ou líquido, suspensas na atmosfera, exercendo uma influência importante sobre o clima e o ambiente. Assim afetam o clima: através da difusão, transmissão e absorção tanto da radiação proveniente do Sol como da radiação térmica proveniente da superfície terrestre; através da intensificação ou moderação do efeito dos gases de estufa; agindo como núcleos formadores de nuvens, influenciando consequentemente o ciclo de vida destas e do ciclo hidrológico do planeta Terra. Uma consequência da presença deste tipo de partículas, suspensas em grande quantidade na atmosfera, reside na degradação da qualidade do ar. […]Aerosols are small particles in the solid or liquid state, suspended in the atmosphere, exerting a significant influence on the climate and in the environment. Thus they affect the climate: through the dispersion, transmission and absorption of both radiation from the Sun and from the thermal radiation from the Earth’s surface; through intensification or moderation of the greenhouse effect; acting as cloud forming nuclei, consequently influencing their life cycle and the hydrological cycle of planet Earth. A consequence of the presence of this type of particles, suspended in great quantity in the atmosphere, resides in the degradation of the quality of the air. […

    Performance Analysis of Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System

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    W pracy przedstawiono eksperymentalne wyniki działania dwuosiowego solarnego układu nadążnego w okresie od marca 2015 r. do września 2017 r. Analizowana instalacja, o łącznej mocy 3 kWp, jest zlokalizowana na kampusie Politechniki Białostockiej (Białystok, Polska północnowschodnia). Analizę wydajności nadążnej instalacji fotowoltaicznej przeprowadzono w stosunku do instalacji o stałym kącie pochylenia. Omówiono wpływ dokładności sterowania układem śledzenia na konwersję energii słonecznej w warunkach miejskich na przykładzie miasta Białegostoku. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że zastosowanie dwuosiowego układu nadążnego zwiększyło roczną produkcję energii o około 40% w porównaniu do panelu ustawionego pod kątem 38° w kierunku południowym. Zaproponowano metodę poprawy dokładności algorytmu sterowania dwuosiowym układem nadążnym.The paper presents the experimental operational results of dual-axis solar tracking system during March 2015 to September 2017. The analysed plant, with a total capacity 3 kWp, is installed in the campus of Bialystok University of Technology (Bialystok, north-east Poland). The performance of the solar tracker was analysed and compared with the static solar panel. The influence of the solar tracking system on the photovoltaic power generation in the urban area using the case study of the Bialystok city is discussed. The results show that the two-axis tracking system has increased the annual energy production by approximately 40% compared with that obtained from the fixed panel tilted at 38° towards the south. The method for improving accuracy of control algorithm on the dual-axis solar tracker is presented

    Performance Analysis of Dual-Axis Solar Tracking System

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    W pracy przedstawiono eksperymentalne wyniki działania dwuosiowego solarnego układu nadążnego w okresie od marca 2015 r. do września 2017 r. Analizowana instalacja, o łącznej mocy 3 kWp, jest zlokalizowana na kampusie Politechniki Białostockiej (Białystok, Polska północnowschodnia). Analizę wydajności nadążnej instalacji fotowoltaicznej przeprowadzono w stosunku do instalacji o stałym kącie pochylenia. Omówiono wpływ dokładności sterowania układem śledzenia na konwersję energii słonecznej w warunkach miejskich na przykładzie miasta Białegostoku. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że zastosowanie dwuosiowego układu nadążnego zwiększyło roczną produkcję energii o około 40% w porównaniu do panelu ustawionego pod kątem 38° w kierunku południowym. Zaproponowano metodę poprawy dokładności algorytmu sterowania dwuosiowym układem nadążnym.The paper presents the experimental operational results of dual-axis solar tracking system during March 2015 to September 2017. The analysed plant, with a total capacity 3 kWp, is installed in the campus of Bialystok University of Technology (Bialystok, north-east Poland). The performance of the solar tracker was analysed and compared with the static solar panel. The influence of the solar tracking system on the photovoltaic power generation in the urban area using the case study of the Bialystok city is discussed. The results show that the two-axis tracking system has increased the annual energy production by approximately 40% compared with that obtained from the fixed panel tilted at 38° towards the south. The method for improving accuracy of control algorithm on the dual-axis solar tracker is presented