5,087 research outputs found

    Mapping DSP algorithms to a reconfigurable architecture Adaptive Wireless Networking (AWGN)

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    This report will discuss the Adaptive Wireless Networking project. The vision of the Adaptive Wireless Networking project will be given. The strategy of the project will be the implementation of multiple communication systems in dynamically reconfigurable heterogeneous hardware. An overview of a wireless LAN communication system, namely HiperLAN/2, and a Bluetooth communication system will be given. Possible implementations of these systems in a dynamically reconfigurable architecture are discussed. Suggestions for future activities in the Adaptive Wireless Networking project are also given

    A critical analysis of research potential, challenges and future directives in industrial wireless sensor networks

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    In recent years, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSNs) have emerged as an important research theme with applications spanning a wide range of industries including automation, monitoring, process control, feedback systems and automotive. Wide scope of IWSNs applications ranging from small production units, large oil and gas industries to nuclear fission control, enables a fast-paced research in this field. Though IWSNs offer advantages of low cost, flexibility, scalability, self-healing, easy deployment and reformation, yet they pose certain limitations on available potential and introduce challenges on multiple fronts due to their susceptibility to highly complex and uncertain industrial environments. In this paper a detailed discussion on design objectives, challenges and solutions, for IWSNs, are presented. A careful evaluation of industrial systems, deadlines and possible hazards in industrial atmosphere are discussed. The paper also presents a thorough review of the existing standards and industrial protocols and gives a critical evaluation of potential of these standards and protocols along with a detailed discussion on available hardware platforms, specific industrial energy harvesting techniques and their capabilities. The paper lists main service providers for IWSNs solutions and gives insight of future trends and research gaps in the field of IWSNs

    Low Power Multi-Hop Networking Analysis in Intelligent Environments

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    Intelligent systems are driven by the latest technological advances in many different areas such as sensing, embedded systems, wireless communications or context recognition. This paper focuses on some of those areas. Concretely, the paper deals with wireless communications issues in embedded systems. More precisely, the paper combines the multi-hop networking with Bluetooth technology and a quality of service (QoS) metric, the latency. Bluetooth is a radio license-free worldwide communication standard that makes low power multi-hop wireless networking available. It establishes piconets (point-to-point and point-to-multipoint links) and scatternets (multi-hop networks). As a result, many Bluetooth nodes can be interconnected to set up ambient intelligent networks. Then, this paper presents the results of the investigation on multi-hop latency with park and sniff Bluetooth low power modes conducted over the hardware test bench previously implemented. In addition, the empirical models to estimate the latency of multi-hop communications over Bluetooth Asynchronous Connectionless Links (ACL) in park and sniff mode are given. The designers of devices and networks for intelligent systems will benefit from the estimation of the latency in Bluetooth multi-hop communications that the models provide.The research described in this paper was included in AIRHEM IV project and financially supported by the Basque Government Research Program called Elkartek 2015 (code KK_2015/0000085)

    A study of QoS support for real time multimedia communication over IEEE802.11 WLAN : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Computer Systems Engineering, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Quality of Service (QoS) is becoming a key problem for Real Time (RT) traffic transmitted over Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). In this project the recent proposals for enhanced QoS performance for RT multimedia is evaluated and analyzed. Two simulation models for EDCF and HCF protocols are explored using OPNET and NS-2 simulation packages respectively. From the results of the simulation, we have studied the limitations of the 802.1 le standard for RT multimedia communication and analysed the reasons of the limitations happened and proposed the solutions for improvement. Since RT multimedia communication encompasses time-sensitive traffic, the measure of quality of service generally is minimal delay (latency) and delay variation (jitter). 802.11 WLAN standard focuses on the PHY layer and the MAC layer. The transmitted data rate on PHY layer are increased on standards 802.1 lb, a, g, j, n by different code mapping technologies while 802.1 le is developed specially for the QoS performance of RT-traffics at the MAC layer. Enhancing the MAC layer protocols are the significant topic for guaranteeing the QoS performance of RT-traffics. The original MAC protocols of 802.11 are DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) and PCF (Point Coordinator Function). They cannot achieve the required QoS performance for the RT-traffic transmission. IEEE802.lle draft has developed EDCF and HCF instead. Simulation results of EDCF and HCF models that we explored by OPNET and NS-2, show that minimal latency and jitter can be achieved. However, the limitations of EDCF and HCF are identified from the simulation results. EDCF is not stable under the high network loading. The channel utilization is low by both protocols. Furthermore, the fairness index is very poor by the HCF. It means the low priority traffic should starve in the WLAN network. All these limitations are due to the priority mechanism of the protocols. We propose a future work to develop dynamic self-adaptive 802.11c protocol as practical research directions. Because of the uncertainly in the EDCF in the heavy loading, we can add some parameters to the traffic loading and channel condition efficiently. We provide indications for adding some parameters to increase the EDCF performance and channel utilization. Because all the limitations are due to the priority mechanism, the other direction is doing away with the priority rule for reasonable bandwidth allocation. We have established that the channel utilization can be increased and collision time can be reduced for RT-traffics over the EDCF protocol. These parameters can include loading rate, collision rate and total throughput saturation. Further simulation should look for optimum values for the parameters. Because of the huge polling-induced overheads, HCF has the unsatisfied tradeoff. This leads to poor fairness and poor throughput. By developing enhanced HCF it may be possible to enhance the RI polling interval and TXOP allocation mechanism to get better fairness index and channel utilization. From the simulation, we noticed that the traffics deployment could affect the total QoS performance, an indication to explore whether the classification of traffics deployments to different categories is a good idea. With different load-based traffic categories, QoS may be enhanced by appropriate bandwidth allocation Strategy

    MagicPairing: Apple's Take on Securing Bluetooth Peripherals

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    Device pairing in large Internet of Things (IoT) deployments is a challenge for device manufacturers and users. Bluetooth offers a comparably smooth trust on first use pairing experience. Bluetooth, though, is well-known for security flaws in the pairing process. In this paper, we analyze how Apple improves the security of Bluetooth pairing while still maintaining its usability and specification compliance. The proprietary protocol that resides on top of Bluetooth is called MagicPairing. It enables the user to pair a device once with Apple's ecosystem and then seamlessly use it with all their other Apple devices. We analyze both, the security properties provided by this protocol, as well as its implementations. In general, MagicPairing could be adapted by other IoT vendors to improve Bluetooth security. Even though the overall protocol is well-designed, we identified multiple vulnerabilities within Apple's implementations with over-the-air and in-process fuzzing