304,566 research outputs found

    Specification Testing for Multivariate Time Series Volatility Models

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    Volatility models have been playing an important role in economics and finance. Using a multivariate generalized spectral approach, we propose a new class of generally applicable omnibus tests for univariate and multivariate volatility models. Both GARCH models and stochastic volatility models are covered. Our tests have a convenient asymptotic null N(0,1) distribution, and can detect a wide range of misspecifications for volatility dynamics. Distinct from the existing tests for volatility models, our tests are robust to higher order time-varying moments of unknown form (e.g., time-varying skewness and kurtosis). Our tests check a large number of lags and are therefore expected to be powerful against neglected volatility dynamics that occurs at higher order lags or display long memory properties. Despite using a large number of lags, our tests do not suffer much from loss of a large number of degrees of freedom, because our approach naturally discounts higher order lags, which is consistent with the stylized fact that economic or financial markets are more affected by the recent past events than by the remote past events. No specific estimation method is required, and parameter estimation uncertainty has no impact on the limit distribution of the test statistics. Moreover, there is no need to formulate an alternative volatility model, and only estimated standardized residuals are needed to implement our tests. We do not have to calculate tedious score functions or derivatives of volatility models with respect to estimated parameters, which are model-specific and are required in some existing popular tests for volatility models. We examine the finite sample performance of the proposed tests. An empirical application to some popular GARCH models for stock returns illustrates our approachGeneralized spectral derivative, Kernel, Multivariate generalized spectrum, Multivariate GARCH models, Nonlinear volatility dynamics, Robustness, Specification testing, Stochastic Volatility Model, Time-varying higher order moments of unknown form.

    Testing the case for contextualisation within the Framework for Excellence

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    Consumer finance: challenges for operational research

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    Consumer finance has become one of the most important areas of banking, both because of the amount of money being lent and the impact of such credit on global economy and the realisation that the credit crunch of 2008 was partly due to incorrect modelling of the risks in such lending. This paper reviews the development of credit scoring—the way of assessing risk in consumer finance—and what is meant by a credit score. It then outlines 10 challenges for Operational Research to support modelling in consumer finance. Some of these involve developing more robust risk assessment systems, whereas others are to expand the use of such modelling to deal with the current objectives of lenders and the new decisions they have to make in consumer finance. <br/

    Operations research in consumer finance: challenges for operational research

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    Consumer finance has become one of the most important areas of banking both because of the amount of money being lent and the impact of such credit on the global economy and the realisation that the credit crunch of 2008 was partly due to incorrect modelling of the risks in such lending. This paper reviews the development of credit scoring,-the way of assessing risk in consumer finance- and what is meant by a credit score. It then outlines ten challenges for Operational Research to support modelling in consumer finance. Some of these are to developing more robust risk assessment systems while others are to expand the use of such modelling to deal with the current objectives of lenders and the new decisions they have to make in consumer financ

    Enhanced news sentiment analysis using deep learning methods

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    We explore the predictive power of historical news sentiments based on financial market performance to forecast financial news sentiments. We define news sentiments based on stock price returns averaged over one minute right after a news article has been released. If the stock price exhibits positive (negative) return, we classify the news article released just prior to the observed stock return as positive (negative). We use Wikipedia and Gigaword five corpus articles from 2014 and we apply the global vectors for word representation method to this corpus to create word vectors to use as inputs into the deep learning TensorFlow network. We analyze high-frequency (intraday) Thompson Reuters News Archive as well as the high-frequency price tick history of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA 30) Index individual stocks for the period between 1/1/2003 and 12/30/2013. We apply a combination of deep learning methodologies of recurrent neural network with long short-term memory units to train the Thompson Reuters News Archive Data from 2003 to 2012, and we test the forecasting power of our method on 2013 News Archive data. We find that the forecasting accuracy of our methodology improves when we switch from random selection of positive and negative news to selecting the news with highest positive scores as positive news and news with highest negative scores as negative news to create our training data set.Published versio

    Exact and Asymptotic Tests on a Factor Model in Low and Large Dimensions with Applications

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    In the paper, we suggest three tests on the validity of a factor model which can be applied for both small dimensional and large dimensional data. Both the exact and asymptotic distributions of the resulting test statistics are derived under classical and high-dimensional asymptotic regimes. It is shown that the critical values of the proposed tests can be calibrated empirically by generating a sample from the inverse Wishart distribution with identity parameter matrix. The powers of the suggested tests are investigated by means of simulations. The results of the simulation study are consistent with the theoretical findings and provide general recommendations about the application of each of the three tests. Finally, the theoretical results are applied to two real data sets, which consist of returns on stocks from the DAX index and on stocks from the S&P 500 index. Our empirical results do not support the hypothesis that all linear dependencies between the returns can be entirely captured by the factors considered in the paper

    Testing Market Response to Auditor Change Filings: a comparison of machine learning classifiers

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    The use of textual information contained in company filings with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), including annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and current reports on Form 8-K, has gained the increased attention of finance and accounting researchers. In this paper we use a set of machine learning methods to predict the market response to changes in a firm\u27s auditor as reported in public filings. We vectorize the text of 8-K filings to test whether the resulting feature matrix can explain the sign of the market response to the filing. Specifically, using classification algorithms and a sample consisting of the Item 4.01 text of 8-K documents, which provides information on changes in auditors of companies that are registered with the SEC, we predict the sign of the cumulative abnormal return (CAR) around 8-K filing dates. We report the correct classification performance and time efficiency of the classification algorithms. Our results show some improvement over the naïve classification method

    Statistical inference for the EU portfolio in high dimensions

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    In this paper, using the shrinkage-based approach for portfolio weights and modern results from random matrix theory we construct an effective procedure for testing the efficiency of the expected utility (EU) portfolio and discuss the asymptotic behavior of the proposed test statistic under the high-dimensional asymptotic regime, namely when the number of assets pp increases at the same rate as the sample size nn such that their ratio p/np/n approaches a positive constant c(0,1)c\in(0,1) as nn\to\infty. We provide an extensive simulation study where the power function and receiver operating characteristic curves of the test are analyzed. In the empirical study, the methodology is applied to the returns of S\&P 500 constituents.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, 2 table