15,897 research outputs found

    A performance model of multicast communication in wormhole-routed networks on-chip

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    Collective communication operations form a part of overall traffic in most applications running on platforms employing direct interconnection networks. This paper presents a novel analytical model to compute communication latency of multicast as a widely used collective communication operation. The novelty of the model lies in its ability to predict the latency of the multicast communication in wormhole-routed architectures employing asynchronous multi-port routers scheme. The model is applied to the Quarc NoC and its validity is verified by comparing the model predictions against the results obtained from a discrete-event simulator developed using OMNET++

    New Heuristic for Message Broadcasting in Arbitrary Networks

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    Efficient information dissemination in interconnection networks is a key research area because of the major role it plays in the modern interconnected world. A vast number of topics ranging from distributed computing to Internet communication rely on efficient information dissemination. Broadcasting is one of the information dissemination primitives. The minimum broadcast time problem in arbitrary networks has been examined since the 1970s. Finding an optimal broadcasting scheme for any originator in an arbitrary network has been proved to be an NP-Hard problem. In the current thesis, a new heuristic that generates broadcast schemes in arbitrary networks is presented. The heuristic has O(|E|log|V|) time complexity, where V is the set of nodes and E is the set of the links of the network. Computer simulations in some commonly used topologies and network models show that compared to the existing heuristics the new heuristic shows better performance in some network models, and comparable performance in other network models, while having a low complexity similar to the best existing heuristics. Another advantage of the new heuristic is that approximately one half of the vertices receive the message via a shortest path from the broadcast originator, while the rest of the vertices receive the message via a path at most three hops longer

    On the performance of routing algorithms in wormhole-switched multicomputer networks

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    This paper presents a comparative performance study of adaptive and deterministic routing algorithms in wormhole-switched hypercubes and investigates the performance vicissitudes of these routing schemes under a variety of network operating conditions. Despite the previously reported results, our results show that the adaptive routing does not consistently outperform the deterministic routing even for high dimensional networks. In fact, it appears that the superiority of adaptive routing is highly dependent to the broadcast traffic rate generated at each node and it begins to deteriorate by growing the broadcast rate of generated message

    A communication model of broadcast in wormhole-routed networks on-chip

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    This paper presents a novel analytical model to compute communication latency of broadcast as the most fundamental collective communication operation. The novelty of the model lies in its ability to predict the broadcast communication latency in wormhole-routed architectures employing asynchronous multi-port routers scheme. The model is applied to the Quarc NoC and its validity is verified by comparing the model predictions against the results obtained from a discrete-event simulator developed using OMNET++

    Tolerating multiple faults in multistage interconnection networks with minimal extra stages

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    Adams and Siegel (1982) proposed an extra stage cube interconnection network that tolerates one switch failure with one extra stage. We extend their results and discover a class of extra stage interconnection networks that tolerate multiple switch failures with a minimal number of extra stages. Adopting the same fault model as Adams and Siegel, the faulty switches can be bypassed by a pair of demultiplexer/multiplexer combinations. It is easy to show that, to maintain point to point and broadcast connectivities, there must be at least S extra stages to tolerate I switch failures. We present the first known construction of an extra stage interconnection network that meets this lower-bound. This 12-dimensional multistage interconnection network has n+f stages and tolerates I switch failures. An n-bit label called mask is used for each stage that indicates the bit differences between the two inputs coming into a common switch. We designed the fault-tolerant construction such that it repeatedly uses the singleton basis of the n-dimensional vector space as the stage mask vectors. This construction is further generalized and we prove that an n-dimensional multistage interconnection network is optimally fault-tolerant if and only if the mask vectors of every n consecutive stages span the n-dimensional vector space

    Quarc: a novel network-on-chip architecture

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    This paper introduces the Quarc NoC, a novel NoC architecture inspired by the Spidergon NoC. The Quarc scheme significantly outperforms the Spidergon NoC through balancing the traffic which is the result of the modifications applied to the topology and the routing elements.The proposed architecture is highly efficient in performing collective communication operations including broadcast and multicast. We present the topology, routing discipline and switch architecture for the Quarc NoC and demonstrate the performance with the results obtained from discrete event simulations

    High speed fiber optics local area networks: Design and implementation

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    The design of high speed local area networks (HSLAN) for communication among distributed devices requires solving problems in three areas: (1) the network medium and its topology; (2) the medium access control; and (3) the network interface. Considerable progress has been made in all areas. Accomplishments are divided into two groups according to their theoretical or experimental nature. A brief summary is given in Section 2, including references to papers which appeared in the literature, as well as to Ph.D. dissertations and technical reports published at Stanford University
