10 research outputs found

    Subword-based Stochastic Segment Modeling for Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition

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    In this paper, we describe several experiments in which we use a stochastic segment model (SSM) to improve offline handwriting recognition (OHR) performance. We use the SSM to re-rank (re-score) multiple decoder hypotheses. Then, a probabilistic multi-class SVM is trained to model stochastic segments obtained from force aligning transcriptions with the underlying image. We extract multiple features from the stochastic segments that are sensitive to larger context span to train the SVM. Our experiments show that using confidence scores from the trained SVM within the SSM framework can significantly improve OHR performance. We also show that OHR performance can be improved by using a combination of character-based and parts-of-Arabic-words (PAW)-based SSMs

    Scene and Video Understanding

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    There have been significant improvements in the accuracy of scene understanding due to a shift from recognizing objects ``in isolation'' to context based recognition systems. Such systems improve recognition rates by augmenting appearance based models of individual objects with contextual information based on pairwise relationships between objects. These pairwise relations incorporate common sense world knowledge such as co-occurrences and spatial arrangements of objects, temporal consistency, scene layout, etc. However, these relations, even though consistent in the 3D world, change due to viewpoint of the scene. In this thesis, we investigate incorporating contextual information from three different perspectives for scene and video understanding (a) ``what'' contextual relations are useful and ``how'' they should be incorporated into Markov network during inference, (b) jointly solving the segmentation and recognition problem using a multiple segmentation framework based on contextual information in conjunction with appearance matching, and (c) proposing a discriminative spatio-temporal patch based representation for videos which incorporates contextual information for video understanding. Our work departs from traditional view of incorporating context into scene understanding where a fixed model for context is learned. We argue that context is scene dependent and propose a data-driven approach to predict the importance of relationships and construct a Markov network for image analysis based on statistical models of global and local image features. Since all contextual information is not equally important, we also address the related problem of predicting the feature weights associated with each edge of a Markov network for evaluation of context. We then address the problem of fixed segmentation while modeling context by using a multiple segmentation framework and formulating the problem as ``a jigsaw puzzle''. We formulate the labeling problem as segment selection from a pool of segments (jigsaws), assigning each selected segment a class label. Previous multiple segmentation approaches used local appearance matching to select segments in a greedy manner. In contrast, our approach is based on a cost function that combines contextual information with appearance matching. A relaxed form of the cost function is minimized using an efficient quadratic programming solver. Lastly, we propose a new representation for videos based on mid-level discriminative spatio-temporal patches. These patches might correspond to a primitive human action, a semantic object, or perhaps a random but informative spatiotemporal patch in the video. What define these spatiotemporal patches are their discriminative and representative properties. We automatically mine these patches from hundreds of training videos and experimentally demonstrate that these patches establish correspondence across videos. We propose a cost function that incorporates co-occurrence statistics and temporal context along with appearance matching to select subset of these patches for label transfer. Furthermore, these patches can be used as a discriminative vocabulary for action classification

    Massachusetts Domestic and Foreign Corporations Subject to an Excise: For the Use of Assessors (2004)

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    International audienc

    Bbn Viser Trecvid 2011 Multimedia Event Detection System

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    We describe the Raytheon BBN (BBN) VISER system that is designed to detect events of interest in multimedia data. We also present a comprehensive analysis of the different modules of that system in the context of the MED 2011 task. The VISER system incorporates a large set of low-level features that capture appearance, color, motion, audio, and audio-visual co-occurrence patterns in videos. For the low-level features, we rigorously analyzed several coding and pooling strategies, and also used state-of-the-art spatio-temporal pooling strategies to model relationships between different features. The system also uses high-level (i.e., semantic) visual information obtained from detecting scene, object, and action concepts. Furthermore, the VISER system exploits multimodal information by analyzing available spoken and videotext content using BBN\u27s state-of-the-art Byblos automatic speech recognition (ASR) and video text recognition systems. These diverse streams of information are combined into a single, fixed dimensional vector for each video. We explored two different combination strategies: early fusion and late fusion. Early fusion was implemented through a fast kernel-based fusion framework and late fusion was performed using both Bayesian model combination (BAYCOM) as well as an innovative a weighted-average framework. Consistent with the previous MED\u2710 evaluation, low-level visual features exhibit strong performance and form the basis of our system. However, high-level information from speech, video-text, and object detection provide consistent and significant performance improvements. Overall, BBN\u27s VISER system exhibited the best performance among all the submitted systems with an average ANDC score of 0.46 across the 10 MED\u2711 test events when the threshold was optimized for the NDC score, and \u3c30% missed detection rate when the threshold was optimized to minimize missed detections at 6% false alarm rate. Description of Submitted Runs BBNVISER-LLFeat: Uses a combination of 6 high-performing, multimodal, and complementary low-level features, namely, appearance, color, motion based, MFCC, and audio energy. We combine these low-level features using an early fusion strategy. The threshold is estimated to minimize the NDC score. BBNVISER-Fusion1: Combines several sub-systems, each based on some combination of low-level features, ASR, video text OCR, and other high-level concepts using a late-fusion, Bayesian model combination strategy. The threshold is estimated to minimize the NDC score. BBNVISER-Fusion2: Combines same set of subsystems as BBNVISER-Fusion1. Instead of BAYCOM, it uses a novel weighted average fusion strategy. The fusion weights (for each sub-system) are estimated for each video automatically at runtime. BBNVISER-Fusion3: Combines all the sub-systems used in BBNVISER-Fusion3 with separate end-to-end systems from Columbia and UCF. In all, 18 sub-systems were combined using weighted average fusion. The threshold is estimated to minimize the probability of missed detection in the neighborhood of ALADDIN\u27s Year 1 false alarm rate ceiling