23 research outputs found

    Evaluating VANET routing in urban environments

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are a class of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) incorporated into moving vehicles. Nodes communicate with both and infrastructure to provide Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for the purpose of improving safety and comfort. Efficient and adaptive routing protocols are essential for achieving reliable and scalable network performance. However, routing in VANETs is challenging due to the high-speed movement of vehicles, which results in frequent network topology changes. This paper provides an in-depth evaluation of three well-known MANET routing protocols, AODV, OLSR and GPSR, in VANET with urban environment setup. We compare their performance using three metrics: drop burst length (DEL), delay and delivery ratio (PDR). The simulations are carried out using NS2 and SUMO simulators platforms, with scenarios configured to reflect real-world conditions. The results show that OLSR is able to achieve a shorter DEL and demonstrates higher PDR performance comparing to AODV and GPSR under low network load. However, with GPSR, the network shows more stable PDR under medium and high network load. In term of delay it is outperformed by GPSR, which delivers packets with the shortest delay

    Drop-burst length evaluation of urban VANETs

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    Networks performance is traditionally evaluated using packet delivery ratio (PDR) and latency (delay).We propose an addition mechanism the drop-burst length (DBL). Many traffic classes display varying application-level performance according to the pattern of drops, even if the PDR is similar. In this paper we study a number of VANET scenarios and evaluate them with these three metrics. Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are an emerging class of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANETs) where nodes include both moving vehicles and fixed infrastructure. VANETs aim to make transportation systems more intelligent by sharing information to improve safety and comfort. Efficient and adaptive routing protocols are essential for achieving reliable and scalable network performance. However, routing in VANETs is challenging due to the frequent, high-speed movement of vehicles, which results in frequent network topology changes. Our simulations are carried out using NS2 (for network traffic) and SUMO (for vehicular movement) simulators, with scenarios configured to reflect real-world conditions. The results show that OLSR is able to achieve a best DBL performance and demonstrates higher PDR performance comparing to AODV and GPSR under low network load. However, with GPSR, the network shows more stable PDR under medium and high network load. In term of delay OLSR is outperformed by GPSR


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    This thesis it survey study for VANET (Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks) and it performance in city and urban residential areas, when the the number of vehicles on roads is increasing annually, due to the higher amount of traffic, there are more accidents associated with road traffic complexity. VANET can be used to detect dangerous situations which are forwarded to the driver assistant system by monitoring the traffic status.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Drop-Burst Length Evaluation of Urban VANETs

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    Evaluating VANET routing in urban environments

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are a class of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) incorporated into moving vehicles. Nodes communicate with both and infrastructure to provide Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for the purpose of improving safety and comfort. Efficient and adaptive routing protocols are essential for achieving reliable and scalable network performance. However, routing in VANETs is challenging due to the high-speed movement of vehicles, which results in frequent network topology changes. This paper provides an in-depth evaluation of three well-known MANET routing protocols, AODV, OLSR and GPSR, in VANET with urban environment setup. We compare their performance using three metrics: drop burst length (DEL), delay and delivery ratio (PDR). The simulations are carried out using NS2 and SUMO simulators platforms, with scenarios configured to reflect real-world conditions. The results show that OLSR is able to achieve a shorter DEL and demonstrates higher PDR performance comparing to AODV and GPSR under low network load. However, with GPSR, the network shows more stable PDR under medium and high network load. In term of delay it is outperformed by GPSR, which delivers packets with the shortest delay

    Coherent, automatic address resolution for vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Published in: Int. J. of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2017 Vol.25, No.3, pp.163 - 179. DOI: 10.1504/IJAHUC.2017.10001935The interest in vehicular communications has increased notably. In this paper, the use of the address resolution (AR) procedures is studied for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). We analyse the poor performance of AR transactions in such networks and we present a new proposal called coherent, automatic address resolution (CAAR). Our approach inhibits the use of AR transactions and instead increases the usefulness of routing signalling to automatically match the IP and MAC addresses. Through extensive simulations in realistic VANET scenarios using the Estinet simulator, we compare our proposal CAAR to classical AR and to another of our proposals that enhances AR for mobile wireless networks, called AR+. In addition, we present a performance evaluation of the behaviour of CAAR, AR and AR+ with unicast traffic of a reporting service for VANETs. Results show that CAAR outperforms the other two solutions in terms of packet losses and furthermore, it does not introduce additional overhead.Postprint (published version

    Previous hop routing: exploiting opportunism in VANETs

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    Routing in highly dynamic wireless networks such as Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) is a challenging task due to frequent topology changes. Sustaining a transmission path between peers in such network environment is difficult. In this thesis, Previous Hop Routing (PHR) is poposed; an opportunistic forwarding protocol exploiting previous hop information and distance to destination to make the forwarding decision on a packet-by-packet basis. It is intended for use in highly dynamic network where the life time of a hop-by-hop path between source and destination nodes is short. Exploiting the broadcast nature of wireless communication avoids the need to copy packets, and enables redundant paths to be formed. To save network resources, especially under high network loads, PHR employs probabilistic forwarding. The forwarding probability is calculated based on the perceived network load as measured by the arrival rate at the network interface. We evaluate PHR in an urban VANET environment using NS2 (for network traffic) and SUMO (for vehicular movement) simulators, with scenarios configured to re ect real-world conditions. The simulation scenarios are configured to use two velocity profiles i.e. Low and high velocity. The results show that the PHR networks able to achieve best performance as measured by Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and Drop Burst Length (DBL) compared to conventional routing protocols in high velocity scenarios


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    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have been envisioned to be useful in road safety and many commercial applications. The growing trend to provide communication among the vehicles on the road has provided the opportunities for developing a variety of applications for VANET. The unique characteristics of VANET bring about new research challenges

    Análise de desempenho dos protocolos de roteamento DSDV, AODV e OLSR, aplicados a uma rede de comunicação VANET

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    A quantidade de veículos terrestres tem aumentado consideravelmente a cada ano, este aumento tem feito outra estatística crescer gradualmente, que são as mortes por acidentes de trânsito. Além do acréscimo nos níveis de poluição. Contudo, o exponencial avanço tecnológico dos sistemas eletroeletrônicos tem proporcionado melhorias nos sistemas de trânsito ao nível de desempenho, segurança, conforto e economia. O surgimento dos chamados Sistemas Inteligentes de Transportes (ITS), que englobam um conjunto de aplicações envolvendo sensores, atuadores e controladores, tem como objetivo propiciar aos condutores, passageiros e ambiente, um maior nível de eficiência para o tráfego, mitigando e evitando a ocorrência de acidentes. As diretrizes fundamentais para melhorar a segurança do sistema de trânsito nos próximos anos são as funcionalidades que proporcionem evitar acidentes e proteger pedestres (crash avoidance e pedestrian protection), sendo que as tecnologias de comunicação que servirão como infraestrutura de comunicação entre aplicações, irão desempenhar um papel fundamental para habilitar aplicações como Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Road Infrastructure (V2R) e Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P). Proporcionando ao condutor estar mais consciente do ambiente ao seu redor, permitindo-lhe reagir a tempo e adequadamente a situações inesperadas, tais como uma parada brusca, pouca visibilidade, objeto repentino, etc. Mas, além disto, os sistemas de comunicação veicular irão permitir englogar os veículos no conceito de Internet of Things, permitindo compartilhar e recolher informações dos veículos, estradas e seus arredores a fim de proporcionar uma infinidade de serviços de valor acrescentado a passageiros e condutores. Porém, estas redes de comunicação veicular (VANETs) ainda necessitam de avanços de forma a permitir tais aplicações. Uma vez que, as soluções de comunicação existentes não garantem suporte total das peculiaridades do ambiente veicular tais como mobilidade, escalabilidade, confiabilidade, qualidade de serviço, tempo de latência, etc. Em tal contexto, esse trabalho apresenta uma revisão do estado da arte para as tecnologias habilitadoras dessas comunicações, e também uma revisão por parte das ferramentas utilizadas nesses estudos, os simuladores. Trazendo por fim a avaliação por meio do simulador NS-3, dos protocolos de roteamento DSDV, AODV e OLSR, quando aplicados a redes de comunicação veicular. Onde foram analisados os parâmentros de taxa de entrega de pacotes (PDR), goodput, routing overhead e atraso de entrega, em diferentes condições de densidade da rede e velocidade de deslocamento dos Nós (veículos). Os resultados das simulações mostraram que tanto em condições de baixa densidade quanto em cenários com baixa velocidade de deslocamento, os protocolos DSDV e OLSR possuem um desempenho superior ao protocolo AODV. Porém com o aumento da quantidade de Nós e também em condições de aumento da velocidade os protocolos DSDV e AODV, são diretamente afetados e tem suas performances reduzidas. Sendo o protocolo OLSR o qual apresentou os melhores resultados, seja sob a influência do aumento densidade ou da velocidade, isto devido a sua boa característica de gerenciamento.The number of vehicles has increased considerably each year, this increase has made another statistic grow gradually, which are deaths from traffic accidents. In addition to causing the increase in pollution levels. However, the exponential technological advancement of electronic systems has provided improvements in transit systems in terms of performance, safety, comfort and economy. The emergence of so-called Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), which include a set of applications involving sensors, actuators, and controllers, aims to provide for drivers, passengers and environment, a higher level of efficiency for traffic, mitigating and preventing the occurrence of accidents. The basic guidelines to improve the safety of the transit system in the coming years are features that provide avoid accidents and protect pedestrians, and communication technologies that serve as communication infrastructure between applications, will play a key role to enable, applications such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Road Infrastructure (V2R) and Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P). Providing the driver to be more aware of the environment around you, allowing you to react in time and appropriately to unexpected situations such as a sudden stop, poor visibility, sudden object, etc. But in addition, the vehicle communication systems will allow to involve vehicles on the concept of Internet of Things, enabling sharing and collecting information of vehicles, roads and their surroundings to provide a multitude of value-added services to passengers and drivers. However, these Vehicular Communication Networks (VANETs), still need improvement in order to allow such applications. Since the existing communication solutions do not guarantee full support of the peculiarities of the car environment such as mobility, scalability, reliability, quality of service, latency, etc. In this context, this study presents a review of the state of the art for enabling technologies such communications, and also a review by the tools used in these studies, the simulators. Bringing an end to evaluation through the NS-3 simulator, routing protocols DSDV, AODV and OLSR, when applied to Vehicular Communication Networks. Where parameters like Package Delivery Rate (PDR), goodput, routing overhead and delivery delay were analysed, in different network conditions like density and travel speed of the nodes (vehicles). The simulation results showed that both low-density conditions and in scenarios with lowspeed, the protocols DSDV and OLSR have a better performance than AODV protocol. However, with increasing number of nodes and also increase the speed, the protocols DSDV and AODV are directly affected and has reduced their performance. Being the protocol OLSR which showed the best results, under the influence of increased density or speed, that due to its good feature management