163 research outputs found

    When 1+1 is Greater than 2: Concurrence of Additional Digital and Established Business Models within Companies

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    Many established companies currently face digitalization challenges. Part of their answer is often the creation of new digital business models based on new technologies, which do not necessarily replace the existing business model but act as additional source of economic value. Having two business models in parallel in the same company creates the opportunity of synergies between these business models. However, knowledge about the interaction between digital and non-digital business models remains scarce. This study, currently in progress, contributes to research by filling this gap and identifying synergies already taken by companies of various industries, leading to a better understanding of digital business models within established companies and their interaction with existing, traditional business models. For practitioners this study provides insights on how-to benefit from parallel business models within a company and thus how to better face digitalization

    The Role of Human Resource Information System on staff retention management

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    It is important to retain Quality employees in the organization, and there is limited empirical research regarding the application of Quality Human Resource Information Systems in staff retention management. This paper covers the application of quality HRIS (e.g. Recruitment Information, and Personnel Information) in staff retention management in the hospitality industry by adoption of institutional theory and job characteristics theory. The focus of this research is on the activities of the organization at the early stage of recruitment and selection levels. Adoption of institutional theory provides a perspective to internal and external staff turnover factors (e.g. remuneration, training quality, and lack of growth opportunities) prior to recruiting an employee to the organization. This research will be conducted at a well-known company in the hospitality industry

    The Impact of Information Technology Innovation on Firm Performance

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    On the Legitimacy of IS as an Independent Discipline: Research that Sets the Field Apart

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    Motivated by the continuing anxiety discourse within the IS field and the continuing disrespect IS researchers earn from scholars of other management disciplines, this essay discusses six areas in which IS researchers make unique knowledge contributions to management scholarship. More specifically, this essay suggests that information systems development, information systems adoption, organizational information systems innovation, group level resistance to IT implementations, the business value of IT, and Knowledge Management, among others, are all areas in which IS scholars can claim to contribute uniquely to the management body of knowledge. In so doing, this essay provides six robust arguments for IS scholars to concisely justify their field and research – and to be positive about the work they are doing. Perhaps even more importantly, this essay may motivate IS scholars to allocate their resources to topics that help increase the field’s legitimacy

    Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Profesionalisme dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Auditor KAP Kota Semarang

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    Selain perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, perkembangan pasar modal di Indonesia tiap tahunnya meningkat. Hal ini berdampak dalam permintaan akan audit laporan keuangan. Pada perusahaan besar yang sudah go public, memiliki kewajiban untuk menyampaikan serta melaporkan laporan keuangan yang disusun sesuai dengan standar akuntansi keuangan yang sudah diaudit oleh akuntan publik yang telah terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Auditor independen di Kantor Akuntan Publik sangat dituntut untuk memperhatikan dan menjunjung tinggi kode etik yang berlaku dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya. Hal ini disebabkan karena profesi tersebut sangat erat hubungannya dengan berbagai tindakan kecurangan dan kesalahan yang menyebabkan pelanggaran kode etik. Kinerja auditor dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Faktor pertama yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja auditor adalah penerapan teknologi informasi.  Selain penerapan teknologi informasi, faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja auditor adalah profesionalisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan teknologi informasi dan profesionalisme terhadap kinerja auditor. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Kantor Akuntan Publik di Semarang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode sensus dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 76 responden. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dalam pengumpulan datanya. Teknik uji yang dipakai adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik meliputi uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas dan uji heteroskedastisitas. Uji hipotesis pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode linier berganda dengan SPSS versi 26. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penerapan teknologi informasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja auditor. Sedangkan profesionalisme tidak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja auditor


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    W artykule omówiono pojęcie synergii oraz wskazano na możliwości wykorzystania tego zjawiska w realizacji odpowiedzialnych innowacji. Zaprezentowano pojęcie odpowiedzialnych innowacji i omówiono synergię procesów, wykorzystując m.in. dorobek logistyki. Przedstawiono pogląd, że tworzenie wiązki procesów z udziałem procesu legitymizacji można przyjąć jako ogólną zasadę w kreowaniu wartości dla wszystkich interesariuszy. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie synergicznego oddziaływania tandemu procesów: innowacyjnego oraz legitymizacji do realizacji odpowiedzialnych innowacji. Synergia tych procesów powinna prowadzić do wystąpienia efektywności, rozumianej jako efektywność ekonomiczna, społeczna i ekologiczna. Wskazano na rolę czynnika synergicznego jakim jest oddziaływanie interesariuszy. Ich oczekiwania powinny być spełniane w ramach tworzenia odpowiedzialnego biznesu.The notion of synergy has been discussed along with indication of the possibilities of using this phenomenon in execution of responsible innovations. The responsible innovations term has been presented. The synergy of processes has been discussed with the examples, among others, of the achievements of logistics. The view has been presented that creating a set of processes with the legitimisation process employed may be adopted as a general rule in creation of value for all the stakeholders. Using the synergic interaction of the tandem of innovativeness and legitimisation processes for execution of responsible innovations has been proposed. Synergy of these processes should lead to effectiveness understood as joint economic, social and ecological effectiveness. The role of the synergic factor of the impact of the stakeholders has been indicated. Their expectations should be met within the creation of responsible business

    Research Proposal

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    This research proposal shows that IT synergy is emerging as an important information systems research topic that is considered pertinent to the enduring research on the business value of IT. The proposal also puts forward the academic and practical significance of studying IT synergy. After a brief literature review, a tentative research model is proposed

    Relationship between the use of ICT and the degree and type of diversification

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    Advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) has given way to a new genre of opportunities for companies expanding their horizons to explore new markets and to diversify their business. In this sense, the present study analyzes the impact that the use of ICT has on the degree and type of diversification of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). From a sample of 95 companies in the autonomous community of the Basque Country, it is evident that diversified companies show a higher level of use of ICT and this resource positively affects the degree of international diversification and the degree of relationship of business

    Modeling IT Value based on Meta-Analysis

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    Over the last two decades, research about IT value has been done. The main purpose of IT values research is to determine how IT investment gives impact and value to organization performance. Because of vital role and function of IT, the organization required to understand how IT could create business value. Therefore, an understanding of IT value is needed. Systematic literature review in meta-analysis is required to determine the relationship between IT resources, organization capabilities, organization core competencies, and organization performances. The research was conducted on 53 publications which generate the classification matrix components that have an impact on organization performance. Hypothesis testing results that organization has the best performance on financial, efficiency, and other performance through external capability and core competence. So, indirect effect model is better than direct effect model in explaining IT value