7 research outputs found

    parSMURF, a high-performance computing tool for the genome-wide detection of pathogenic variants.

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    BACKGROUND: Several prediction problems in computational biology and genomic medicine are characterized by both big data as well as a high imbalance between examples to be learned, whereby positive examples can represent a tiny minority with respect to negative examples. For instance, deleterious or pathogenic variants are overwhelmed by the sea of neutral variants in the non-coding regions of the genome: thus, the prediction of deleterious variants is a challenging, highly imbalanced classification problem, and classical prediction tools fail to detect the rare pathogenic examples among the huge amount of neutral variants or undergo severe restrictions in managing big genomic data. RESULTS: To overcome these limitations we propose parSMURF, a method that adopts a hyper-ensemble approach and oversampling and undersampling techniques to deal with imbalanced data, and parallel computational techniques to both manage big genomic data and substantially speed up the computation. The synergy between Bayesian optimization techniques and the parallel nature of parSMURF enables efficient and user-friendly automatic tuning of the hyper-parameters of the algorithm, and allows specific learning problems in genomic medicine to be easily fit. Moreover, by using MPI parallel and machine learning ensemble techniques, parSMURF can manage big data by partitioning them across the nodes of a high-performance computing cluster. Results with synthetic data and with single-nucleotide variants associated with Mendelian diseases and with genome-wide association study hits in the non-coding regions of the human genome, involhing millions of examples, show that parSMURF achieves state-of-the-art results and an 80-fold speed-up with respect to the sequential version. CONCLUSIONS: parSMURF is a parallel machine learning tool that can be trained to learn different genomic problems, and its multiple levels of parallelization and high scalability allow us to efficiently fit problems characterized by big and imbalanced genomic data. The C++ OpenMP multi-core version tailored to a single workstation and the C++ MPI/OpenMP hybrid multi-core and multi-node parSMURF version tailored to a High Performance Computing cluster are both available at https://github.com/AnacletoLAB/parSMURF

    Low latency fast data computation scheme for map reduce based clusters

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    MapReduce based clusters is an emerging paradigm for big data analytics to scale up and speed up the big data classification, investigation, and processing of the huge volumes, massive and complex data sets. One of the fundamental issues of processing the data in MapReduce clusters is to deal with resource heterogeneity, especially when there is data inter-dependency among the tasks. Secondly, MapReduce runs a job in many phases; the intermediate data traffic and its migration time become a major bottleneck for the computation of jobs which produces a huge intermediate data in the shuffle phase. Further, encountering factors to monitor the critical issue of straggling is necessary because it produces unnecessary delays and poses a serious constraint on the overall performance of the system. Thus, this research aims to provide a low latency fast data computation scheme which introduces three algorithms to handle interdependent task computation among heterogeneous resources, reducing intermediate data traffic with its migration time and monitoring and modelling job straggling factors. This research has developed a Low Latency and Computational Cost based Tasks Scheduling (LLCC-TS) algorithm of interdependent tasks on heterogeneous resources by encountering priority to provide cost-effective resource utilization and reduced makespan. Furthermore, an Aggregation and Partition based Accelerated Intermediate Data Migration (APAIDM) algorithm has been presented to reduce the intermediate data traffic and data migration time in the shuffle phase by using aggregators and custom partitioner. Moreover, MapReduce Total Execution Time Prediction (MTETP) scheme for MapReduce job computation with inclusion of the factors which affect the job computation time has been produced using machine learning technique (linear regression) in order to monitor the job straggling and minimize the latency. LLCCTS algorithm has 66.13%, 22.23%, 43.53%, and 44.74% performance improvement rate over FIFO, improved max-min, SJF and MOS algorithms respectively for makespan time of scheduling of interdependent tasks. The AP-AIDM algorithm scored 66.62% and 48.4% performance improvements in reducing the data migration time over hash basic and conventional aggregation algorithms, respectively. Moreover, an MTETP technique shows the performance improvement in predicting the total job execution time with 20.42% accuracy than the improved HP technique. Thus, the combination of the three algorithms mentioned above provides a low latency fast data computation scheme for MapReduce based clusters

    SeqVItA: Sequence Variant Identification and Annotation Platform for Next Generation Sequencing Data

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    The current trend in clinical data analysis is to understand how individuals respond to therapies and drug interactions based on their genetic makeup. This has led to a paradigm shift in healthcare; caring for patients is now 99% information and 1% intervention. Reducing costs of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has made it possible to take genetic profiling to the clinical setting. This requires not just fast and accurate algorithms for variant detection, but also a knowledge-base for variant annotation and prioritization to facilitate tailored therapeutics based on an individual's genetic profile. Here we show that it is possible to provide a fast and easy access to all possible information about a variant and its impact on the gene, its protein product, associated pathways and drug-variant interactions by integrating previously reported knowledge from various databases. With this objective, we have developed a pipeline, Sequence Variants Identification and Annotation (SeqVItA) that provides end-to-end solution for small sequence variants detection, annotation and prioritization on a single platform. Parallelization of the variant detection step and with numerous resources incorporated to infer functional impact, clinical relevance and drug-variant associations, SeqVItA will benefit the clinical and research communities alike. Its open-source platform and modular framework allows for easy customization of the workflow depending on the data type (single, paired, or pooled samples), variant type (germline and somatic), and variant annotation and prioritization. Performance comparison of SeqVItA on simulated data and detection, interpretation and analysis of somatic variants on real data (24 liver cancer patients) is carried out. We demonstrate the efficacy of annotation module in facilitating personalized medicine based on patient's mutational landscape. SeqVItA is freely available at https://bioinf.iiit.ac.in/seqvita

    Performance Comparison of OpenMP, MPI, and MapReduce in Practical Problems

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    With problem size and complexity increasing, several parallel and distributed programming models and frameworks have been developed to efficiently handle such problems. This paper briefly reviews the parallel computing models and describes three widely recognized parallel programming frameworks: OpenMP, MPI, and MapReduce. OpenMP is the de facto standard for parallel programming on shared memory systems. MPI is the de facto industry standard for distributed memory systems. MapReduce framework has become the de facto standard for large scale data-intensive applications. Qualitative pros and cons of each framework are known, but quantitative performance indexes help get a good picture of which framework to use for the applications. As benchmark problems to compare those frameworks, two problems are chosen: all-pairs-shortest-path problem and data join problem. This paper presents the parallel programs for the problems implemented on the three frameworks, respectively. It shows the experiment results on a cluster of computers. It also discusses which is the right tool for the jobs by analyzing the characteristics and performance of the paradigms

    The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Digital Competence of Educators

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is having an undeniable impact on all the statements of society. Regarding teaching and learning activities, most educational institutions suspended in-person instruction and moved to remote learning during the lockdown of March and April 2020. Although nowadays many countries have progressively re-opened their educational systems, blended learning is a common practice aimed to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 disease. This disruption has supposed an unprecedented acceleration to the digitalization of teaching and learning. Teaching professionals have been forced to develop their digital competence in a short amount of time, getting mastery in the management of information, the creation of audiovisual contents, and the use of technology to keep their students connected. This Special Issue presents contributions regarding the adoption of distance learning strategies, experiences, or lessons learned in this domain