51 research outputs found

    Extreme Learning Machine-Based Receiver for MIMO LED Communications

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    This work concerns receiver design for light-emitting diode (LED) multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communications where the LED nonlinearity can severely degrade the performance of communications. In this paper, we propose an extreme learning machine (ELM) based receiver to jointly handle the LED nonlinearity and cross-LED interference, and a circulant input weight matrix is employed, which significantly reduces the complexity of the receiver with the fast Fourier transform (FFT). It is demonstrated that the proposed receiver can efficiently handle the LED nonlinearity and cross-LED interference

    A Space-frequency Power Allocation Algorithm for MIMO OWC Systems over Low-Pass Channels

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    In the last two decades, an unprecedented spread of communication systems has been witnessed. While at the beginning these systems were only able to support a small number of devices with limited data services, they have now matured to high speed networks that are densely populated. Society is increasingly connected, with different types of applications running on, by now Billions of devices, and this trend drives the use of communication systems. The growth is so fast that the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum is already overcrowded. In future, it is expected that many applications will require speeds far beyond a Gbit/s. In order to achieve this capacity and, at the same time, to off load the pressure on RF systems, higher spectral bands and optical frequencies are currently being explored.Exploring higher frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, optical wireless communication (OWC) systems have recently gained great interest [1,2]. Due its many advantages, such as low cost, high energy efficiency, and minimal heat generation, LEDs are commonly used for illumination and are strong candidates to drive data transmission in OWC systems [2-4]. However, the modulation bandwidth of this source is limited and there is still the need to increase data throughput [4,5]. An alternative is to deploy multiple LEDs in a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) scheme [2-6]. MIMO is a well-known technology which explores the additional spatial dimension in order to provide a degree-of-freedom gain. By transmitting multiple data-streams over the light channel in a Spatial Multiplexing (SM) scheme from multiple spatially separated locations, Distributed-MIMO technology offers higher data throughput without the need of additional power or bandwidth. An important additional advantage of MIMO in OWC systems is that communication still works even when one line-of-sight link is blocked. In further boosting the bits rate, the low-pass frequency response of the LEDs poses further limitations. The low-pass behaviour of this source was pointed out in [6-9], but its impact on the performance of LED-based MIMO OWC systems still not fully addressed. To compensate the low-pass effect, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is often used. OFDM is a robust and effective technology commonly used in RF systems to suppress inter-symbol interference (ISI) and to convert a frequency-selective fading channel into multiple parallel flat-fading, i.e., non-dispersive channels. In an OFDM scheme the spectrum bandwidth is divided into a set of orthogonal subcarriers in order to support high data rates through parallel transmission. By using OFDM, power loading strategies can be used to appropriately distribute power over the subcarriers in order to reduce the performance degradation caused by the low-pass effect of the LEDs [8]. Different power loading strategies are proposed to allocate power resources in the frequency domain, mainly the uniform loading and the optimized waterfilling loading [6-8]. In this paper, we consider the transmission mode of an indoor LED-based MIMO OWC system with SM and OFDM. We present an analytical model for the channel and we derive expressions for the achievable rate of the system considering common low-pass channel frequency responses: Gaussian, exponential and first-order [6-9]. Based on an indoor LED-based MIMO OWC setup, we investigate through analytical and simulation results the system performance for different power loading strategies. Through simulation results, we point out that the resource allocation optimization only in the frequency domain may not be satisfactory and we propose a new algorithm that considers both spatial and frequency domains to load power over the MIMO channels and OFDM subcarriers. With the singular value decomposition (SVD) applied to the channel frequency response matrix, the proposed space-frequency power allocation algorithm allocates more power to subchannels with larger gains considering all subchannels available for transmission in space and frequency domains.<br/

    High-Speed Visible Light Indoor Networks Based on Optical Orthogonal Codes and Combinatorial Designs

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    Interconnecting devices in an indoor environment using the illumination system and white light emitting diodes (LED) requires adaptive networking techniques that can provide network access for multiple users. Two techniques based on multilevel signaling and optical orthogonal codes (OOC) are explored in this paper in order to provide simultaneous multiple access in an indoor multiuser network. Balanced incomplete block designs (BIBD) are used to construct multilevel symbols for M-ary signaling. Using these multilevel symbols we are able to control the optical peak to average power ratio (PAPR) in the system, and hereby control the dimming level. In the first technique, the M-ary data of each user is first encoded using the OOC codeword that is assigned to that user, and then it is fed into a BIBD encoder to generate a multilevel signal. The second multiple access method uses sub-sets of a BIBD code to apply multilevel expurgated pulse-position modulation (MEPPM) to the data of each user. While the first approach has a larger Hamming distance between the symbols of each user, the latter can provide higher bit-rates for users in VLC systems with bandwidth-limited LEDs

    Optical Asymmetric Modulation for VLC Systems

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    The explosive growth of connected devices and the increasing number of broadband users have led to an unprecedented growth in traffic demand. To this effect, the next generation wireless systems are envisioned to meet this growth and offer a potential data rate of 10 Gbps or more. In this context, an attractive solution to the current spectrum crunch issue is to exploit the visible light spectrum for the realization of high-speed commutation systems. However, this requires solutions to certain challenges relating to visible light communications (VLC), such as the stringent requirements of VLC-based intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD), which require signals to be real and unipolar. The present work proposes a novel power-domain multiplexing based optical asymmetric modulation (OAM) scheme for indoor VLC systems, which is particularly adapted to transmit high-order modulation signals using linear real and unipolar constellations that fit into the restrictions of IM/DD systems. It is shown that the proposed scheme provides improved system performance that outperforms alternative modulation schemes, at no extra complexity

    Optical Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Visible Light Communication

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    The proliferation of mobile Internet and connected devices, offering a variety of services at different levels of performance, represents a major challenge for the fifth generation wireless networks and beyond. This requires a paradigm shift towards the development of key enabling techniques for the next generation wireless networks. In this respect, visible light communication (VLC) has recently emerged as a new communication paradigm that is capable of providing ubiquitous connectivity by complementing radio frequency communications. One of the main challenges of VLC systems, however, is the low modulation bandwidth of the light-emitting-diodes, which is in the megahertz range. This article presents a promising technology, referred to as "optical- non-orthogonal multiple access (O-NOMA)", which is envisioned to address the key challenges in the next generation of wireless networks. We provide a detailed overview and analysis of the state-of-the-art integration of O-NOMA in VLC networks. Furthermore, we provide insights on the potential opportunities and challenges as well as some open research problems that are envisioned to pave the way for the future design and implementation of O-NOMA in VLC systems

    Optical Wireless Communications: Current and Future Trends

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    This paper considers the transmission of data over a wireless  channel in which the transmitter converts the message into an optical signal. This optical signal is transmitted over a wireless channel which is commonly known as optical wireless channel (OWC).   The OWC  is still not regulated, i.e., no license is required to transmit over this channel.  In addition, this channel can support communications with very high data rates. Further, in its construction, cheap components like light emitting diode (LED) is normally exploited. These factors attractive both the researchers and the industry field to develop a practical transceivers. In this paper, we initially review the basics of this systems, the benefits of using such a  system.  Then, the current applications are introduced and summarized. Finally, many potential applications are represented. Keywords: Optical Communications, Wireless Communications, Communication Channel

    Generalized Spatial Modulation in Indoor Wireless Visible Light Communication

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    In this paper, we investigate the performance of generalized spatial modulation (GSM) in indoor wireless visible light communication (VLC) systems. GSM uses NtN_t light emitting diodes (LED), but activates only NaN_a of them at a given time. Spatial modulation and spatial multiplexing are special cases of GSM with Na=1N_{a}=1 and Na=NtN_{a}=N_t, respectively. We first derive an analytical upper bound on the bit error rate (BER) for maximum likelihood (ML) detection of GSM in VLC systems. Analysis and simulation results show that the derived upper bound is very tight at medium to high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). The channel gains and channel correlations influence the GSM performance such that the best BER is achieved at an optimum LED spacing. Also, for a fixed transmission efficiency, the performance of GSM in VLC improves as the half-power semi-angle of the LEDs is decreased. We then compare the performance of GSM in VLC systems with those of other MIMO schemes such as spatial multiplexing (SMP), space shift keying (SSK), generalized space shift keying (GSSK), and spatial modulation (SM). Analysis and simulation results show that GSM in VLC outperforms the other considered MIMO schemes at moderate to high SNRs; for example, for 8 bits per channel use, GSM outperforms SMP and GSSK by about 21 dB, and SM by about 10 dB at 10−410^{-4} BER

    FFDNet-Based Channel Estimation for Massive MIMO Visible Light Communication Systems

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    Channel estimation is of crucial importance in massive multiple-input multiple-output (m-MIMO) visible light communication (VLC) systems. In order to tackle this problem, a fast and flexible denoising convolutional neural network (FFDNet)-based channel estimation scheme for m-MIMO VLC systems was proposed. The channel matrix of the m-MIMO VLC channel is identified as a two-dimensional natural image since the channel has the characteristic of sparsity. A deep learning-enabled image denoising network FFDNet is exploited to learn from a large number of training data and to estimate the m-MIMO VLC channel. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed channel estimation based on the FFDNet significantly outperforms the benchmark scheme based on minimum mean square error.Comment: This paper will be published in IEEE WC
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