8 research outputs found

    Beyond 16GB: Out-of-Core Stencil Computations

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    Stencil computations are a key class of applications, widely used in the scientific computing community, and a class that has particularly benefited from performance improvements on architectures with high memory bandwidth. Unfortunately, such architectures come with a limited amount of fast memory, which is limiting the size of the problems that can be efficiently solved. In this paper, we address this challenge by applying the well-known cache-blocking tiling technique to large scale stencil codes implemented using the OPS domain specific language, such as CloverLeaf 2D, CloverLeaf 3D, and OpenSBLI. We introduce a number of techniques and optimisations to help manage data resident in fast memory, and minimise data movement. Evaluating our work on Intel's Knights Landing Platform as well as NVIDIA P100 GPUs, we demonstrate that it is possible to solve 3 times larger problems than the on-chip memory size with at most 15\% loss in efficienc

    Loop Tiling in Large-Scale Stencil Codes at Run-time with OPS

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    The key common bottleneck in most stencil codes is data movement, and prior research has shown that improving data locality through optimisations that schedule across loops do particularly well. However, in many large PDE applications it is not possible to apply such optimisations through compilers because there are many options, execution paths and data per grid point, many dependent on run-time parameters, and the code is distributed across different compilation units. In this paper, we adapt the data locality improving optimisation called iteration space slicing for use in large OPS applications both in shared-memory and distributed-memory systems, relying on run-time analysis and delayed execution. We evaluate our approach on a number of applications, observing speedups of 2Ă—\times on the Cloverleaf 2D/3D proxy application, which contain 83/141 loops respectively, 3.5Ă—3.5\times on the linear solver TeaLeaf, and 1.7Ă—1.7\times on the compressible Navier-Stokes solver OpenSBLI. We demonstrate strong and weak scalability up to 4608 cores of CINECA's Marconi supercomputer. We also evaluate our algorithms on Intel's Knights Landing, demonstrating maintained throughput as the problem size grows beyond 16GB, and we do scaling studies up to 8704 cores. The approach is generally applicable to any stencil DSL that provides per loop data access information

    Improving resilience of scientific software through a domain-specific approach

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    In this paper we present research on improving the resilience of the execution of scientific software, an increasingly important concern in High Performance Computing (HPC). We build on an existing high-level abstraction framework, the Oxford Parallel library for Structured meshes (OPS), developed for the solution of multi-block structured mesh-based applications, and implement an algorithm in the library to carry out checkpointing automatically, without the intervention of the user. The target applications are a hydrodynamics benchmark application from the Mantevo Suite, CloverLeaf 3D, the sparse linear solver proxy application TeaLeaf, and the OpenSBLI compressible Navier–Stokes direct numerical simulation (DNS) solver. We present (1) the basic algorithm that OPS relies on to determine the optimal checkpoint in terms of size and location, (2) improvements that supply additional information to improve the decision, (3) techniques that reduce the cost of writing the checkpoints to non-volatile storage, (4) a performance analysis of the developed techniques on a single workstation and on several supercomputers, including ORNL’s Titan. Our results demonstrate the utility of the high-level abstractions approach in automating the checkpointing process and show that performance is comparable to, or better than the reference in all cases

    Large-scale performance of a DSL-based multi-block structured-mesh application for Direct Numerical Simulation

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    SBLI (Shock-wave/Boundary-layer Interaction) is a large-scale Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) application, developed over 20 years at the University of Southampton and extensively used within the UK Turbulence Consortium. It is capable of performing Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) or Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction problems over highly detailed multi-block structured mesh geometries. SBLI presents major challenges in data organization and movement that need to be overcome for continued high performance on emerging massively parallel hardware platforms. In this paper we present research in achieving this goal through the OPS embedded domain-specific language. OPS targets the domain of multi-block structured mesh applications. It provides an API embedded in C/C++ and Fortran and makes use of automatic code generation and compilation to produce executables capable of running on a range of parallel hardware systems. The core functionality of SBLI is captured using a new framework called OpenSBLI which enables a developer to declare the partial differential equations using Einstein notation and then automatically carryout discretization and generation of OPS (C/C++) API code. OPS is then used to automatically generate a wide range of parallel implementations. Using this multi-layered abstractions approach we demonstrate how new opportunities for further optimizations can be gained, such as fine-tuning the computation intensity and reducing data movement and apply them automatically. Performance results demonstrate there is no performance loss due to the high-level development strategy with OPS and OpenSBLI, with performance matching or exceeding the hand-tuned original code on all CPU nodes tested. The data movement optimizations provide over 3Ă— speedups on CPU nodes, while GPUs provide 5Ă— speedups over the best performing CPU node. The OPS generated parallel code also demonstrates excellent scalability on nearly 100K cores on a Cray XC30 (ARCHER at EPCC) and on over 4K GPUs on a CrayXK7 (Titan at ORNL)

    Data structure abstraction and parallelisation of multi-material hydrodynamic applications

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    The aim for High Performance Computing (HPC) is to achieve the best performance for an application, in order to execute it as quickly as possible. This is often achieved through iterative improvements in Central Processing Unit (CPU) technology such as: including more circuitry by shrinking or making processors larger; making the processor run faster by increasing the clock speed; or increasing the amount of parallelism. Recently, there has been increasing diversity in how HPC systems achieve these performance improvements. The use of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) processors has become more common, and there has been a growing interest in high bandwidth memory. This has lead to a need for performance portable code, so programs may be written once but compiled and ran on a range of differing systems, with minimal impact on the performance. As memory becomes a major focus, so too should the data structure used by an application. Without a well designed data structure, the performance of a program can be affected. However, it is key that this is done in a performance portable way, where the data structure can be altered and optimised without the need for the application to be rewritten. As such, a data structure abstraction library was developed, calledWarwick Data Store (WDS). This library is able to provide objects, which allow for access to data, without the application needing to know the detail of the data structure. The library also provides additional functionality that would otherwise be difficult and time consuming to implement, such as the ability to convert a variable or a collection of variables from one data structure to another. The performance impact of the library is shown to be minimal, especially in larger problem sizes. Because of the flexibility of the library, data structures for specialised cases can be implemented into WDS without impacting the performance of other data structures. The performance of these specialised data structures is also presented as being minimal

    The readying of applications for heterogeneous computing

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    High performance computing is approaching a potentially significant change in architectural design. With pressures on the cost and sheer amount of power, additional architectural features are emerging which require a re-think to the programming models deployed over the last two decades. Today's emerging high performance computing (HPC) systems are maximising performance per unit of power consumed resulting in the constituent parts of the system to be made up of a range of different specialised building blocks, each with their own purpose. This heterogeneity is not just limited to the hardware components but also in the mechanisms that exploit the hardware components. These multiple levels of parallelism, instruction sets and memory hierarchies, result in truly heterogeneous computing in all aspects of the global system. These emerging architectural solutions will require the software to exploit tremendous amounts of on-node parallelism and indeed programming models to address this are emerging. In theory, the application developer can design new software using these models to exploit emerging low power architectures. However, in practice, real industrial scale applications last the lifetimes of many architectural generations and therefore require a migration path to these next generation supercomputing platforms. Identifying that migration path is non-trivial: With applications spanning many decades, consisting of many millions of lines of code and multiple scientific algorithms, any changes to the programming model will be extensive and invasive and may turn out to be the incorrect model for the application in question. This makes exploration of these emerging architectures and programming models using the applications themselves problematic. Additionally, the source code of many industrial applications is not available either due to commercial or security sensitivity constraints. This thesis highlights this problem by assessing current and emerging hard- ware with an industrial strength code, and demonstrating those issues described. In turn it looks at the methodology of using proxy applications in place of real industry applications, to assess their suitability on the next generation of low power HPC offerings. It shows there are significant benefits to be realised in using proxy applications, in that fundamental issues inhibiting exploration of a particular architecture are easier to identify and hence address. Evaluations of the maturity and performance portability are explored for a number of alternative programming methodologies, on a number of architectures and highlighting the broader adoption of these proxy applications, both within the authors own organisation, and across the industry as a whole