15,405 research outputs found

    On Capacity and Delay of Multi-channel Wireless Networks with Infrastructure Support

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    In this paper, we propose a novel multi-channel network with infrastructure support, called an MC-IS network, which has not been studied in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study such an MC-IS network. Our proposed MC-IS network has a number of advantages over three existing conventional networks, namely a single-channel wireless ad hoc network (called an SC-AH network), a multi-channel wireless ad hoc network (called an MC-AH network) and a single-channel network with infrastructure support (called an SC-IS network). In particular, the network capacity of our proposed MC-IS network is nlog⁑n\sqrt{n \log n} times higher than that of an SC-AH network and an MC-AH network and the same as that of an SC-IS network, where nn is the number of nodes in the network. The average delay of our MC-IS network is log⁑n/n\sqrt{\log n/n} times lower than that of an SC-AH network and an MC-AH network, and min⁑{CI,m}\min\{C_I,m\} times lower than the average delay of an SC-IS network, where CIC_I and mm denote the number of channels dedicated for infrastructure communications and the number of interfaces mounted at each infrastructure node, respectively. Our analysis on an MC-IS network equipped with omni-directional antennas only has been extended to an MC-IS network equipped with directional antennas only, which are named as an MC-IS-DA network. We show that an MC-IS-DA network has an even lower delay of c⌊2Ο€ΞΈβŒ‹β‹…CI\frac{c}{\lfloor \frac{2\pi}{\theta}\rfloor \cdot C_I} compared with an SC-IS network and our MC-IS network. For example, when CI=12C_I=12 and ΞΈ=Ο€12\theta=\frac{\pi}{12}, an MC-IS-DA network can further reduce the delay by 24 times lower that of an MC-IS network and reduce the delay by 288 times lower than that of an SC-IS network.Comment: accepted, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 201

    Connectivity of confined 3D Networks with Anisotropically Radiating Nodes

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    Nodes in ad hoc networks with randomly oriented directional antenna patterns typically have fewer short links and more long links which can bridge together otherwise isolated subnetworks. This network feature is known to improve overall connectivity in 2D random networks operating at low channel path loss. To this end, we advance recently established results to obtain analytic expressions for the mean degree of 3D networks for simple but practical anisotropic gain profiles, including those of patch, dipole and end-fire array antennas. Our analysis reveals that for homogeneous systems (i.e. neglecting boundary effects) directional radiation patterns are superior to the isotropic case only when the path loss exponent is less than the spatial dimension. Moreover, we establish that ad hoc networks utilizing directional transmit and isotropic receive antennas (or vice versa) are always sub-optimally connected regardless of the environment path loss. We extend our analysis to investigate boundary effects in inhomogeneous systems, and study the geometrical reasons why directional radiating nodes are at a disadvantage to isotropic ones. Finally, we discuss multi-directional gain patterns consisting of many equally spaced lobes which could be used to mitigate boundary effects and improve overall network connectivity.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Passive Loop Interference Suppression in Large-Scale Full-Duplex Cellular Networks

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    Loop interference (LI) in wireless communications, is a notion resulting from the full-duplex (FD) operation. In a large-scale network, FD also increases the multiuser interference due to the large number of active wireless links that exist. Hence, in order to realize the FD potentials, this interference needs to be restricted. This paper presents a stochastic geometry model of FD cellular networks where the users and base stations employ directional antennas. Based on previous experimental results, we model the passive suppression of the LI at each FD terminal as a function of the angle between the two antennas and show the significant gains that can be achieved by this method. Together with the reduction of multiuser interference resulting from antenna directionality, our model demonstrates that FD can potentially be implemented in large-scale directional networks.Comment: to appear in Proc. IEEE SPAWC 201

    Predictive Analytics Lead to Smarter Self-Organizing Directional Wireless Backbone Networks

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    Directional wireless systems are becoming a cost-effective approach towards providing a high-speed, reliable, broadband connection for the ubiquitous mobile wireless devices in use today. The most common of these systems consists of narrow-beam radio frequency (RF) and free-space-optical (FSO) links, which offer speeds between 100Mbps and 100Gbps while offering bit-error-rates comparable to fixed fiber optic installations. In addition, spatial and spectral efficiencies are accessible with directional wireless systems that cannot be matched with broadcast systems. The added benefits of compact designs permit the installation of directional antennas on-board unmanned autonomous systems (UAS) to provide network availability to regions prone to natural disasters, in maritime situations, and in war-torn countries that lack infrastructure security. In addition, through the use of intelligent network-centric algorithms, a flexible airborne backbone network can be established to dodge the scalability limitations of traditional omnidirectional wireless networks. Assuring end-to-end connectivity and coverage is the main challenge in the design of directional wireless backbone (DWB) networks. Conflating the duality of these objectives with the dynamical nature of the environment in which DWB networks are deployed, in addition to the standardized network metrics such as latency-minimization and throughput maximization, demands a rigorous control process that encompasses all aspects of the system. This includes the mechanical steering of the directional point-to-point link and the monitoring of aggregate network performance (e.g. dropped packets). The inclusion of processes for topology control, mobility management, pointing, acquisition, and tracking of the directional antennas, alongside traditional protocols (e.g. IPv6) provides a rigorous framework for next-generation mobile directional communication networks. This dissertation provides a novel approach to increase reliability in reconfigurable beam-steered directional wireless backbone networks by predicating optimal network reconfigurations wherein the network is modeled as a giant molecule in which the point-to-point links between two UASs are able to grow and retract analogously to the bonds between atoms in a molecule. This cross-disciplinary methodology explores the application of potential energy surfaces and normal mode analysis as an extension to the topology control optimization. Each of these methodologies provides a new and unique ability for predicting unstable configurations of DWB networks through an understanding of second-order principle dynamics inherent within the aggregate configuration of the system. This insight is not available through monitoring individual link performance. Together, the techniques used to model the DWB network through molecular dynamics are referred to as predictive analytics and provide reliable results that lead to smarter self-organizing reconfigurable beam-steered DWB networks. Furthermore, a comprehensive control architecture is proposed that complements traditional network science (e.g. Internet protocol) and the unique design aspects of DWB networks. The distinct ability of a beam-steered DWB network to adjust the direction of its antennas (i.e. reconfigure) in response to degraded effects within the atmosphere or due to an increased separation of nodes, is not incorporated in traditional network processes such re-routing mechanism, and therefore, processes for reconfiguration can be abstracted which both optimize the physical interconnections while maintaining interoperability with existing protocols. This control framework is validated using network metrics for latency and throughput and compared to existing architectures which use only standard re-routing mechanisms. Results are shown that validate both the analogous molecular modeling of a reconfigurable beam-steered directional wireless backbone network and a comprehensive control architecture which coalesces the unique capabilities of reconfiguration and mobility of mobile wireless backbone networks with existing protocols for networks such as IPv6
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