12 research outputs found

    AF cooperative VLC communication systems : cascaded channel analysis

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    Abstract: Visible light communications (VLC) technology is a relatively new emerging telecommunication paradigm. It offers the opportunity to design cost-effective communication systems due to the dual use of the light sources, which are exploited as illumination devices and as communication antennas. However, this technology is mostly deployed in short-range communication applications because of the light diffusion range, which is short by nature. One good response to this dilemma is the imple- mentation of relay-assisted cooperative communication systems. Cooperative VLC systems provide three advantages, which are an increase in the transmission range, an improvement of the detection, hence of the bit error rate (BER), and an improved lighting system. In this paper, we analyze the channel response of a single-relay indoor VLC system based on an amplify-and- forward (AF) strategy. The system takes into account the fact that the relay also receives a reflected message. Results show the influence of the room’s reflection index, Lambertian index, the number of scattered rays on the overall channel response and confirms the importance of relay-assisted strategies in improving systems’ reliability

    Cooperative Routing in Multi-Radio Multi-Hop Wireless Network

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    There are many recent interests on cooperative communication (CC) in wireless networks. Despite the large capacity gain of CC in small wireless networks, CC can result in severe interference in large networks and even degraded throughput. The aim of this chapter is to concurrently exploit multi-radio and multi-channel (MRMC) and CC technique to combat co-channel interference and improve the performance of multi-hop wireless network. Our proposed solution concurrently considers cooperative routing, channel assignment, and relay selection and takes advantage of both MRMC technique and spatial diversity to improve the throughput. We propose two important metrics, contention-aware channel utilization routing metric (CACU) to capture the interference cost from both direct and cooperative transmission, and traffic aware channel condition metric (TACC) to evaluate the channel load condition. Based on these metrics, we propose three algorithms for interference-aware cooperative routing, local channel adjustment, and local path and relay adaptation, respectively, to ensure high-performance communications in dynamic wireless networks. Our algorithms are fully distributed and can effectively mitigate co-channel interference and achieve cooperative diversity gain. To our best knowledge, this is the first distributed solution that supports CC in MRMC networks. Our performance studies demonstrate that our algorithms can significantly increase the aggregate throughput

    Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer for Decode-and-Forward Multi-Hop Relay Systems in Energy-Constrained IoT Networks

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    This paper studies a multi-hop decode-and-forward (DF) simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) system where a source sends data to a destination with the aid of multi-hop relays which do not depend on an external energy source. To this end, we apply power splitting (PS) based SWIPT relaying protocol so that the relays can harvest energy from the received signals from the previous hop to reliably forward the information of the source to the destination. We aim to solve two optimization problems relevant to our system model. First, we minimize the transmit power at the source under the individual quality-of-service (QoS) threshold constraints of the relays and the destination nodes by optimizing PS ratios at the relays. The second is to maximize the minimum system achievable rate by optimizing the PS ratio at each relay. Based on convex optimization techniques, the globally optimal PS ratio solution is obtained in closed-form for both problems. By setting the QoS threshold constraint the same for each node for the source transmit power problem, we discovered that either the minimum source transmit power or the maximum system throughput can be found using the same approach. Numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed optimal SWIPT PS design over conventional fixed PS ratio schemes.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for Publication in IEEE Internet of Things Journa

    TAS-Based Incremental Hybrid Decode–Amplify–Forward Relaying for Physical Layer Security Enhancement

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    In this paper, a transmit antenna selection (TAS)- based incremental hybrid decode-amplify-forward (IHDAF) scheme is proposed to enhance physical layer security in cooperative relay networks. Specifically, TAS is adopted at the source in order to reduce the feedback overhead. In the proposed TAS-based IHDAF scheme, the network transmits signals to the destination adaptive select direction transmission mode, AF mode or DF mode depending on the capacity of the source-relay link and source-relay link. In order to fully examine the benefits of the proposed TAS-based IHDAF scheme, we first derive its secrecy outage probability (SOP) in a closed-form expression. We then conduct asymptotic analysis on the SOP, which reveals the secrecy performance floor of the proposed TAS-based IHDAF scheme when no channel state information is available at the source. Theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed TAS-based IHDAF scheme outperforms the selective decode-and-forward (SDF), the incremental decodeand-forward (IDF), and the noncooperative direction transmission (DT) schemes in terms of the SOP and effective secrecy throughout, especially when the relay is close to the destination. Furthermore, the proposed TAS-based IHDAF scheme offer a good trade-off between complexity and performance compare with using all antennas at the source.ARC Discovery Projects Grant DP150103905

    Workload allocation in mobile edge computing empowered internet of things

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    In the past few years, a tremendous number of smart devices and objects, such as smart phones, wearable devices, industrial and utility components, are equipped with sensors to sense the real-time physical information from the environment. Hence, Internet of Things (IoT) is introduced, where various smart devices are connected with each other via the internet and empowered with data analytics. Owing to the high volume and fast velocity of data streams generated by IoT devices, the cloud that can provision flexible and efficient computing resources is employed as a smart brain to process and store the big data generated from IoT devices. However, since the remote cloud is far from IoT users which send application requests and await the results generated by the data processing in the remote cloud, the response time of the requests may be too long, especially unbearable for delay sensitive IoT applications. Therefore, edge computing resources (e.g., cloudlets and fog nodes) which are close to IoT devices and IoT users can be employed to alleviate the traffic load in the core network and minimize the response time for IoT users. In edge computing, the communications latency critically affects the response time of IoT user requests. Owing to the dynamic distribution of IoT users (i.e., UEs), drone base station (DBS), which can be flexibly deployed for hotspot areas, can potentially improve the wireless latency of IoT users by mitigating the heavy traffic loads of macro BSs. Drone-based communications poses two major challenges: 1) the DBS should be deployed in suitable areas with heavy traffic demands to serve more UEs; 2) the traffic loads in the network should be allocated among macro BSs and DBSs to avoid instigating traffic congestions. Therefore, a TrAffic Load baLancing (TALL) scheme in such drone-assisted fog network is proposed to minimize the wireless latency of IoT users. In the scheme, the problem is decomposed into two sub-problems, two algorithms are designed to optimize the DBS placement and user association, respectively. Extensive simulations have been set up to validate the performance of the proposed scheme. Meanwhile, various IoT applications can be run in cloudlets to reduce the response time between IoT users (e.g., user equipments in mobile networks) and cloudlets. Considering the spatial and temporal dynamics of each application\u27s workloads among cloudlets, the workload allocation among cloudlets for each IoT application affects the response time of the application\u27s requests. To solve this problem, an Application awaRE workload Allocation (AREA) scheme for edge computing based IoT is designed to minimize the response time of IoT application requests by determining the destination cloudlets for each IoT user\u27s different types of requests and the amount of computing resources allocated for each application in each cloudlet. In this scheme, both the network delay and computing delay are taken into account, i.e., IoT users\u27 requests are more likely assigned to closer and lightly loaded cloudlets. The performance of the proposed scheme has been validated by extensive simulations. In addition, the latency of data flows in IoT devices consist of both the communications latency and computing latency. When some BSs and fog nodes are lightly loaded, other overloaded BSs and fog nodes may incur congestion. Thus, a workload balancing scheme in a fog network is proposed to minimize the latency of IoT data in the communications and processing procedures by associating IoT devices to suitable BSs. Furthermore, the convergence and the optimality of the proposed workload balancing scheme has been proved. Through extensive simulations, the performance of the proposed load balancing scheme is validated