5 research outputs found

    Penerapan Choreography Message Broker Untuk Transaksi Data Berbasis Asynchronous RESTful

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    Currently, hospitals under the Christian Foundation for Public Health (Yayasan Kristen untuk Kesehatan Umum - YAKKUM) operate information systems independently. This implies that each hospital builds and manages its information system independently without systematic involvement with other hospitals. This triggers the emergence of heterogeneous data, necessitating data integration. In enterprise-scale applications, integration issues among application system components will increase with the growing needs and complexity of the application. One way to address this is by implementing middleware with a choreography approach as an intermediary between services. The system implements Axon Server as a message broker configured with an event handler in tracking processor mode. Each service has its own database supported by the implementation of infrastructure using Docker. The system is tested based on scenarios testing the reliability of data transactions between services in rollback or compensating transactions, choreography, and event consumption. Test results indicate that all testing scenarios were successfully executed even when services underwent a reboot during the testing process. Additionally, testing with unit tests, component tests, and integration tests successfully completed 46 test cases per 46 total test cases for the User Service and 27 test cases per 27 total test cases for the Auth Service. However, the test results also revealed anomalies or bugs when processing data transactions based on the saga pattern.Saat ini, rumah sakit yang berada di bawah Yayasan Kristen untuk Kesehatan Umum (YAKKUM) menjalankan sistem informasi secara independen yang berarti masing-masing rumah sakit membangun dan mengelola sistem informasinya secara mandiri tanpa adanya keterlibatan secara sistematis dengan rumah sakit lainnya. Hal tersebut memicu munculnya sifat heterogen pada data sehingga diperlukannya integrasi data. Pada aplikasi skala enterprise, masalah integrasi antar komponen sistem aplikasi akan bertambah seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan dan kompleksitas aplikasi tersebut. Salah satu cara mengatasi hal tersebut adalah mengimplementasikan middleware dengan pendekatan choreography sebagai media penengah antar service. Sistem mengimplementasikan Axon Server sebagai message broker yang dikonfigurasi dengan event handler dengan mode tracking processor. Setiap service memiliki database masing-masing yang didukung dengan penerapan infrastruktur menggunakan Docker. Sistem diuji berdasarkan skenario pengujian keandalan transaksi data antar service pada roll back atau compensating transaction,  choreography, dan event consumption. Hasil pengujian menyatakan semua skenario pengujian berhasil diuji bahkan ketika service melakukan reboot di tengah-tengah proses pengujian. Di samping itu, pengujian dengan unit test, component test, integration test berhasil menyelesaikan 46 kasus tes per 46 total kasus tes pada User Service dan 27 kasus tes per 27 total kasus tes pada Auth Service. Namun, hasil pengujian juga menunjukkan adanya kejanggalan atau bug saat memproses transaksi data berbasis saga pattern

    A Proposed Model for Build a Secure Restful API to Connect between Server Side and Mobile Application Using Laravel Framework with Flutter Toolkits

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    Any business these days need a mobile application connected with central database, like E-commerce, E-Learning, Restaurant applications …etc., and in order to create a professional application -connected with backend, Restful API is needed, therefore, choose the best languages, tools and frameworks to build a mobile application in the client side, and Database, API and Dashboard in the backend is crucial. this paper proposed a model to create a Cross-platform mobile application using Flutter Framework with some packages like http to connect with API, (flutter_secure_storage) to store a token and (GetX) for state management and MVC Architectural style, beside using Laravel framework with MySQL database to build an Restful API and the dashboard in the backend, and for make a system for Rules and permissions, Spatie package has been used  with Laravel, as well as use Sanctum for Authentication and Authorization system to protect the APIs with JWT, the result is build a full stack application (frontend and Backend)  called (My Services), which is a kind of Ecommerce application for services only in less than one month

    Microservice development using RabbitMQ message broker

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    Nowadays, when applications are being developed faster with the introduction of agile methodologies and new technologies, microservices are emerging. The microservices make applications easier to create and maintain when broken down into smaller parts, which form a whole application. RabbitMQ acts as an intermediary between the various services. It reduces the load and delivery time on server web applications by delegating tasks that would typically take a lot of time and resources. Message queuing allows web servers to respond quickly to requests rather than being forced to perform complex procedures that can take more time and resources. AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) is a message protocol that deals with publishers and consumers like any other messaging system. Publishers produce messages while consumers download and process them. The job of message brokers, such as RabbitMQ, is to ensure that messages from publishers go to the right consumers. To do this, the broker uses two key components: exchange and order. We demonstrated that the style of microservice architecture is an approach to the development of an application as a set of small services, each in charge of its own process and communication with other services

    Information Analysis Support for Decision-Making in Scientific and Technological Development

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    This paper presents the development of an information and analytical system to foster scientific and technological development in a given scientific field. In this work, the main software tools for implementing distributed computing, which involves a set of software components for collecting, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data, are considered. In addition, various approaches for task coordination between different sets of software are discussed and techniques for storing large amounts of data are described. The system architecture and database schema are designed and tested. Nowadays, the intellectualization of individual software agents is a key aspect of a new generation of multiagent systems. For this reason, this paper develops an approach that can organize activities of a large number of software agents to increase system intellectualization through swarm intelligence at the level of individual agents. Three remote servers were used to build and test the system deployment, comprising such components as a platform for monitoring and scheduling workflow, data storage, and a graphical user interface that enables data retrieval and interaction on the Internet

    Microservice-based Reference Architecture for Semantics-aware Measurement Systems

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    Cloud technologies have become more important than ever with the rising need for scalable and distributed software systems. A pattern that is used in many such systems is a microservice-based architecture (MSA). MSAs have become a blueprint for many large companies and big software systems. In many scientific fields like energy and environmental informatics, efficient and scalable software systems with a primary focus on measurement data are a core requirement. Nowadays, there are many ways to solve research questions using data-driven approaches. Most of them have a need for large amounts of measurement data and according metadata. However, many measurement systems still follow deprecated guidelines such as monolithic architectures, classic relational database principles and are missing semantic awareness and interpretation of data. These problems and the resulting requirements are tackled by the introduction of a reference architecture with a focus on measurement systems that utilizes the principles of microservices. The thesis first presents the systematic design of the reference architecture by using the principles of Domain-driven Design (DDD). This process ensures that the reference architecture is defined in a modular and sustainable way in contrast to complex monolithic software systems. An extensive scientific analysis leads to the core parts of the concept consisting of the data management and semantics for measurement systems. Different data services define a concept for managing measurement data, according meta data and master data describing the business objects of the application implemented by using the reference architecture. Further concepts allow the reference architecture to define a way for the system to understand and interpret the data using semantic information. Lastly, the introduction of a frontend framework for dashboard applications represents an example for visualizing the data managed by the microservices