125 research outputs found

    An FPGA Based Digital Modulation Classifier

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    An FPGA Based Digital Modulation Classifier

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    Assessing 3GPP LTE-Advanced as IMT-Advanced Technology: The WINNER+ Evaluation Group Approach

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    [EN] This article describes the WINNER+ approach to performance evaluation of the 3GPP LTE-Advanced proposal as an IMT-Advanced technology candidate. The official registered WINNER+ Independent Evaluation Group evaluated this proposal against ITU-R requirements. The first part of the article gives an overview of the ITU-R evaluation process, criteria, and scenarios. The second part is focused on the working method of the evaluation group, emphasizing the simulator calibration approach. Finally, the article contains exemplary evaluation results based on analytical and simulation approaches. The obtained results allow WINNER+ to confirm that the 3GPP LTE Release 10 & Beyond (LTE-Advanced) proposal satisfies all the IMT-Advanced requirements, and thus qualifies as an IMT-advanced system.This work has been performed in the framework of the CELTIC project CP5-026 WINNER+. The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues in the WINNER+ consortium. The authors wish to thank colleagues from Ericsson, Per Skillermark and Johnan Nystrom, for their effort in leading the simulations part of the WINNER+ evaluation group. The work of David Martin-Sacristan was supported by an FPU grant of the Spanish Ministry of Education.Safjan, K.; D'amico, V.; Bültmann, D.; Martín-Sacristán, D.; Saadani, A.; Schöneich, H. (2011). Assessing 3GPP LTE-Advanced as IMT-Advanced Technology: The WINNER+ Evaluation Group Approach. IEEE Communications Magazine. 49(2):92-100. doi:10.1109/MCOM.2011.5706316S9210049

    A system-level methodology for the design and deployment of reliable low-power wireless sensor networks

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    Innovative Internet of Things (IoT) applications with strict performance and energy consumption requirements and where the agile collection of data is paramount are rousing. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) represent a promising solution as they can be easily deployed to sense, process, and forward data. The large number of Sensor Nodes (SNs) composing a WSN are expected to be autonomous, with a node's lifetime dictated by the battery's size. As the form factor of the SN is critical in various use cases such as industrial and building automation, minimizing energy consumption while ensuring availability becomes a priority. Moreover, energy harvesting techniques are increasingly considered as a viable solution for building an entirely green SN and prolonging its lifetime. In the process of building a SN and in the absence of a clear and well-rounded methodology, the designer can easily make unfounded decisions about the right hardware components, their configuration and data reliable data communication techniques such as automatic repeat request (ARQ) and forward error correction (FEC). In this thesis, a methodology to better optimize the design, configuration and deployment of reliable ultra-low power WSNs is proposed. Comprehensive and realistic energy and path-loss (PL) models of the sensor node are also established. Through estimations and measurements, it is shown that following the proposed methodology, the designer can thoroughly explore the design space and make most favorable decisions when choosing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, configuring the node, and deploying a reliable and energy-efficient WSN

    A comparative study of STBC transmissions at 2.4 GHz over indoor channels using a 2 × 2 MIMO testbed

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    In this paper we employ a 2×2 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) hardware platform to evaluate, in realistic indoor scenarios, the performance of different space-time block coded (STBC) transmissions at 2.4GHz. In particular, we focus on the Alamouti orthogonal scheme considering two types of channel state information (CSI) estimation: a conventional pilot-aided supervised technique and a recently proposed blind method based on second-order statistics (SOS). For comparison purposes, we also evaluate the performance of a Differential (non-coherent) space-time block coding (DSTBC). DSTBC schemes have the advantage of not requiring CSI estimation but they incur in a 3dB loss in performance. The hardware MIMO platform is based on high-performance signal acquisition and generation boards, each one equipped with a 1GB memory module that allows the transmission of extremely large data frames. Upconversion to RF is performed by two RF vector signal generators whereas downconversion is carried out with two custom circuits designed from commercial components. All the baseband signal processing is implemented off-line in MATLAB®, making the MIMO testbed very flexible and easily reconfigurable. Using this platform we compare the performance of the described methods in line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) indoor scenarios.This work has been supported by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain, Xunta de Galicia and FEDER funds of the European Union under grant numbers TEC2004-06451-C05-02, TEC2004-06451-C05-01, PGIDT05PXIC10502PN, and FPU grants AP2004-5127 and AP2006-2965

    Antenna Designs Aiming at the Next Generation of Wireless Communication

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    Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies have drawn large attention, specically for the fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication, due to their capability to provide high data-rates. However, design and characterization of the antenna system in wireless communication will face new challenges when we move up to higher frequency bands. The small size of the components at higher frequencies will make the integration of the antennas in the system almost inevitable. Therefore, the individual characterization of the antenna can become more challenging compared to the previous generations.This emphasizes the importance of having a reliable, simple and yet meaningful Over-the-Air (OTA) characterization method for the antenna systems. To avoid the complexity of using a variety of propagation environments in the OTA performance characterization, two extreme or edge scenarios for the propagation channels are presented, i.e., the Rich Isotropic Multipath (RIMP) and Random Line-of-Sight (Random-LoS). MIMO efficiency has been defined as a Figure of Merit (FoM), based on the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the received signal, due to the statistical behavior of the signal in both RIMP and Random-LoS. Considering this approach, we have improved the design of a wideband antenna for wireless application based on MIMO efficiency as the FoM of the OTA characterization in a Random-LoS propagation environment. We have shown that the power imbalance and the polarization orthogonality plays major roles determining the 2-bitstream MIMO performance of the antenna in Random-LoS. In addition, a wideband dual-polarized linear array is designed for an OTA Random-LoS measurement set-up for automotive wireless systems. The next generation of wireless communications is extended throughout multiple narrow frequency bands, varying within 20-70 GHz. Providing an individual antenna system for each of these bands may not be feasible in terms of cost, complexity and available physical space. Therefore, Ultra-Wideband (UWB) antenna arrays, coveringmultiple mm-wave frequency bands represent a versatile candidate for these antenna systems. In addition to having wideband characteristics, these antennas should offer an easy integration capability with the active modules. We present a new design of UWB planar arrays for mm-wave applications. The novelty is to propose planar antenna layouts to provide large bandwidth at mm-wave frequencies, using simplified standard PCB manufacturing techniques. The proposed antennas are based on Tightly Coupled Dipole Arrays (TCDAs) concept with integrated feeding network

    WHOI acoustic telemetry project interim report 12/1/88 - 6/1/89

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    This interim report covers the progress of the acoustic telemetry project during the period 12/1/88 to 5/15/89. In general, the work followed the format specified in WHOI proposal No. 5674.1. The major exception was the deletion of the transmitter array development task and a corresponding funding decrease from 242,242to242,242 to 170,000. In addition, the period for the funding was extended to June 30, partly due to a two month delay in project startup. The telemetry project was centered around the construction, programming and testing of a digital receiver prototype capable of supporting future signal processing algorithms in real-time over ocean acoustic channels. The baseline receiver consists of a two-channel analog quadrature demodulator, and interface to a multiprocessor receiver for digital signal processing. The software developed includes routines for command and control of the analog demodulator, data handling and formatting, and minimal software to digitally implement an incoherent MFSK demodulator, synchronizer and data decoder. Data storage and display programs were also completed to facilitate the performance analysis of the unit during testing. The system was tested in Woods Hole harbor at data rates up to 4800 bits/sec. The acoustic channel was time-dispersive Rayleigh fading, and performance close to theoretical expectations was achieved. We are confident that the system error behavior is arising from channel-caused effects and known deficiencies in system performance, such as excessive synchronizer steady-state jitter.Funding was provided by the Office of Naval Research under contract Number N00014-86-K-0751, and by the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Inc