5 research outputs found

    The variety generated by all the ordinal sums of perfect MV-chains

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    We present the logic BL_Chang, an axiomatic extension of BL (see P. H\'ajek - Metamathematics of fuzzy logic - 1998, Kluwer) whose corresponding algebras form the smallest variety containing all the ordinal sums of perfect MV-chains. We will analyze this logic and the corresponding algebraic semantics in the propositional and in the first-order case. As we will see, moreover, the variety of BL_Chang-algebras will be strictly connected to the one generated by Chang's MV-algebra (that is, the variety generated by all the perfect MV-algebras): we will also give some new results concerning these last structures and their logic.Comment: This is a revised version of the previous paper: the modifications concern essentially the presentation. The scientific content is substantially unchanged. The major variations are: Definition 2.7 has been improved. Section 3.1 has been made more compact. A new reference, [Bus04], has been added. There is some minor modification in Section 3.

    Hyperstates of Involutive MTL-Algebras that Satisfy (2x)2=2(x2)(2x)^2 = 2(x^2)

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    States of MV-algebras have been the object of intensive study and attempts of generalizations. The aim of this contribution is to provide a preliminary investigation for states of prelinear semihoops and hyperstates of algebras in the variety generated by perfect and involutive MTL-algebras (IBP0-algebras for short). Grounding on a recent result showing that IBP0-algebras can be constructed from a Boolean algebra, a prelinear semihoop and a suitably defined operator between them, our first investigation on states of prelinear semihoops will support and justify the notion of hyperstate for IBP0- algebras and will actually show that each such map can be represented by a probability measure on its Boolean skeleton, and a state on a suitably defined abelian l-group.Comment: 12 page

    Perfect and bipartite IMTL-algebras and disconnected rotations of prelinear semihoops

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    IMTL logic was introduced in [12] as a generalization of the infinitely-valued logic of Lukasiewicz, and in [11] it was proved to be the logic of left-continuous t-norms with an involutive negation and their residua. The structure of such t-norms is still not known. Nevertheless, Jenei introduced in [20] a new way to obtain rotation-invariant semigroups and, in particular, IMTL-algebras and left-continuous t-norm with an involutive negation, by means of the disconnected rotation method. In order to give an algebraic interpretation to this construction, we generalize the concepts of perfect, bipartite and local algebra used in the classification of MV-algebras to the wider variety of IMTL-algebras and we prove that perfect algebras are exactly those algebras obtained from a prelinear semihoop by Jenei's disconnected rotation. We also prove that the variety generated by all perfect IMTL-algebras is the variety of the IMTL-algebras that are bipartite by every maximal filter and we give equational axiomatizations for it. © Springer-Verlag 2005

    Generalized continuous and left-continuous t-norms arising from algebraic semantics for fuzzy logics

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    This paper focuses on the issue of how generalizations of continuous and left-continuous t-norms over linearly ordered sets should be from a logical point of view. Taking into account recent results in the scope of algebraic semantics for fuzzy logics over chains with a monoidal residuated operation, we advocate linearly ordered BL-algebras and MTL-algebras as adequate generalizations of continuous and left-continuous t-norms respectively. In both cases, the underlying basic structure is that of linearly ordered residuated lattices. Although the residuation property is equivalent to left-continuity in t-norms, continuous t-norms have received much more attention due to their simpler structure. We review their complete description in terms of ordinal sums and discuss the problem of describing the structure of their generalization to BL-chains. In particular we show the good behavior of BL-algebras over a finite or complete chain, and discuss the partial knowledge of rational BL-chains. Then we move to the general non-continuous case corresponding to left-continuous t-norms and MTL-chains. The unsolved problem of describing the structure of left-continuous t-norms is presented together with a fistful of construction-decomposition techniques that apply to some distinguished families of t-norms and, finally, we discuss the situation in the general study of MTL-chains as a natural generalization of left-continuous t-norms

    Perfect and bipartite IMTL-algebras and disconnected rotations of prelinear semihoops

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    IMTL logic was introduced in [12] as a generalization of the infinitely-valued logic of Lukasiewicz, and in [11] it was proved to be the logic of left-continuous t-norms with an involutive negation and their residua. The structure of such t-norms is still not known. Nevertheless, Jenei introduced in [20] a new way to obtain rotation-invariant semigroups and, in particular, IMTL-algebras and left-continuous t-norm with an involutive negation, by means of the disconnected rotation method. In order to give an algebraic interpretation to this construction, we generalize the concepts of perfect, bipartite and local algebra used in the classification of MV-algebras to the wider variety of IMTL-algebras and we prove that perfect algebras are exactly those algebras obtained from a prelinear semihoop by Jenei's disconnected rotation. We also prove that the variety generated by all perfect IMTL-algebras is the variety of the IMTL-algebras that are bipartite by every maximal filter and we give equational axiomatizations for it. © Springer-Verlag 2005.The authors acknowledge partial support of the Spanish projects TIN2004-07933-C03-01, TIN2004-07933-C03-02 and MTM 2004-03102 and the Catalan project 2001SGR-0017 of DGR.Peer Reviewe