356 research outputs found

    3-Factor-criticality in double domination edge critical graphs

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    A vertex subset SS of a graph GG is a double dominating set of GG if N[v]S2|N[v]\cap S|\geq 2 for each vertex vv of GG, where N[v]N[v] is the set of the vertex vv and vertices adjacent to vv. The double domination number of GG, denoted by γ×2(G)\gamma_{\times 2}(G), is the cardinality of a smallest double dominating set of GG. A graph GG is said to be double domination edge critical if γ×2(G+e)<γ×2(G)\gamma_{\times 2}(G+e)<\gamma_{\times 2}(G) for any edge eEe \notin E. A double domination edge critical graph GG with γ×2(G)=k\gamma_{\times 2}(G)=k is called kk-γ×2(G)\gamma_{\times 2}(G)-critical. A graph GG is rr-factor-critical if GSG-S has a perfect matching for each set SS of rr vertices in GG. In this paper we show that GG is 3-factor-critical if GG is a 3-connected claw-free 44-γ×2(G)\gamma_{\times 2}(G)-critical graph of odd order with minimum degree at least 4 except a family of graphs.Comment: 14 page

    How quickly can we sample a uniform domino tiling of the 2L x 2L square via Glauber dynamics?

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    TThe prototypical problem we study here is the following. Given a 2L×2L2L\times 2L square, there are approximately exp(4KL2/π)\exp(4KL^2/\pi ) ways to tile it with dominos, i.e. with horizontal or vertical 2×12\times 1 rectangles, where K0.916K\approx 0.916 is Catalan's constant [Kasteleyn '61, Temperley-Fisher '61]. A conceptually simple (even if computationally not the most efficient) way of sampling uniformly one among so many tilings is to introduce a Markov Chain algorithm (Glauber dynamics) where, with rate 11, two adjacent horizontal dominos are flipped to vertical dominos, or vice-versa. The unique invariant measure is the uniform one and a classical question [Wilson 2004,Luby-Randall-Sinclair 2001] is to estimate the time TmixT_{mix} it takes to approach equilibrium (i.e. the running time of the algorithm). In [Luby-Randall-Sinclair 2001, Randall-Tetali 2000], fast mixin was proven: Tmix=O(LC)T_{mix}=O(L^C) for some finite CC. Here, we go much beyond and show that cL2TmixL2+o(1)c L^2\le T_{mix}\le L^{2+o(1)}. Our result applies to rather general domain shapes (not just the 2L×2L2L\times 2L square), provided that the typical height function associated to the tiling is macroscopically planar in the large LL limit, under the uniform measure (this is the case for instance for the Temperley-type boundary conditions considered in [Kenyon 2000]). Also, our method extends to some other types of tilings of the plane, for instance the tilings associated to dimer coverings of the hexagon or square-hexagon lattices.Comment: to appear on PTRF; 42 pages, 9 figures; v2: typos corrected, references adde

    On vertex independence number of uniform hypergraphs

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    Abstract Let H be an r-uniform hypergraph with r ≥ 2 and let α(H) be its vertex independence number. In the paper bounds of α(H) are given for different uniform hypergraphs: if H has no isolated vertex, then in terms of the degrees, and for triangle-free linear H in terms of the order and average degree.</jats:p

    Edge Dominating Sets and Vertex Covers

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    Bipartite graphs with equal edge domination number and maximum matching cardinality are characterized. These two parameters are used to develop bounds on the vertex cover and total vertex cover numbers of graphs and a resulting chain of vertex covering, edge domination, and matching parameters is explored. In addition, the total vertex cover number is compared to the total domination number of trees and grid graphs