912 research outputs found

    Perfect Matchings, Tilings and Hamilton Cycles in Hypergraphs

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    This thesis contains problems in finding spanning subgraphs in graphs, such as, perfect matchings, tilings and Hamilton cycles. First, we consider the tiling problems in graphs, which are natural generalizations of the matching problems. We give new proofs of the multipartite Hajnal-Szemeredi Theorem for the tripartite and quadripartite cases. Second, we consider Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs. In particular, we determine the minimum codegree thresholds for Hamilton l-cycles in large k-uniform hypergraphs for l less than k/2. We also determine the minimum vertex degree threshold for loose Hamilton cycle in large 3-uniform hypergraphs. These results generalize the well-known theorem of Dirac for graphs. Third, we determine the minimum codegree threshold for near perfect matchings in large k-uniform hypergraphs, thereby confirming a conjecture of Rodl, Rucinski and Szemeredi. We also show that the decision problem on whether a k-uniform hypergraph with certain minimum codegree condition contains a perfect matching can be solved in polynomial time, which solves a problem of Karpinski, Rucinski and Szymanska completely. At last, we determine the minimum vertex degree threshold for perfect tilings of C_4^3 in large 3-uniform hypergraphs, where C_4^3 is the unique 3-uniform hypergraph on four vertices with two edges

    Matchings and Tilings in Hypergraphs

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    We consider two extremal problems in hypergraphs. First, given k ≥ 3 and k-partite k-uniform hypergraphs, as a generalization of graph (k = 2) matchings, we determine the partite minimum codegree threshold for matchings with at most one vertex left in each part, thereby answering a problem asked by R ̈odl and Rucin ́ski. We further improve the partite minimum codegree conditions to sum of all k partite codegrees, in which case the partite minimum codegree is not necessary large. Second, as a generalization of (hyper)graph matchings, we determine the minimum vertex degree threshold asymptotically for perfect Ka,b,c-tlings in large 3-uniform hypergraphs, where Ka,b,c is any complete 3-partite 3-uniform hypergraphs with each part of size a, b and c. This partially answers a question of Mycroft, who proved an analogous result with respect to codegree for r-uniform hypergraphs for all r ≥ 3. Our proof uses Regularity Lemma, the absorbing method, fractional tiling, and a recent result on shadows for 3-graphs

    Matchings in 3-uniform hypergraphs

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    We determine the minimum vertex degree that ensures a perfect matching in a 3-uniform hypergraph. More precisely, suppose that H is a sufficiently large 3-uniform hypergraph whose order n is divisible by 3. If the minimum vertex degree of H is greater than \binom{n-1}{2}-\binom{2n/3}{2}, then H contains a perfect matching. This bound is tight and answers a question of Han, Person and Schacht. More generally, we show that H contains a matching of size d\le n/3 if its minimum vertex degree is greater than \binom{n-1}{2}-\binom{n-d}{2}, which is also best possible. This extends a result of Bollobas, Daykin and Erdos.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure. To appear in JCT

    Large matchings in uniform hypergraphs and the conjectures of Erdos and Samuels

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    In this paper we study conditions which guarantee the existence of perfect matchings and perfect fractional matchings in uniform hypergraphs. We reduce this problem to an old conjecture by Erd\H{o}s on estimating the maximum number of edges in a hypergraph when the (fractional) matching number is given, which we are able to solve in some special cases using probabilistic techniques. Based on these results, we obtain some general theorems on the minimum dd-degree ensuring the existence of perfect (fractional) matchings. In particular, we asymptotically determine the minimum vertex degree which guarantees a perfect matching in 4-uniform and 5-uniform hypergraphs. We also discuss an application to a problem of finding an optimal data allocation in a distributed storage system