105 research outputs found

    Enumeration of perfect matchings of a type of quadratic lattice on the torus

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    NSFC [10831001]A quadrilateral cylinder of length m and breadth n is the Cartesian product of a m-cycle(with m vertices) and a n-path(with n vertices). Write the vertices of the two cycles on the boundary of the quadrilateral cylinder as x(1), x(2), ... , x(m) and y(1), y(2), ... , y(m), respectively, where x(i) corresponds to y(i) (i = 1, 2, ..., m). We denote by Q(m,n,r), the graph obtained from quadrilateral cylinder of length m and breadth n by adding edges x(i)y(i+r) (r is a integer, 0 <= r < m and i + r is modulo m). Kasteleyn had derived explicit expressions of the number of perfect matchings for Q(m,n,0) [P.W. Kasteleyn, The statistics of dimers on a lattice I: The number of dimer arrangements on a quadratic lattice, Physica 27(1961), 1209-1225]. In this paper, we generalize the result of Kasteleyn, and obtain expressions of the number of perfect matchings for Q(m,n,r) by enumerating Pfaffians

    Investigations in the semi-strong product of graphs and bootstrap percolation

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    The semi-strong product of graphs G and H is a way of forming a new graph from the graphs G and H. The vertex set of the semi-strong product is the Cartesian product of the vertex sets of G and H, V(G) x V(H). The edges of the semi-strong product are determined as follows: (g1,h1)(g2,h2) is an edge of the product whenever g1g2 is an edge of G and h1h2 is an edge of H or g1 = g2 and h1h2 is an edge of H. A natural subject for investigation is to determine properties of the semi-strong product in terms of those properties of its factors. We investigate distance, independence, matching, and domination in the semi-strong product Bootstrap Percolation is a process defined on a graph. We begin with an initial set of infected vertices. In each subsequent round, uninfected vertices become infected if they are adjacent to at least r infected vertices. Once infected, vertices remain infected. The parameter r is called the percolation threshold. When G is finite, the infection either stops at a proper subset of G or all of V(G) becomes infected. If all of V(G) eventually becomes infected, then we say that the infection percolates and we call the initial set of infected vertices a percolating set. The cardinality of a minimum percolating set of G with percolation threshold r is denoted m(G,r). We determine m(G,r) for certain Kneser graphs and bipartite Kneser graphs

    Dimer geometry, amoebae and a vortex dimer model

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    We present a geometrical approach for studying dimers. We introduce a connection for dimer problems on bipartite and non-bipartite graphs. In the bipartite case the connection is flat but has non-trivial Z2{\bf Z}_2 holonomy round certain curves. This holonomy has the universality property that it does not change as the number of vertices in the fundamental domain of the graph is increased. It is argued that the K-theory of the torus, with or without punctures, is the appropriate underlying invariant. In the non-bipartite case the connection has non-zero curvature as well as non-zero Chern number. The curvature does not require the introduction of a magnetic field. The phase diagram of these models is captured by what is known as an amoeba. We introduce a dimer model with negative edge weights that give rise to vortices. The amoebae for various models are studied with particular emphasis on the case of negative edge weights which corresponds to the presence of vortices. Vortices gives rise to new kinds of amoebae with certain singular structures which we investigate. On the amoeba of the vortex full hexagonal lattice we find the partition function corresponds to that of a massless Dirac doublet.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures Latest version: some references added and typos remove

    Master index of volumes 61–70

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    Brane Tilings and Quiver Gauge Theories

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    This work presents recent developments on brane tilings and their vacuum moduli spaces. Brane tilings are bipartite periodic graphs on the torus and represent 4d N = 1 supersymmetric worldvolume theories living on D3-branes probing Calabi-Yau 3-fold singularities. The graph and combinatorial properties of brane tilings make the set of supersymmetric quiver theories represented by them one of the largest and richest known so far. The aim of this work is to give a concise pedagogical introduction to brane tilings and a summary on recent exciting advancement on their classification, dualities and construction. At first, particular focus is given on counting distinct Abelian orbifolds of the form C3/[gamma]. The presented counting of Abelian orbifolds of C3 and in more general of CD gives a first insight on the rich combinatorial nature of brane tilings. Following the classification theme, the work proceeds with the identification of all brane tilings whose mesonic moduli spaces as toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds are represented by reflexive polygons. There are 16 of these special convex lattice polygons. It is shown that 30 brane tilings are associated with them. Some of these brane tilings are related by a correspondence known as toric duality. The classification of brane tilings with reflexive toric diagrams led to the discovery of a new correspondence between brane tilings which we call specular duality. The new correspondence identifies brane tilings with the same master space - the combined mesonic and baryonic moduli space. As a by-product, the new correspondence paves the way for constructing brane tilings which are not confined to the torus but are on Riemann surfaces with arbitrary genus. We give the first classification of genus 2 brane tilings, illustrate the corresponding supersymmetric quiver theories and analyse their vacuum moduli spaces.Open Acces

    Hamiltonian Cycle Parameterized by Treedepth in Single Exponential Time and Polynomial Space

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    For many algorithmic problems on graphs of treewidth tt, a standard dynamic programming approach gives an algorithm with time and space complexity 2O(t)nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}. It turns out that when one considers the more restrictive parameter treedepth, it is often the case that a variation of this technique can be used to reduce the space complexity to polynomial, while retaining time complexity of the form 2O(d)nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(d)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}, where dd is the treedepth. This transfer of methodology is, however, far from automatic. For instance, for problems with connectivity constraints, standard dynamic programming techniques give algorithms with time and space complexity 2O(tlogt)nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(t\log t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)} on graphs of treewidth tt, but it is not clear how to convert them into time-efficient polynomial space algorithms for graphs of low treedepth. Cygan et al. (FOCS'11) introduced the Cut&Count technique and showed that a certain class of problems with connectivity constraints can be solved in time and space complexity 2O(t)nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}. Recently, Hegerfeld and Kratsch (STACS'20) showed that, for some of those problems, the Cut&Count technique can be also applied in the setting of treedepth, and it gives algorithms with running time 2O(d)nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(d)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)} and polynomial space usage. However, a number of important problems eluded such a treatment, with the most prominent examples being Hamiltonian Cycle and Longest Path. In this paper we clarify the situation by showing that Hamiltonian Cycle, Hamiltonian Path, Long Cycle, Long Path, and Min Cycle Cover all admit 5dnO(1)5^d\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}-time and polynomial space algorithms on graphs of treedepth dd. The algorithms are randomized Monte Carlo with only false negatives.Comment: Presented at WG2020. 20 pages, 2 figure