4 research outputs found

    Perceptual lossless medical image coding

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    A novel perceptually lossless coder is presented for the compression of medical images. Built on the JPEG 2000 coding framework, the heart of the proposed coder is a visual pruning function, embedded with an advanced human vision model to identify and to remove visually insignificant/irrelevant information. The proposed coder offers the advantages of simplicity and modularity with bit-stream compliance. Current results have shown superior compression ratio gains over that of its information lossless counterparts without any visible distortion. In addition, a case study consisting of 31 medical experts has shown that no perceivable difference of statistical significance exists between the original images and the images compressed by the proposed coder

    A human visual system based image coder

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    Over the years, society has changed considerably due to technological changes, and digital images have become part and parcel of our everyday lives. Irrespective of applications (i.e., digital camera) and services (information sharing, e.g., Youtube, archive / storage), there is the need for high image quality with high compression ratios. Hence, considerable efforts have been invested in the area of image compression. The traditional image compression systems take into account of statistical redundancies inherent in the image data. However, the development and adaptation of vision models, which take into account the properties of the human visual system (HVS), into picture coders have since shown promising results. The objective of the thesis is to propose the implementation of a vision model in two different manners in the JPEG2000 coding system: (a) a Perceptual Colour Distortion Measure (PCDM) for colour images in the encoding stage, and (b) a Perceptual Post Filtering (PPF) algorithm for colour images in the decoding stage. Both implementations are embedded into the JPEG2000 coder. The vision model here exploits the contrast sensitivity, the inter-orientation masking and intra-band masking visual properties of the HVS. Extensive calibration work has been undertaken to fine-tune the 42 model parameters of the PCDM and Just-Noticeable-Difference thresholds of the PPF for colour images. Evaluation with subjective assessments of PCDM based coder has shown perceived quality improvement over the JPEG2000 benchmark with the MSE (mean square error) and CVIS criteria. For the PPF adapted JPEG2000 decoder, performance evaluation has also shown promising results against the JPEG2000 benchmarks. Based on subjective evaluation, when both PCDM and PPF are used in the JPEG2000 coding system, the overall perceived image quality is superior to the stand-alone JPEG2000 with the PCDM

    Perceptually lossless coding of medical images - from abstraction to reality

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    This work explores a novel vision model based coding approach to encode medical images at a perceptually lossless quality, within the framework of the JPEG 2000 coding engine. Perceptually lossless encoding offers the best of both worlds, delivering images free of visual distortions and at the same time providing significantly greater compression ratio gains over its information lossless counterparts. This is achieved through a visual pruning function, embedded with an advanced model of the human visual system to accurately identify and to efficiently remove visually irrelevant/insignificant information. In addition, it maintains bit-stream compliance with the JPEG 2000 coding framework and subsequently is compliant with the Digital Communications in Medicine standard (DICOM). Equally, the pruning function is applicable to other Discrete Wavelet Transform based image coders, e.g., The Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees. Further significant coding gains are exploited through an artificial edge segmentatio n algorithm and a novel arithmetic pruning algorithm. The coding effectiveness and qualitative consistency of the algorithm is evaluated through a double-blind subjective assessment with 31 medical experts, performed using a novel 2-staged forced choice assessment that was devised for medical experts, offering the benefits of greater robustness and accuracy in measuring subjective responses. The assessment showed that no differences of statistical significance were perceivable between the original images and the images encoded by the proposed coder

    <title>Perceptually lossless wavelet-based compression for medical images</title>

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