415 research outputs found

    A robust image watermarking technique based on quantization noise visibility thresholds

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    International audienceA tremendous amount of digital multimedia data is broadcasted daily over the internet. Since digital data can be very quickly and easily duplicated, intellectual property right protection techniques have become important and first appeared about fifty years ago (see [I.J. Cox, M.L. Miller, The First 50 Years of Electronic Watermarking, EURASIP J. Appl. Signal Process. 2 (2002) 126-132. [52]] for an extended review). Digital watermarking was born. Since its inception, many watermarking techniques have appeared, in all possible transformed spaces. However, an important lack in watermarking literature concerns the human visual system models. Several human visual system (HVS) model based watermarking techniques were designed in the late 1990's. Due to the weak robustness results, especially concerning geometrical distortions, the interest in such studies has reduced. In this paper, we intend to take advantage of recent advances in HVS models and watermarking techniques to revisit this issue. We will demonstrate that it is possible to resist too many attacks, including geometrical distortions, in HVS based watermarking algorithms. The perceptual model used here takes into account advanced features of the HVS identified from psychophysics experiments conducted in our laboratory. This model has been successfully applied in quality assessment and image coding schemes M. Carnec, P. Le Callet, D. Barba, An image quality assessment method based on perception of structural information, IEEE Internat. Conf. Image Process. 3 (2003) 185-188, N. Bekkat, A. Saadane, D. Barba, Masking effects in the quality assessment of coded images, in: SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging V, 3959 (2000) 211-219. In this paper the human visual system model is used to create a perceptual mask in order to optimize the watermark strength. The optimal watermark obtained satisfies both invisibility and robustness requirements. Contrary to most watermarking schemes using advanced perceptual masks, in order to best thwart the de-synchronization problem induced by geometrical distortions, we propose here a Fourier domain embedding and detection technique optimizing the amplitude of the watermark. Finally, the robustness of the scheme obtained is assessed against all attacks provided by the Stirmark benchmark. This work proposes a new digital rights management technique using an advanced human visual system model that is able to resist various kind of attacks including many geometrical distortions

    Human Visual System Models in Digital Image Watermarking

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    In this paper some Human Visual System (HVS) models used in digital image watermarking are presented. Four different HVS models, which exploit various properties of human eye, are described. Two of them operate in transform domain of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). HVS model in DCT domain consists of Just Noticeable Difference thresholds for corresponding DCT basis functions corrected by luminance sensitivity and self- or neighborhood contrast masking. HVS model in DWT domain is based on different HVS sensitivity in various DWT subbands. The third presented HVS model is composed of contrast thresholds as a function of spatial frequency and eye's eccentricity. We present also a way of combining these three basic models to get better tradeoff between conflicting requirements of digital watermarks. The fourth HVS model is based on noise visibility in an image and is described by so called Noise Visibility Function (NVF). The possible ways of exploiting of the described HVS models in digital image watermarking are also briefly discussed

    Spread spectrum-based video watermarking algorithms for copyright protection

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/2263 on 14.03.2017 by CS (TIS)Digital technologies know an unprecedented expansion in the last years. The consumer can now benefit from hardware and software which was considered state-of-the-art several years ago. The advantages offered by the digital technologies are major but the same digital technology opens the door for unlimited piracy. Copying an analogue VCR tape was certainly possible and relatively easy, in spite of various forms of protection, but due to the analogue environment, the subsequent copies had an inherent loss in quality. This was a natural way of limiting the multiple copying of a video material. With digital technology, this barrier disappears, being possible to make as many copies as desired, without any loss in quality whatsoever. Digital watermarking is one of the best available tools for fighting this threat. The aim of the present work was to develop a digital watermarking system compliant with the recommendations drawn by the EBU, for video broadcast monitoring. Since the watermark can be inserted in either spatial domain or transform domain, this aspect was investigated and led to the conclusion that wavelet transform is one of the best solutions available. Since watermarking is not an easy task, especially considering the robustness under various attacks several techniques were employed in order to increase the capacity/robustness of the system: spread-spectrum and modulation techniques to cast the watermark, powerful error correction to protect the mark, human visual models to insert a robust mark and to ensure its invisibility. The combination of these methods led to a major improvement, but yet the system wasn't robust to several important geometrical attacks. In order to achieve this last milestone, the system uses two distinct watermarks: a spatial domain reference watermark and the main watermark embedded in the wavelet domain. By using this reference watermark and techniques specific to image registration, the system is able to determine the parameters of the attack and revert it. Once the attack was reverted, the main watermark is recovered. The final result is a high capacity, blind DWr-based video watermarking system, robust to a wide range of attacks.BBC Research & Developmen

    Data hiding in images based on fractal modulation and diversity combining

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    The current work provides a new data-embedding infrastructure based on fractal modulation. The embedding problem is tackled from a communications point of view. The data to be embedded becomes the signal to be transmitted through a watermark channel. The channel could be the image itself or some manipulation of the image. The image self noise and noise due to attacks are the two sources of noise in this paradigm. At the receiver, the image self noise has to be suppressed, while noise due to the attacks may sometimes be predicted and inverted. The concepts of fractal modulation and deterministic self-similar signals are extended to 2-dimensional images. These novel techniques are used to build a deterministic bi-homogenous watermark signal that embodies the binary data to be embedded. The binary data to be embedded, is repeated and scaled with different amplitudes at each level and is used as the wavelet decomposition pyramid. The binary data is appended with special marking data, which is used during demodulation, to identify and correct unreliable or distorted blocks of wavelet coefficients. This specially constructed pyramid is inverted using the inverse discrete wavelet transform to obtain the self-similar watermark signal. In the data embedding stage, the well-established linear additive technique is used to add the watermark signal to the cover image, to generate the watermarked (stego) image. Data extraction from a potential stego image is done using diversity combining. Neither the original image nor the original binary sequence (or watermark signal) is required during the extraction. A prediction of the original image is obtained using a cross-shaped window and is used to suppress the image self noise in the potential stego image. The resulting signal is then decomposed using the discrete wavelet transform. The number of levels and the wavelet used are the same as those used in the watermark signal generation stage. A thresholding process similar to wavelet de-noising is used to identify whether a particular coefficient is reliable or not. A decision is made as to whether a block is reliable or not based on the marking data present in each block and sometimes corrections are applied to the blocks. Finally the selected blocks are combined based on the diversity combining strategy to extract the embedded binary data

    On the Use of Masking Models for Image and Audio Watermarking

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    In most watermarking systems, masking models, inherited from data compression algorithms, are used to preserve fidelity by controlling the perceived distortion resulting from adding the watermark to the original signal. So far, little attention has been paid to the consequences of using such models on a key design parameter: the robustness of the watermark to intentional attacks. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that by considering fidelity alone, key information on the location and strength of the watermark may become available to an attacker; the latter can exploit such knowledge to build an effective mask attack. First, defining a theoretical framework in which analytical expressions for masking and watermarking are laid, a relation between the decrease of the detection statistic and the introduced perceptual distortion is found for the mask attack. The latter is compared to the Wiener filter attack. Then, considering masking models widely used in watermarking, experiments on both simulated and real data (audio and images) demonstrate how knowledge on the mask enables to greatly reduce the detection statistic, even for small perceptual distortion costs. The critical tradeoff between robustness and distortion is further discussed, and conclusions on the use of masking models in watermarking drawn

    Audio Coding Based on Integer Transforms

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    Die Audiocodierung hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem sehr populären Forschungs- und Anwendungsgebiet entwickelt. Insbesondere gehörangepasste Verfahren zur Audiocodierung, wie etwa MPEG-1 Layer-3 (MP3) oder MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), werden häufig zur effizienten Speicherung und Übertragung von Audiosignalen verwendet. Für professionelle Anwendungen, wie etwa die Archivierung und Übertragung im Studiobereich, ist hingegen eher eine verlustlose Audiocodierung angebracht. Die bisherigen Ansätze für gehörangepasste und verlustlose Audiocodierung sind technisch völlig verschieden. Moderne gehörangepasste Audiocoder basieren meist auf Filterbänken, wie etwa der überlappenden orthogonalen Transformation "Modifizierte Diskrete Cosinus-Transformation" (MDCT). Verlustlose Audiocoder hingegen verwenden meist prädiktive Codierung zur Redundanzreduktion. Nur wenige Ansätze zur transformationsbasierten verlustlosen Audiocodierung wurden bisher versucht. Diese Arbeit präsentiert einen neuen Ansatz hierzu, der das Lifting-Schema auf die in der gehörangepassten Audiocodierung verwendeten überlappenden Transformationen anwendet. Dies ermöglicht eine invertierbare Integer-Approximation der ursprünglichen Transformation, z.B. die IntMDCT als Integer-Approximation der MDCT. Die selbe Technik kann auch für Filterbänke mit niedriger Systemverzögerung angewandt werden. Weiterhin ermöglichen ein neuer, mehrdimensionaler Lifting-Ansatz und eine Technik zur Spektralformung von Quantisierungsfehlern eine Verbesserung der Approximation der ursprünglichen Transformation. Basierend auf diesen neuen Integer-Transformationen werden in dieser Arbeit neue Verfahren zur Audiocodierung vorgestellt. Die Verfahren umfassen verlustlose Audiocodierung, eine skalierbare verlustlose Erweiterung eines gehörangepassten Audiocoders und einen integrierten Ansatz zur fein skalierbaren gehörangepassten und verlustlosen Audiocodierung. Schließlich wird mit Hilfe der Integer-Transformationen ein neuer Ansatz zur unhörbaren Einbettung von Daten mit hohen Datenraten in unkomprimierte Audiosignale vorgestellt.In recent years audio coding has become a very popular field for research and applications. Especially perceptual audio coding schemes, such as MPEG-1 Layer-3 (MP3) and MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), are widely used for efficient storage and transmission of music signals. Nevertheless, for professional applications, such as archiving and transmission in studio environments, lossless audio coding schemes are considered more appropriate. Traditionally, the technical approaches used in perceptual and lossless audio coding have been separate worlds. In perceptual audio coding, the use of filter banks, such as the lapped orthogonal transform "Modified Discrete Cosine Transform" (MDCT), has been the approach of choice being used by many state of the art coding schemes. On the other hand, lossless audio coding schemes mostly employ predictive coding of waveforms to remove redundancy. Only few attempts have been made so far to use transform coding for the purpose of lossless audio coding. This work presents a new approach of applying the lifting scheme to lapped transforms used in perceptual audio coding. This allows for an invertible integer-to-integer approximation of the original transform, e.g. the IntMDCT as an integer approximation of the MDCT. The same technique can also be applied to low-delay filter banks. A generalized, multi-dimensional lifting approach and a noise-shaping technique are introduced, allowing to further optimize the accuracy of the approximation to the original transform. Based on these new integer transforms, this work presents new audio coding schemes and applications. The audio coding applications cover lossless audio coding, scalable lossless enhancement of a perceptual audio coder and fine-grain scalable perceptual and lossless audio coding. Finally an approach to data hiding with high data rates in uncompressed audio signals based on integer transforms is described

    Audio Coding Based on Integer Transforms

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    Die Audiocodierung hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem sehr populären Forschungs- und Anwendungsgebiet entwickelt. Insbesondere gehörangepasste Verfahren zur Audiocodierung, wie etwa MPEG-1 Layer-3 (MP3) oder MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), werden häufig zur effizienten Speicherung und Übertragung von Audiosignalen verwendet. Für professionelle Anwendungen, wie etwa die Archivierung und Übertragung im Studiobereich, ist hingegen eher eine verlustlose Audiocodierung angebracht. Die bisherigen Ansätze für gehörangepasste und verlustlose Audiocodierung sind technisch völlig verschieden. Moderne gehörangepasste Audiocoder basieren meist auf Filterbänken, wie etwa der überlappenden orthogonalen Transformation "Modifizierte Diskrete Cosinus-Transformation" (MDCT). Verlustlose Audiocoder hingegen verwenden meist prädiktive Codierung zur Redundanzreduktion. Nur wenige Ansätze zur transformationsbasierten verlustlosen Audiocodierung wurden bisher versucht. Diese Arbeit präsentiert einen neuen Ansatz hierzu, der das Lifting-Schema auf die in der gehörangepassten Audiocodierung verwendeten überlappenden Transformationen anwendet. Dies ermöglicht eine invertierbare Integer-Approximation der ursprünglichen Transformation, z.B. die IntMDCT als Integer-Approximation der MDCT. Die selbe Technik kann auch für Filterbänke mit niedriger Systemverzögerung angewandt werden. Weiterhin ermöglichen ein neuer, mehrdimensionaler Lifting-Ansatz und eine Technik zur Spektralformung von Quantisierungsfehlern eine Verbesserung der Approximation der ursprünglichen Transformation. Basierend auf diesen neuen Integer-Transformationen werden in dieser Arbeit neue Verfahren zur Audiocodierung vorgestellt. Die Verfahren umfassen verlustlose Audiocodierung, eine skalierbare verlustlose Erweiterung eines gehörangepassten Audiocoders und einen integrierten Ansatz zur fein skalierbaren gehörangepassten und verlustlosen Audiocodierung. Schließlich wird mit Hilfe der Integer-Transformationen ein neuer Ansatz zur unhörbaren Einbettung von Daten mit hohen Datenraten in unkomprimierte Audiosignale vorgestellt.In recent years audio coding has become a very popular field for research and applications. Especially perceptual audio coding schemes, such as MPEG-1 Layer-3 (MP3) and MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), are widely used for efficient storage and transmission of music signals. Nevertheless, for professional applications, such as archiving and transmission in studio environments, lossless audio coding schemes are considered more appropriate. Traditionally, the technical approaches used in perceptual and lossless audio coding have been separate worlds. In perceptual audio coding, the use of filter banks, such as the lapped orthogonal transform "Modified Discrete Cosine Transform" (MDCT), has been the approach of choice being used by many state of the art coding schemes. On the other hand, lossless audio coding schemes mostly employ predictive coding of waveforms to remove redundancy. Only few attempts have been made so far to use transform coding for the purpose of lossless audio coding. This work presents a new approach of applying the lifting scheme to lapped transforms used in perceptual audio coding. This allows for an invertible integer-to-integer approximation of the original transform, e.g. the IntMDCT as an integer approximation of the MDCT. The same technique can also be applied to low-delay filter banks. A generalized, multi-dimensional lifting approach and a noise-shaping technique are introduced, allowing to further optimize the accuracy of the approximation to the original transform. Based on these new integer transforms, this work presents new audio coding schemes and applications. The audio coding applications cover lossless audio coding, scalable lossless enhancement of a perceptual audio coder and fine-grain scalable perceptual and lossless audio coding. Finally an approach to data hiding with high data rates in uncompressed audio signals based on integer transforms is described

    Image adaptive watermarking using wavelet transform

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    The availability of versatile multimedia processing software and the far-reaching coverage of the interconnected networks have facilitated flawless copying, manipulations and distribution of the digital multimedia (digital video, audio, text, and images). The ever-advancing storage and retrieval technologies have also smoothed the way for large-scale multimedia database applications. However, abuses of these facilities and technologies pose pressing threats to multimedia security management in general, and multimedia copyright protection and content integrity verification in particular. Although cryptography has a long history of application to information and multimedia security, the undesirable characteristic of providing no protection to the media once decrypted has limited the feasibility of its widespread use. For example, an adversary can obtain the decryption key by purchasing a legal copy of the media but then redistribute the decrypted copies of the original. In response to these challenges; digital watermarking techniques have been proposed in the last decade. Digital watermarking is the procedure whereby secret information (the watermark) is embedded into the host multimedia content, such that it is: (1) hidden, i.e., not perceptually visible; and (2) recoverable, even after the content is degraded by different attacks such as filtering, JPEG compression, noise, cropping etc. The two basic requirements for an effective watermarking scheme, imperceptibility and robustness, conflict with each other. The main focus of this thesis is to provide good tradeoff between perceptual quality of the watermarked image and its robustness against different attacks. For this purpose, we have discussed two robust digital watermarking techniques in discrete wavelet (DWT) domain. One is fusion based watermarking, and other is spread spectrum based watermarking. Both the techniques are image adaptive and employ a contrast sensitivity based human visual system (HVS) model. The HVS models give us a direct way to determine the maximum strength of watermark signal that each portion of an image can tolerate without affecting the visual quality of the image. In fusion based watermarking technique, grayscale image (logo) is used as watermark. In watermark embedding process, both the host image and watermark image are transformed into DWT domain where their coefficients are fused according to a series combination rule that take into account contrast sensitivity characteristics of the HVS. The method repeatedly merges the watermark coefficients strongly in more salient components at the various resolution levels of the host image which provides simultaneous spatial localization and frequency spread of the watermark to provide robustness against different attacks. Watermark extraction process requires original image for watermark extraction. In spread spectrum based watermarking technique, a visually recognizable binary image is used as watermark. In watermark embedding process, the host image is transformed into DWT domain. By utilizing contrast sensitivity based HVS model, watermark bits are adaptively embedded through a pseudo-noise sequence into the middle frequency sub-bands to provide robustness against different attacks. No original image is required for watermark extraction. Simulation results of various attacks are also presented to demonstrate the robustness of both the algorithms. Simulation results verify theoretical observations and demonstrate the feasibility of the digital watermarking algorithms for use in multimedia standards

    No reference quality assessment for MPEG video delivery over IP

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    Study and Implementation of Watermarking Algorithms

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    Water Making is the process of embedding data called a watermark into a multimedia object such that watermark can be detected or extracted later to make an assertion about the object. The object may be an audio, image or video. A copy of a digital image is identical to the original. This has in many instances, led to the use of digital content with malicious intent. One way to protect multimedia data against illegal recording and retransmission is to embed a signal, called digital signature or copyright label or watermark that authenticates the owner of the data. Data hiding, schemes to embed secondary data in digital media, have made considerable progress in recent years and attracted attention from both academia and industry. Techniques have been proposed for a variety of applications, including ownership protection, authentication and access control. Imperceptibility, robustness against moderate processing such as compression, and the ability to hide many bits are the basic but rat..