1,904 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya permasalahan yang ditemukan oleh peneliti dalam pembelajaran IPS yang menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi people smart siswa yang rendah. Permasalahan yang difokuskan pada penelitian ini yaitu peningkatan kompetensi people smart siswa melalui model pembelajaran kolaboratif teknik kolase pada pembelajaran IPS. Kompetensi people smart ini memfokuskan kepada kemampuan manusia dalam memahami peristiwa yang terjadi dan menjadikan dirinya berguna di dalam masyarakat. Sedangkan model pembelajaran kolaboratif teknik kolase adalah model yang mengedepankan pentingnya kerjasama yang dibangun berdasarkan konsensus anggotanya, bukan kompetisi individual diantara anggota kelompok. Sehingga model pembelajaran kolaboratif teknik kolase ini dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam meningkatkan kompetensi people smart siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana perencanaan, pelaksanaan, hasil dan kendala beserta solusi untuk menghadapi kendala dalam meningkatkan kompetensi people smart siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan desain penelitian Kemmis dan Taggart. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah hasil peningkatan kompetensi people smart melalui model pembelajaran kolaboratif teknik kolase dalam pembelajaran IPS. Adapun terdapat delapan indikator dalam penelitian ini, hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa indikator partisipasi dan kemampuan menghargai mengalami peningkatan yang sangat baik pada setiap siklusnya. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa siswa sudah dapat berpartisipasi pada proses atau tahapan pembuatan tugas dan siswa mampu saling menghargai pendapat dalam pelaksanaan diskusi dan presentasi. Kesimpulan umum bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran kolaboratif teknik kolase dapat meningkatkan kompetensi people smart siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS di kelas VII J. --- This research was motivated by the problems found by researcher in learning IPS that show that people smart student competence is low. The problem that are centered on this research is the improvement of students’ people smart through collage technique collaborative learning model on IPS learning process. These people smart competence focuses on the ability of human beings to understand what happened and make himself useful in society. The model of collage technique collaborative learning is a model that emphasizes the importance of cooperation built on the consensus of its members, not the individual competition between the group members. So the collage technique collaborative learning model can be one of alternatives to improve students’ people smart competence. This study aims to describe how the planning, implementation, results and constraints and solutions to face obstacles in improving students' smart people competency. The method used is classroom action research with Kemmis and Taggart research design. The data sources of this research is the result of an improvement of people smart competence through collage technique collaborative learning model in IPS learning process. There are eight indicators in this study, the research result shows that the indicators of participation and the ability to appreciate has increased very well on each cycle. The results show that students are able to participate in the process or the stage of making assignments and students are able to respect opinions in discussions and presentations. The general conclusion that the use of collage technique collaborative learning model can improve the people smart competence on IPS learning process in class VII J

    Appraisal of the drivers of smart city development in South Africa

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    Abstract: The quest for smart cities and development has been on the increase among infrastructural development stakeholders, including clients, government agencies responsible for the management of infrastructures, construction professionals, sponsors, and financiers of these projects. However, studies around the world have shown that less attention is being paid by these stakeholders to various indices and measures of smart cities. These measures and indices, known as drivers, are smart environment, smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart mobility, and smart living. Using these drivers and their indicators, a multiple-choice questionnaire was designed in line with existing and relevant literature materials in the subject area. These questionnaires were administered on construction professionals with relevant and adequate knowledge of smart construction. Smart environment was found to be a major driver of a smart city while smart people, smart governance and smart living are also key to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the concept. The developed key smart city drivers are a workable, adaptable and efficient city design mechanism and it will be useful for city planners, statutory agencies as well other stakeholders in the development of smart cities

    New issues in NGA regulation: is there a scope for geographic regulation?

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    The adoption of geographically differentiated remedies may be a new regulatory instrument to foster NGAN investment. We present economic insights and review recent cases on the implementation of such regulatory interventio

    Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan; Definitions and Strategies

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    This study examines and contrasts the implementation and results of smart initiatives across four domains - smart people, smart economy, smart environment, and information and communication technologies (ICT) - in four large-sized-smart cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, and Milan. By investigating these domains, the study intends to assess the effectiveness of smart city strategies. It examines how technology and data-driven approaches have been implemented to enhance citizen participation, promote environmental sustainability, and stimulate economic growth. This research contributes to an in-depth comprehension of the many facets of smart cities and their potential to transform urban environments

    Smartness. The face of the integration in the new “performing” society

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    Economia, potere, così come case, persone e lavoro, ma prima di ogni altra cosa città: tutto negli ultimi anni è chiamato a diventare “smart”. È questa l’era della smart economy, della smart governance, della smart home, delle smart people, dello smart work e della sempre più imperante smart city. Con il sostegno della scienza, o meglio delle diverse scienze (ingegneria, politologia, urbanistica, architettura, sociologia, etc.) che ne spieghino i fondamenti a monte e della politica che, ai vari livelli (nazionali e internazionali), ne orienti i processi a valle, la smartness diventa il nuovo orizzonte della società contemporanea a cui conformare senso e prassi su scala planetaria. Ma cosa significa, per un luogo come per una attività, per una persona come per una collettività, essere “smart”? Qual è il denominatore comune che lega tra loro le diverse declinazioni del termine, come gli ambiti di applicazione? Quanto questa ricerca di intelligenza è ricerca di efficienza? E quanto l’efficienza è di per sé garanzia di intelligenza? Dopo un breve excursus sul concetto in oggetto e suoi ambiti esplicativi, l’analisi si concentra sul postulato dell’integrazione quale principale condizione di realizzazione della smartness, anche per fini efficientisti. È l’integrazione la vera sfida contenuta nella smartness e la vera promessa, al momento non mantenuta, della società performante

    Sensing as a Service Model for Smart Cities Supported by Internet of Things

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    The world population is growing at a rapid pace. Towns and cities are accommodating half of the world's population thereby creating tremendous pressure on every aspect of urban living. Cities are known to have large concentration of resources and facilities. Such environments attract people from rural areas. However, unprecedented attraction has now become an overwhelming issue for city governance and politics. The enormous pressure towards efficient city management has triggered various Smart City initiatives by both government and private sector businesses to invest in ICT to find sustainable solutions to the growing issues. The Internet of Things (IoT) has also gained significant attention over the past decade. IoT envisions to connect billions of sensors to the Internet and expects to use them for efficient and effective resource management in Smart Cities. Today infrastructure, platforms, and software applications are offered as services using cloud technologies. In this paper, we explore the concept of sensing as a service and how it fits with the Internet of Things. Our objective is to investigate the concept of sensing as a service model in technological, economical, and social perspectives and identify the major open challenges and issues.Comment: Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 2014 (Accepted for Publication

    Street smarts

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    A pluralistic approach to folk psychology must countenance the evaluative, regulatory, predictive, and explanatory roles played by attributions of intelligence in social practices across cultures. Building off of the work of the psychologist Robert Sternberg and the philosophers Gilbert Ryle and Daniel Dennett, I argue that a relativistic interpretivism best accounts for the many varieties of intelligence that emerge from folk discourse. To be intelligent is to be comparatively good at solving intellectual problems that an interpreter deems worth solving

    Systems engineering approach to design and modelling of smart cities

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