116,140 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Knowledge Management Framework for the High Value Manufacturing Industry

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    Dynamic Knowledge Management (KM) is a combination of cultural and technological factors, including the cultural factors of people and their motivations, technological factors of content and infrastructure and, where these both come together, interface factors. In this paper a Dynamic KM framework is described in the context of employees being motivated to create profit for their company through product development in high value manufacturing. It is reported how the framework was discussed during a meeting of the collaborating company’s (BAE Systems) project stakeholders. Participants agreed the framework would have most benefit at the start of the product lifecycle before key decisions were made. The framework has been designed to support organisational learning and to reward employees that improve the position of the company in the market place

    Tactor devices : using tactile interface designs for mobile digital appliances : a practice-based research thesis for the fulfilment of a Master of Design degree, College of Design, Fine Arts, and Music, Massey University, Wellington

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    This Thesis focuses the potential of communication interfaces that use tactors (tactile actuators) to improve user interactions with mobile digital devices which are currently based on audio and visual technologies. It presents two product concepts, which use tactile signals to enable new ways in tele-operations, such as tactile telecommunication and tactile navigation. Tactor interfaces, although still in its infancy as elements of modern digital communication and technology, have considerable potential for the future as designers attempt to maximise the use of all human senses in people's interaction with technology. Only the military and a few entertainment companies have introduced tactile signals into Human-Computer Interactions (HCI). Human touch perception uses the hands as the main sensing organs. They perceive tactile signals while handling, typing or navigating with digital devices and receive direct confirmation of physical actions. In contrast to other senses, touch perceptions are based on interactions with the sensed objects. The study analyses, experiments and evaluates if these interactions are useful in interface designs and recommends how tactile stimulations can be introduced to interface designs besides images and sounds that dominate the control of current digital appliances. Tactile actuators and sensors enable devices to use tactile signals, such as impulses and vibrations, to communicate with the users. Users and tactor devices will be able to communicate in a physical and direct way. Touch reflective interfaces, could react like living creatures that respond to touch, for example a cat that starts purring when touched. Digital product design is always challenged to create human-computer interactions that meet people's needs. Designing digital devices is difficult because they are not necessarily three-dimensional objects. They are stimulator of the human senses and can be as small as the sensing nerve endings that detect sensations. By miniaturisation, form and function become invisible and Product Design is increasingly incorporating Process Design that explores and enables new interactions between users and products to work interactively and efficiently. The study is divided into four chapters: Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the thesis. Chapter 2 presents a survey on current literature which examines the five human senses to define the limits and possibilities in interface design. It reviews current research on materials and technologies as well as the psychology and physiology of touch as a potential sense in human-computer interactions. It evaluates the technical feasibilty of tactile signal performances and how they could be used as tele-touch codes in navigation and telecommunication. Chapter 3 is focused on primary research undertaken to extend the knowledge in tactile sensing. It includes experiments, questionnaires, and concepts that give examples how tactor interfaces can be used in tele-operations. This section focuses on specific user groups, that may primarily benefit from tactile signal transmissions, such as sight and hearing-impaired people or professionals who have to deal with limited perceptions like fire fighters, for example. These case studies are aimed at exploring and expanding a wider range of possibilities in tactile device innovations in the networked society. Chapter 4 gives a conclusion of the research

    Collaborative hybrid agent provision of learner needs using ontology based semantic technology

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017. This paper describes the use of Intelligent Agents and Ontologies to implement knowledge navigation and learner choice when interacting with complex information locations. The paper is in two parts: the first looks at how Agent Based Semantic Technology can be used to give users a more personalised experience as an individual. The paper then looks to generalise this technology to allow users to work with agents in hybrid group scenarios. In the context of University Learners, the paper outlines how we employ an Ontology of Student Characteristics to personalise information retrieval specifically suited to an individual’s needs. Choice is not a simple “show me your hand and make me a match” but a deliberative artificial intelligence (AI) that uses an ontologically informed agent society to consider the weighted solution paths before choosing the appropriate best. The aim is to enrich the student experience and significantly re-route the student’s journey. The paper uses knowledge-level interoperation of agents to personalise the learning space of students and deliver to them the information and knowledge to suite them best. The aim is to personalise their learning in the presentation/format that is most appropriate for their needs. The paper then generalises this Semantic Technology Framework using shared vocabulary libraries that enable individuals to work in groups with other agents, which might be other people or actually be AIs. The task they undertake is a formal assessment but the interaction mode is one of informal collaboration. Pedagogically this addresses issues of ensuring fairness between students since we can ensure each has the same experience (as provided by the same set of Agents) as each other and an individual mark may be gained. This is achieved by forming a hybrid group of learner and AI Software Agents. Different agent architectures are discussed and a worked example presented. The work here thus aims at fulfilling the student’s needs both in the context of matching their needs but also in allowing them to work in an Agent Based Synthetic Group. This in turn opens us new areas of potential collaborative technology

    The Phillips Machine (MONIAC)

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    The Phillips Machine, or Monetary National Income Analogue Computer (MONIAC), is a hydraulic representation of cash flow within the UK economy in the early 20th century. It represents the circular flow of income (New Zealand Institute of Economic Research, 2015), shown by the economic equation Aggregate Demand = Consumer Expenditure + Investment + Government Spending + (Exports – Imports), or Y = C + I + G + (X – M), which is an important equation in determining the national output of an economy (Pettinger, 2008). Though no longer in use, of the 14 that were built, the majority were originally restricted to military and government use owing to their effectiveness in determining economic policy. This paper describes an implementation of an emulation of this machine that satisfies, or mostly satisfies, almost all of the requirements specified in the ISO/IEC 25010 software quality assurance standard and would be suitable for deployment to support A-Level Economics teaching. With further work it would also become suitable as part of a museum display of a Phillips Machine
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