19 research outputs found

    The Usage of CIDOS and Social Network Sites in Teaching and Learning Processes at Malaysian Polytechnics

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    In 21st century learning, students use educational technologies to apply knowledge to new situations, analyse information, collaborate, solve problems, and make decisions. Utilising emerging technologies, to provide expanded learning opportunities, is critical to the success of future generations. In this paper, the author will share the findings on the usage of CIDOS and Social Network Sites in teaching and learning processes at Malaysian Polytechnics. Two sets of questionnaires were distributed to a group of 84 diploma students and 41 lecturers from Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, Politeknik Merlimau, Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, and Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah. The results of the study show the existence of communication and interaction difficulties in existing Learning Management Systems (LMS). As a recommendation for future research, it is suggested to integrate current LMS with Facebook to support Online Collaborative Learning (OCL)

    Perceptions towards the Usage of Collaborative Learning in Teaching and Learning Processes at Malaysia Polytechnic.

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    It is difficult for a graduate to get employed, due to fierce competition within today’s career market. Most employers are primarily looking for good soft skills over academic achievements as selection criteria for selecting new employees. This paper shares the preliminary findings on the perceptions of students and lecturers on the use of Collaborative Learning in teaching and learning processes at Malaysia Polytechnic. In this study, two sets of questionnaires were distributed to 145 lecturers and 356 diploma students from Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, Politeknik Merlimau, Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, and Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah. All collected data was analysed using SPPS 19 software. The results show that even though lecturers used the collaborative learning method in their teaching and learning processes, the evaluation was only on the output product. The students felt that it was unfair for all members to get the same marks, and that the lecturers should award marks based only on the student’s contribution. Therefore, the development of soft skills will not happen if active collaboration does not occur

    The Usage of CIDOS and Social Network Sites in Teaching and Learning Processes at Malaysian Polytechnics

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    In 21st century learning, students use educational technologies to apply knowledge to new situations, analyse information,collaborate, solve problems, and make decisions. Utilising emerging technologies, to provide expanded learning opportunities, is critical to the success of future generations. In this paper, the author will share the findings on the usage of CIDOS and Social Network Sites in teaching and learning processes at Malaysian Polytechnics. Two sets of questionnaires were distributed to a group of 84 diploma students and 41 lecturers from Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, Politeknik Merlimau, Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, and Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah. The results of the study show the existence of communication and interaction difficulties in existing Learning Management Systems (LMS). As a recommendation for future research, it is suggested to integrate current LMS with Facebook to support Online Collaborative Learning (OCL)

    The Development of Online Project Based Collaborative Learning Using ADDIE Model

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    AbstractIn the 21st century, educators are utilising emerging technologies to develop not only knowledge of graduates, but also their soft skills in order to enhance competencies parallel with employer's requirements. Collaborative learning has been proven in promoting soft skills development. However, the feedback from employers is the opposite. It shows that collaboration does not happen naturally in a group. In previous studies, researchers have identified factors and elements needed to develop effective collaborative online learning and proposed an Online Collaborative Project based Collaborative Learning (OPBCL) model. In this study, based on OPBCL model, a prototype is designed using the ADDIE model. To carry out the study, the prototype needs to work properly. Therefore, Alpha, Beta, and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) must be conducted. This study also will show the process of testing to ensure the functionality of a prototype when running the actual study. The results are expected to show that the prototype is ready to be tested in the actual study. It is hope that this study will give much significance to other researchers regarding the importance of conducting UAT of the prototypes developed prior to the research study

    Estudo sobre publicações relacionadas a Gamificação

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    O propósito desse artigo é analisar e descrever utilizando artigos publicados relacionadas à gamificação, onde ela está sendo mais utilizada, os benefícios gerados e suas formas de implementação. Foram utilizados 17 artigos científicos e livros relacionados ao tema. Foi observado que a gamificação está sendo mais utilizada na área da educação, onde seus resultados se mostraram bastante positivos, já que conseguem aumentar a motivação e participação dos alunos nas aulas e promove uma maior interação entre eles e os elementos de implementação mais utilizados são os sistemas de pontos, sistemas de placares e o sistema de recompensas

    Advancing the Engineering Field: Opportunities to Support Transfer Students

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    Advancements in technology have made it vital that technicians advance their skills to stay current and competitive in the job market. Many technicians choose to transfer to baccalaureate programs in engineering and other STEM fields in order to advance their skills. As a result, engineering programs usually have a large population of transfer students. Many of transfer students are studying while employed in the field and some juggle a career and family while advancing their education. Accordingly, transfer students face various issues when transferring to different university settings. Some of these issues are related to embeddedness into the university community while other issues are more personal in nature. Various academic support programs are focused on providing transfer students with information such as how to enroll in their classes, how to enable them to be successful in their academic program, and how to persist in the program. However, adapting to the new educational environment often means that they have to establish new mentoring relationships, develop a new social peer network, and search for internships or co-op opportunities. Majority of the transfer students enrolled in a midsize institution’s engineering technology program are “non-traditional” students, e.g., veterans, adult students, working students, students with families, etc. This paper discusses specific needs of STEM transfer students, identifies challenges they face, and provides an overview of some of the programming that can be implemented at mid-sized universities that address these needs

    Tietojenkäsittelytieteellisiä tutkielmia. Kevät 2014

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    Um ambiente colaborativo para compartilhamento de experiências de ensino e aprendizado de computação

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Sistemas de Informação.A evolução e popularização das tecnologias de informação nos últimos anos provocou grandes modificações na sociedade. O constante crescimento do mercado de software e serviços no Brasil é reflexo dessa evolução, assim como, a carência de capital humano, onde, em contrapartida, pouco se evoluiu para atender esse novo cenário. O ensino da computação ainda predomina apenas em cursos de ensino superior ou cursos profissionalizantes, no entanto, a conjuntura atual da sociedade necessita que a computação seja abordada desde a educação básica, potencializando a geração de indivíduos inovadores, capacitados para elaborar sistemas de computação que beneficiem a vida de todas as pessoas e também para auxiliar no atendimento da demanda de profissionais capacitados para a área de TI. A visualização desta situação impulsionou a criação de projetos que oportunizam o ensino da computação nas mais diferentes idades (crianças, jovens, adultos e idosos) e com diferentes propostas, como é o caso da iniciativa Computação na Escola (projeto coordenado pelo Instituto Nacional para Convergência Digital do Departamento de Informática e Estatística da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), a qual se dedica a aumentar o ensino de computação no ensino fundamental e médio por meio da realização de oficinas. É nesse contexto que o presente trabalho é abordado. Visando apoiar a iniciativa, neste trabalho propõe-se o desenvolvimento de um ambiente colaborativo web que torne possível o compartilhamento de experiências de ensino e aprendizado entre os participantes das oficinas promovidas pela iniciativa Computação na Escola e colaboradores, possibilitando assim que os participantes deem continuidade ao aprendizado iniciado nas oficinas, como também, oportunizando o aprendizado de computação para outras pessoas que possuem interesse na área. Complementarmente, para apoiar a realização das oficinas, neste trabalho também é desenvolvido uma ferramenta para auxiliar o gerenciamento das inscrições em oficinas. Para a realização deste trabalho são analisados os principais conceitos do tema abordado e pesquisadas ferramentas que possibilitem a construção do ambiente colaborativo pretendido e da ferramenta para gerenciar as inscrições, comparando as funcionalidades das ferramentas com os requisitos estabelecidos. Posteriormente a solução é desenvolvida e avaliada por um conjunto de usuários que se enquadram no perfil de usuários finais. Os resultados das avaliações apontam os primeiros indícios de que as funcionalidades do ambiente colaborativo são intuitivas e apoiam o ensino de computação por meio da colaboração entre os usuários, além de apontar que as funcionalidades da ferramenta para gerenciar as inscrições das oficinas são fáceis e suficientes para atender as necessidades deste processo

    Pacific Review Winter 2019

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