3,540 research outputs found

    Freudiaans-antropologiese vooronderstellings in die neo-Marxistiese skool- en maatskappykritiek

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    Dissatisfaction with education in South Africa has given rise to diverse and politically radical school criticism. The educational views of anti-establishment schools of thought (eg. Marxism-Leninism, neo-Marxism, Contraculture, New Age Movement and the ideas of Paolo Freire) are extremely relevant to the current situation of education in South Africa. This article therefore emphasizes specific anthropological suppositions underlying neo-Marxist culture and critique of society. Although Marxist influence on Emancipatory Education is acknowledged, emphasis is placed on Freudian roots of the neo-Marxist view on education. The influence of the Freudian personality theory on a selection of relevant themes, such as oppression in a capitalist society; politization of education; religion and repression of instincts is underlined. In conclusion it is shown that a school of thought that is based on deterministic suppositions abounds with inherent difficulties and can be regarded as educationally unsound

    Die toepassing van didaktiese beginsels in die onderwyspraktyk*

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    In hierdie voordrag gaan dit by uitstek om drie sake, met nadere kwalifiseringe. Hierdie sake is: 1. Die terrein van die didaktiek. 2. Die normatiewe karakter van die didaktiek. 3. Die praktiese aanwendbaarheid van didaktiese begin- sels in die onderwyspraktyk. By wyse van toeligting sal daar dan kortliks na gedifferensieerde onderwys verwys word

    Herbesinning oor gesag as „die noodsaaklike voorwaarde van die opvoeding”

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    In elke wetenskap, maar veral in ’n jong wetenskap soos die Opvoedkunde, is dit noodsaaklik dat omskrywings van veral basiese begrippe van tyd tot tyd herondersoek word ten einde hulle geldigheid te verseker en daardeur moontlike afdwaling te verhoed. Veral ’n wetenskap soos die Opvoedkunde, wat as studieveld ’n intieme, tussen-menslike gebeure onder steeds veranderende omstandighede het, moet noodwendig aan toetsing van die houdbaarheid van sy begrippe aandag gee; te meer aangesien sy ontstaan nog maar van onlangse datum is, sodat sy terminologie nog nie die tyd gehad het om uit te kristalliseer tot simbole vir redelik afgebakende inhoude nie

    Leiding in die primĂȘre skool : 'n fundamenteel-pedagogiese studie

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    Die doel van hierdie studie was om deur die implimentering van die fenomenologigse pedagogiek-denke die werklike essensies van die verhouding primere skoolhoof-onderwyser-leerling m.b.t. leidinggewing aan lg. twee oop te dek. Om leiding te gee, is 'n proses wat ontwikkelend van aard is en waardeur 'n indiwidu gehelp word om sy eie moontlikhede, vermoens, vaardighede en gesindhede te verstaan en aanvaar n.a.v. sy eie aspirasies sodat hy in toenemende mate in staat gestel kan word om sy eie verantwoordelike keuses as indiwidu en as lid van 'n groep van 'n dinamiese maatskappy te voorsien waar hy kan leer omtrent vlakke van onderskeie beroepe en opvoedkundige strewes en waarde-oordele

    Die be-tekening van konsepte in die opvoedkunde met verwysing na opvoeding as ‘vorming’ en die kind as ‘wordende mens’

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    In this article the opinion of many educationists that education is to be regarded as a formative process’by which the child can be ‘shaped’ or 'moulded’ in an unrestricted and dominative fashion is highlighted. As an alternative, the concept of the 'normative disclosure’ of the personality structure of the child is suggested as it brings the true meaning of education to the fore. The variety of meanings conveyed by the mentioned concepts, which tend to cause confusion, is ascribed to the outcome of a diversity of paradigmatic and theoretical presuppositions as well as to the outcome of disparity regarding the cosmological, anthropological and epistemological basis of education that has given rise to divergent interpretations of concepts in different schools of philosophy and even among individuals in the same school of thought
