6 research outputs found

    Peak Load Reduction in a Smart Building Integrating Microgrid and V2B-Based Demand Response Scheme

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    Optimal Management of community Demand Response

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    More than one-third of the electricity produced globally is consumed by the residential sectors [1], with nearly 17% of CO2 emissions, are coming from residential buildings according to reports from 2018 [2] [3]. In order to cope with increase in electricity demand and consumption, while considering the environmental impacts, electricity providers are seeking to implement solutions to help them balance the supply with the electricity demand while mitigating emissions. Thus, increasing the number of conventional generation units and using unreliable renewable source of energy is not a viable investment. That鈥檚 why, in recent years research attention has shifted to demand side solutions [4]. This research investigates the optimal management for an urban residential community, that can help in reducing energy consumption and peak and CO2 emissions. This will help to put an agreement with the grid operator for an agreed load shape, for efficient demand response (DR) program implementation. This work uses a framework known as CityLearn [2]. It is based on a Machine Learning branch known as Reinforcement Learning (RL), and it is used to test a variety of intelligent agents for optimizing building load consumption and load shape. The RL agent is used for controlling hot water and chilled water storages, as well as the battery system. When compared to the regular building usage, the results demonstrate that utilizing an RL agent for storage system control can be helpful, as the electricity consumption is greatly reduced when it鈥檚 compared to the normal building consumption

    Estado del arte de la gesti贸n de la energ铆a el茅ctrica desde el lado de la demanda

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    El agotamiento de los recursos naturales y la dependencia a vectores energ茅ticos importados ha generado varias crisis energ茅ticas a lo largo de siglo XX, las cuales se han extendido a hasta nuestros d铆as. Por otro lado, los efectos nocivos de los gases de efecto invernadero en el clima global han generado una crisis clim谩tica tal, que todos los pa铆ses est谩n comprometidos a mitigar. La comunidad internacional sugiere un cambio de enfoque en la explotaci贸n energ茅tica, ven necesario pasar del consumismo a la conservaci贸n. Es as铆 como la gesti贸n energ茅tica mundial inicia su innovaci贸n, conceptos como desarrollo sostenible, transformaci贸n digital o econom铆a circular irrumpen en la escena de la prestaci贸n de servicios. Este nuevo paradigma ya no admite una gesti贸n centralizada, sino una distribuida, y la gesti贸n de la energ铆a el茅ctrica desde el lado de la demanda engloba todos estos conceptos novedosos y los aplica en la explotaci贸n de la red el茅ctrica. A pesar que la gesti贸n de la demanda el茅ctrica (GDE) data desde 1975, su desarrollo e implantaci贸n en la estructura del sistema el茅ctrico empieza a tomar relevancia global en la segunda d茅cada de este siglo, esto a causa de la mejora de la infraestructura tecnol贸gica disponible. La hip贸tesis general de la investigaci贸n radica en la idea de que la demanda se comporta de forma el谩stica a las variaciones de precio, y esto permite gestionarla. Por otro lado, con la finalidad de determinar el estado del arte de la GDE se realiz贸 un barrido de informaci贸n desde sus or铆genes hasta la actualidad, esto permiti贸 determinar los puntos de inter茅s y a partir de estos, profundizar en el tema investigado. Hasta inicios de este siglo, Estados Unidos era el principal consumidor de recursos energ茅ticos, y el 煤nico que hab铆a desarrollado estrategias de GDE en la operaci贸n de su sistema el茅ctrico. Hoy por hoy, de sus experiencias se obtiene que los programas de conservaci贸n energ茅tica sirven para reducir la energ铆a total consumida mientras que los programas de respuesta de la demanda sirven para reducir los picos de demanda. Adem谩s, mediante los dispositivos tecnol贸gicos que necesita la GDE para operar, se puede integrar tecnolog铆as que aportan a la flexibilidad de la demanda como la generaci贸n distribuida y el almacenamiento energ茅tico. En la actualidad, la respuesta de la demanda (RD) se destaca de los otros programas de GDE debido a que tiene una amplia gama de oportunidades de negocio disponible. Adem谩s, el car谩cter din谩mico de la demanda necesita una estrategia de control permanente la cual se dificulta sin un proceso automatizado. La comunidad cient铆fica se ha abocado al desarrollo de algoritmos que permitan la automatizaci贸n de la respuesta de la demanda, en especial han tomado relevancia los algoritmos basados en inteligencia artificial ya que permiten la integraci贸n directa del cliente y del mercado. En la actualidad, tanto Estados Unidos y China avanzan consistentemente en la implantaci贸n de programas de GDE. La Uni贸n Europea, a pesar de ser el tercer mayor consumidor energ茅tico del mundo, y que el 67% de esos recursos energ茅ticos provienen del extranjero, a煤n no ha consolidado una pol铆tica clara sobre c贸mo implementar estos programas en la operaci贸n de sus redes el茅ctricas. Y es que la GDE no es solo una forma de reducirla o mejorar la eficiencia de la red, la GDE es un sofisticado proceso tecnol贸gico que incluye un marco legal claro, financiamiento para modernizar la red e investigaci贸n que ahonde sobre las costumbres y preferencias del cliente, y c贸mo est谩s inciden en su consumo energ茅tico.The depletion of natural resources and dependence on imported energy carriers has generated several energy crises throughout the 20th century, which have extended to the present day. On the other hand, the harmful effects of greenhouse gases on the global climate have generated an environmental crisis that all countries are committed to mitigate. The international community suggests a change of approach in energy exploitation; they see the need to move from consumerism to conservation. This is how global energy management begins its innovation, concepts such as sustainable development, digital transformation or circular economy burst onto the scene of service provision. This new paradigm no longer allows for centralized but distributed management, and demand-side power management encompasses all these new concepts and applies them to the operation of the electricity grid. Although demand side management (DSM) dates back to 1975, its development and implementation in the structure of the electricity system began to take on global relevance in the second decade of this century, due to the improvement of the available technological infrastructure. The general hypothesis of the research lies in the idea that demand behaves elastically to price variations, and this allows it to be managed. On the other hand, in order to determine the state of the art of DSM, a sweep of information was carried out from its origins to the present day, which made it possible to determine the points of interest and, based on these, to delve deeper into the topic under investigation. Until the beginning of this century, the United States was the main consumer of energy resources and the only country that had developed strategies for DSM in the operation of its electricity system. Today, from its experiences, energy conservation programs serve to reduce the total energy consumed while demand response programs serve to reduce peak demand. In addition, through the technological devices that the DSM needs to operate, it is possible to integrate technologies that contribute to demand flexibility such as distributed generation and energy storage. Currently, demand response (DR) stands out from other DSG programs because it has a wide range of business opportunities available. In addition, the dynamic nature of demand requires a permanent control strategy which is difficult without an automated process. The scientific community has focused on the development of algorithms that allow the automation of demand response; especially algorithms based on artificial intelligence have gained relevance as they allow direct integration of the customer and the market. Currently, both the United States and China are making consistent progress in the implementation of DSM programs. The European Union, despite being the third largest energy consumer in the world, with 67% of its energy resources coming from abroad, has not yet consolidated a clear policy on how to implement these programs in the operation of its electricity grids. Because DSM is not just a way to reduce or improve grid efficiency, DSM is a sophisticated technological process that includes a clear legal framework, funding to modernize the grid, and research that delves into customer habits and preferences and how they affect their energy consumption.Universidad de Sevilla. M谩ster en Sistemas de Energ铆a El茅ctric