9 research outputs found

    Multispecies Fruit Flower Detection Using a Refined Semantic Segmentation Network

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    In fruit production, critical crop management decisions are guided by bloom intensity, i.e., the number of flowers present in an orchard. Despite its importance, bloom intensity is still typically estimated by means of human visual inspection. Existing automated computer vision systems for flower identification are based on hand-engineered techniques that work only under specific conditions and with limited performance. This letter proposes an automated technique for flower identification that is robust to uncontrolled environments and applicable to different flower species. Our method relies on an end-to-end residual convolutional neural network (CNN) that represents the state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation. To enhance its sensitivity to flowers, we fine-tune this network using a single dataset of apple flower images. Since CNNs tend to produce coarse segmentations, we employ a refinement method to better distinguish between individual flower instances. Without any preprocessing or dataset-specific training, experimental results on images of apple, peach, and pear flowers, acquired under different conditions demonstrate the robustness and broad applicability of our method

    Fast and Accurate, Convolutional Neural Network Based Approach for Object Detection from UAV

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), have intrigued different people from all walks of life, because of their pervasive computing capabilities. UAV equipped with vision techniques, could be leveraged to establish navigation autonomous control for UAV itself. Also, object detection from UAV could be used to broaden the utilization of drone to provide ubiquitous surveillance and monitoring services towards military operation, urban administration and agriculture management. As the data-driven technologies evolved, machine learning algorithm, especially the deep learning approach has been intensively utilized to solve different traditional computer vision research problems. Modern Convolutional Neural Networks based object detectors could be divided into two major categories: one-stage object detector and two-stage object detector. In this study, we utilize some representative CNN based object detectors to execute the computer vision task over Stanford Drone Dataset (SDD). State-of-the-art performance has been achieved in utilizing focal loss dense detector RetinaNet based approach for object detection from UAV in a fast and accurate manner.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1803.0111

    Apple Flower Detection Using Deep Convolutional Networks

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    To optimize fruit production, a portion of the flowers and fruitlets of apple trees must be removed early in the growing season. The proportion to be removed is determined by the bloom intensity, i.e., the number of flowers present in the orchard. Several automated computer vision systems have been proposed to estimate bloom intensity, but their overall performance is still far from satisfactory even in relatively controlled environments. With the goal of devising a technique for flower identification which is robust to clutter and to changes in illumination, this paper presents a method in which a pre-trained convolutional neural network is fine-tuned to become specially sensitive to flowers. Experimental results on a challenging dataset demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms three approaches that represent the state of the art in flower detection, with recall and precision rates higher than 90%. Moreover, a performance assessment on three additional datasets previously unseen by the network, which consist of different flower species and were acquired under different conditions, reveals that the proposed method highly surpasses baseline approaches in terms of generalization capability

    The Use of Agricultural Robots in Orchard Management

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    Book chapter that summarizes recent research on agricultural robotics in orchard management, including Robotic pruning, Robotic thinning, Robotic spraying, Robotic harvesting, Robotic fruit transportation, and future trends.Comment: 22 page

    Yield sensing technologies for perennial and annual horticultural crops: a review

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    Yield maps provide a detailed account of crop production and potential revenue of a farm. This level of details enables a range of possibilities from improving input management, conducting on-farm experimentation, or generating profitability map, thus creating value for farmers. While this technology is widely available for field crops such as maize, soybean and grain, few yield sensing systems exist for horticultural crops such as berries, field vegetable or orchards. Nevertheless, a wide range of techniques and technologies have been investigated as potential means of sensing crop yield for horticultural crops. This paper reviews yield monitoring approaches that can be divided into proximal, either direct or indirect, and remote measurement principles. It reviews remote sensing as a way to estimate and forecast yield prior to harvest. For each approach, basic principles are explained as well as examples of application in horticultural crops and success rate. The different approaches provide whether a deterministic (direct measurement of weight for instance) or an empirical (capacitance measurements correlated to weight for instance) result, which may impact transferability. The discussion also covers the level of precision required for different tasks and the trend and future perspectives. This review demonstrated the need for more commercial solutions to map yield of horticultural crops. It also showed that several approaches have demonstrated high success rate and that combining technologies may be the best way to provide enough accuracy and robustness for future commercial systems

    An analysis of multispectral unmanned aerial systems for saltmarsh foreshore land cover classification and digital elevation model generation

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    1 online resource (viii, 84 p.) : illustrations (chiefly colored)Includes abstract in English and French.Includes appendix.Includes bibliographical references (p. 60-66).Recent advances in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), and increased affordability, have proliferated their use in the scientific community. Despite these innovations, UAS attempts to map a site’s true elevation using Structure from Motion Multi-View Stereo (SFM-MVS) software are obstructed by vegetative canopies, resulting in the production of a Digital Surface Model (DSM), rather than the desired Digital Elevation Model (DEM). This project seeks to account for the varying heights of vegetation communities within the Masstown East saltmarsh, producing DEMs for mudflat/saltmarsh landscapes with an accuracy comparable to that the DSM. DEM generation has been completed in two separate stages. The first stage consists of land cover classifications using UAS derived, radiometrically corrected data. Respective land cover classifications are assessed using confusion matrices. Secondly, surveyed canopy heights and function derived heights are subtracted from their respective classes, generating the DEMs. DEM validation has been performed by comparing topographic survey point values to those modeled, using the Root Square Mean Error (RMSE) measure. The project then compares the various parameters implemented for land cover classifications, and DEM accuracy. DEM generation methods were then coupled to produce a final DEM with a RMSE of 6cm. The results suggest consumer grade Multispectral UAS can produce DEMs with accuracies comparable to the initial DSMs generated, and thus merit further studies investigating their scientific capacities

    Peach Flower Monitoring Using Aerial Multispectral Imaging

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    One of the tools for optimal crop production is regular monitoring and assessment of crops. During the growing season of fruit trees, the bloom period has increased photosynthetic rates that correlate with the fruiting process. This paper presents the development of an image processing algorithm to detect peach blossoms on trees. Aerial images of peach (Prunus persica) trees were acquired from both experimental and commercial peach orchards in the southwestern part of Idaho using an off-the-shelf unmanned aerial system (UAS), equipped with a multispectral camera (near-infrared, green, blue). The image processing algorithm included contrast stretching of the three bands to enhance the image and thresholding segmentation method to detect the peach blossoms. Initial results showed that the image processing algorithm could detect peach blossoms with an average detection rate of 84.3% and demonstrated good potential as a monitoring tool for orchard management

    Peach Flower Monitoring Using Aerial Multispectral Imaging

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    One of the tools for optimal crop production is regular monitoring and assessment of crops. During the growing season of fruit trees, the bloom period has increased photosynthetic rates that correlate with the fruiting process. This paper presents the development of an image processing algorithm to detect peach blossoms on trees. Aerial images of peach (Prunus persica) trees were acquired from both experimental and commercial peach orchards in the southwestern part of Idaho using an off-the-shelf unmanned aerial system (UAS), equipped with a multispectral camera (near-infrared, green, blue). The image processing algorithm included contrast stretching of the three bands to enhance the image and thresholding segmentation method to detect the peach blossoms. Initial results showed that the image processing algorithm could detect peach blossoms with an average detection rate of 84.3% and demonstrated good potential as a monitoring tool for orchard management