4 research outputs found

    Interacting with New York City Data by HoloLens through Remote Rendering

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    In the digital era, Extended Reality (XR) is considered the next frontier. However, XR systems are computationally intensive, and they must be implemented within strict latency constraints. Thus, XR devices with finite computing resources are limited in terms of quality of experience (QoE) they can offer, particularly in cases of big 3D data. This problem can be effectively addressed by offloading the highly intensive rendering tasks to a remote server. Therefore, we proposed a remote rendering enabled XR system that presents the 3D city model of New York City on the Microsoft HoloLens. Experimental results indicate that remote rendering outperforms local rendering for the New York City model with significant improvement in average QoE by at least 21%. Additionally, we clarified the network traffic pattern in the proposed XR system developed under the OpenXR standard

    Implementation of a virtual reality tool, to verify a PLC programming routine of an industrial process

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    La realidad virtual se ha convertido en una herramienta utilizada en diversas industrias por su facilidad para simular espacios e interactuar con objetos sin los riesgos y limitaciones que tiene el mundo real. En plantas de producci贸n se puede manejar maquinaria automatizada que involucra la programaci贸n de un PLC y la interacci贸n de un operario. Al momento de querer realizar cambios en las l铆neas de producci贸n se requiere de modificaciones en la programaci贸n de las maquinas que componen la linea, implicando pruebas previas a su implementaci贸n fisica. En estos ambientes, el realizar este tipo de modificaciones conlleva riesgos y tiempos que se traducen en costos que podr铆an ser previstos o disminuidos mediante una simulaci贸n previa de las actividades a realizar y que no tienen en cuenta la interacci贸n hombre-maquina entre los operarios y los equipos. Asi mismo, la programaci贸n de PLC麓s de manera remota implica limitaciones hacia la retroalimentaci贸n que el programador tiene sobre el funcionamiento de las maquinas automatizadas y sobre el programa. Por lo tanto, se ha propuesto la implementaci贸n de una herramienta para simular equipos industriales en un espacio de l铆neas de producci贸n donde el usuario puede interactuar con equipos automatizados conectados a PLC麓s mediante el uso de dispositivos de realidad virtual de naturaleza inmersiva. Dentro de los resultados de la simulaci贸n se espera que el usuario pueda interactuar con el espacio virtual, modificar la programaci贸n de un PLC recreado virtualmente para ciertos equipos industriales, para as铆 entender y capacitarse sobre herramientas de ingenier铆a. De acuerdo al impacto que genere la simulaci贸n, este proyecto espera tener alcances en 谩reas de capacitaci贸n de personal, en la ense帽anza de manera pr谩ctica y la visualizaci贸n e interacci贸n con espacios industriales simulados.Virtual reality has become a tool used in several industries for its ease in simulating spaces and interacting with objects without the risks and limitations of the real world. In production plants, automated machinery can be managed in a way that the programming of a PLC and the interaction of an operator are involved. When wanting to make changes in the lines of production it is required to make modifications in the programming of the machines that compose the line, implying tests prior to their physical implementation. In these environments, making this type of modification implies risks and time which translates into costs that could be anticipated or diminished by means of a previous simulation of the activities to be carried out and that do not consider the man-machine interaction between the operators and the equipment. Likewise, the remote programming of PLC麓s implies limitations towards the feedback that the programmer gets about the operation of the automated machines and about the program. Therefore, it is proposed the implementation of a tool to simulate industrial equipment in a production line environment where the user can interact with automated equipment connected to PLC麓s by using immersive nature virtual reality devices. Within the results of the simulation the user can interact with the virtual space, modify the programming of a virtually recreated PLC for certain industrial equipment, so that it can understand and be trained on engineering tools. According to the impact generated by the simulation, this project hopes to have a reach in areas of personnel training, the teaching in a practical way and visualization and interaction with simulated industrial spaces.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    6G wireless communications networks: a comprehensive survey

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    The commercial fifth-generation (5G) wireless communications networks have already been deployed with the aim of providing high data rates. However, the rapid growth in the number of smart devices and the emergence of the Internet of Everything (IoE) applications, which require an ultra-reliable and low-latency communication, will result in a substantial burden on the 5G wireless networks. As such, the data rate that could be supplied by 5G networks will unlikely sustain the enormous ongoing data traffic explosion. This has motivated research into continuing to advance the existing wireless networks toward the future generation of cellular systems, known as sixth generation (6G). Therefore, it is essential to provide a prospective vision of the 6G and the key enabling technologies for realizing future networks. To this end, this paper presents a comprehensive review/survey of the future evolution of 6G networks. Specifically, the objective of the paper is to provide a comprehensive review/survey about the key enabling technologies for 6G networks, which include a discussion about the main operation principles of each technology, envisioned potential applications, current state-of-the-art research, and the related technical challenges. Overall, this paper provides useful information for industries and academic researchers and discusses the potentials for opening up new research directions

    Paving the Road for Virtual and Augmented Reality [Standards]

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