8 research outputs found

    Increasing the Level of Customer Orientation - A Big Data Case Study from Insurance Industry

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    The paper positions Big Data as a challenge of information integration into existing analytical infrastructures. The presented arguments have been derived by means of a case study. The case is selected from the domain of insurance industry that intends to leverage the potential of Big Data for the purpose of increased customer orientation. Particularly the application of advanced analytics on a broader information base, i.e. include data that has been collected by the distributed sales force, promised to be a fruitful approach. Yet, we can mainly learn from areas in which the project initially failed. It will become obvious that the ability of a cross-functional process alignment is prerequisite to providing a consolidated view of customer information. It also seems to be essential for integrating external data sources. As a key take away, this paper will provide first heuristics and drafts a maturity model on how these challenges of integration will manifest themselves when applying Big Data techniques

    IT-enabled Process Innovation: A Literature Review

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    The importance of Information Technology (IT) is growing, and in a hypercompetitive market IT must be used as a strategic asset for companies to succeed. In order to gain strategic benefits from IT, companies need to be innovative when deploying IT. This can be achieved by reengineering business processes to take advantage of the possibilities IT provides. In 1993 Thomas H. Davenport presented a framework describing the role of IT in process innovation . Based on this framework, the purpose of this paper is to conduct a literature review to answer the following research question: What kind of opportunities does IT provide for process innovation? . Davenport\u27s framework is used as an analytical lens to review articles from the top 20 IS and management journals. The paper provides an overview and an in-depth analysis of the literature on IT-enabled process innovation and suggests avenues for future research as well as recommendations for practitioners. Our analyses reveal five distinct themes related to opportunities for IT-enabled process innovation, all of which offer guidance to practitioners and highlight gaps in our current knowledge about how to leverage IT for innovation purposes


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    Qualitative data analysis plays a critical role in academic research. Open, axial, and selective (OAS) coding techniques are widely associated with qualitative data analysis in information systems (IS) research. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the usage of OAS coding techniques and is based on reviewing and analyzing 96 published IS studies that have operationalized the techniques. This research follows the structural steps taken in content analysis in order to select, review and analyze relevant literature. The research is intended to contribute to the IS research community by classifying the papers analyzed against the different activities for operationalizing OAS coding. Our analysis shows that the use of coding by IS scholars has increased in recent years. However, we also find that there has been some vagueness in describing how the OAS coding techniques are executed within our highest quality IS research outputs

    The Use of Open, Axial and Selective Coding Techniques: A Literature Analysis of IS Research

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    Qualitative data analysis plays a critical role in academic research. Open, axial, and selective (OAS) coding techniques are widely associated with qualitative data analysis in information systems (IS) research. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the usage of OAS coding techniques and is based on reviewing and analyzing 96 published IS studies that have operationalized the techniques. This research follows the structural steps taken in content analysis in order to select, review and analyze relevant literature. The research is intended to contribute to the IS research community by classifying the papers analyzed against the different activities for operationalizing OAS coding. Our analysis shows that the use of coding by IS scholars has increased in recent years. However, we also find that there has been some vagueness in describing how the OAS coding techniques are executed within our highest quality IS research outputs

    Is Permissioned Blockchain the Key to Support the External Audit Shift to Entirely Open Innovation Paradigm?

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    Open Innovation (OI) models have been studied in many fields. However, the challenges and opportunities of a possible OI paradigm application in external auditing have been under-researched. Recent corporate scandals are currently triggering changes and improvements in the regulatory framework by targeting, in particular, the dominance of the so-called “Big Four”. The main research question is whether a permissioned blockchain ecosystem could better enhance an OI paradigm and prove more suitable than the Semi-Open Innovation (SOI) paradigm that currently shapes the external audit field. Some challenges are considered in this article. Notably, blockchain requires suitable legal frameworks to ensure legally binding transactions. Moreover, multidisciplinary teams and high investments are required to develop efficient blockchain ecosystems and exploit the power of data analytics. Systematic analysis is performed based on a relevant literature review, along with abductive reasoning and applied modelling methodologies. The analyses demonstrate that the current Semi-Open Innovation external audit model is inefficient because it has led to market concentration, conflicting interests, and even fraud. Therefore, the regulators’ role in promoting fully Open Innovation models in the audit industry is essential to ensure transparency, information sharing, fair competition, innovation, and collaboration among audit professionals. Hence, this research aims at providing a different perspective by focusing on the necessary assumptions needed to ensure successful application of technologies in the audit field. The innovative introduction of a permissioned blockchain-based audit system is also suggested to ensure the feasibility of the shift from Semi-Open to Open Innovation

    Critical success factors for data governance: a theory building approach

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    Thinking about data strategically is a challenge for many organisations today. Governing data has become vital in running a business successfully. In recent years, the volume of data used within organisations has increased dramatically, playing a critical role in business operations. The implementation of data governance remains problematic for the majority of organisations. Data governance is considered to be a relatively emerging subject, and several researchers have proposed different models that help in understanding the concepts related to it. Reviewing the literature, however, reveals a lack of research into the critical success factors (CSFs) for data governance, which shows a need for further studies aimed at understanding the success factors in governing an organisation’s data. This research study aims to identify the critical success factors for data governance that enable organisations to introduce an effective data governance programme. The research follows the building theory from case studies approach by conducting two in-depth case studies in Saudi Arabia. To gather the data, a CSF approach is employed in order to conduct the interviews. The data are then analysed using open, axial, and selective coding techniques in order to inductively identify the CSFs for data governance along with the recommended actions associated with each CSF. This study contributes to data governance research by providing nine CSFs for data governance, as well as identifying a list of recommended actions for putting the CSFs into practice. In addition, follow a rigorous inductive research approach, two theoretical models emerged: 1) a data governance activities model, which helps in better understanding the activities related to data governance that are reported in the literature; and 2) an open, axial, and selective coding framework, which helps in understanding how to use these coding techniques when analysing qualitative data

    La calidad en el sector consultoría de software en Lima Metropolitana

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    La presente investigación analizó si los Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad (SGC) tienen un impacto en la Administración de la Calidad Total (TQM por sus siglas en inglés) en base al nivel de cumplimiento de los nueve factores propuestos por Benzaquen (2014) en el sector de Consultoría de Software de Lima Metropolitana. El estudio se realizó en base a una muestra de 21 empresas, de las cuales 12 contaban con un SGC. Se utilizó como metodología un proceso estadístico que comenzó analizando la consistencia de los datos recolectados mediante el Alfa de Cronbach, luego se identificó si la muestra presentaba comportamiento normal o no, y finalmente se efectuó el análisis de significancia. Los resultados de este análisis mostraron una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en los niveles de cumplimiento de los nueve factores entre los grupos de empresas que contaban con un SGC y las que no, por lo que se pudo inferir que el tener implementado un SGC tiene un impacto positivo en la TQM.The present research examined whether the Quality Management Systems (QMS) have an impact on Total Quality Management (TQM) based on the level of compliance with the nine factors proposed by Benzaquen (2014) in the Software Consulting sector of Metropolitan Lima. The study was conducted based on a sample of 21 companies, of which 12 had a QMS. A statistical process that began analyzing the consistency of the data collected by Cronbach's alpha, then identified if the sample had normal or abnormal behavior, and finally the analysis of significance was conducted was used as a methodology. The results of this analysis showed a statistically significant difference in the levels of compliance with the nine factors between groups of companies that had a QMS and those not, so it could be inferred that having implemented a QMS has a positive impact in TQM.Tesi