896 research outputs found

    Tiree Tales: A Co-operative Inquiry into the Poetics of Location-Based Narratives

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    In a location-based story a reader's movement through physical space is translated into movement through narrative space, typically by presenting them with text fragments on a smart device triggered by location changes. Despite the increasing popularity of such systems their poetics are poorly understood, meaning limited guidance for authors, and few authoring tools. To explore these poetics we present a co-operative inquiry into the authoring of an interactive location-based narrative, `The Isle of Brine', set on the island of Tiree. Our inquiry reveals both pragmatic and aesthetic considerations driven by the locations themselves, that affect the design of both the Story (narrative structure) and Fabula (events within the story). These include the importance of paths, bottlenecks, and junctions as a physical manifestation of calligraphic patterns, the need for coherent narrative areas, and the requirement to use evocative places and to manage thematic and tonal discord between the landscape and the narrative

    The StoryPlaces Authoring Tool: Pattern Centric Authoring

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    Building authoring environments for constraint-based inter- active narratives (sculptural hypertexts) is challenging, as dealing di- rectly with functions and variables is alien to many authors and requires them to think at a lower level than story structure. We propose an ap- proach that uses higher level constructs based on common structural patterns, which are then translated behind the scenes into a set of con- straints for a sculptural engine. We present the StoryPlaces authoring tool that applies this idea with the patterns of Locking and Phasing and allows for the creation of constraint-based locative hypertext ction. Our work shows how the poetics of interactive narratives can be used in the software design process to create more accessible authoring tools

    Location location location: experiences of authoring an interactive location-based narrative

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    Location-based narratives are a form of digital interactive storytelling where a reader's physical movement triggers narrative events. Unlike traditional hypertext the poetics of these narratives is poorly understood, meaning that it is difficult to build effective authoring tools or to train new writers. In this paper we present our experience of authoring an interactive location-based narratives, focused on the creation of a story 'The Isle of Brine' set on the island of Tiree. Our experience highlights the primacy of location in the authoring process, and both pragmatic and aesthetic considerations for the design of the narrative

    What's the Story? A Proposed Approach for the Evaluation of Experimental Interactive Narrative.

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    Evaluation of experimental digital narrative often focuses on the overall user experience. While this is important, we recognise the need for more granular forms of evaluation to measure the efficacy of individual digital narrative delivery techniques which continue to grow in variety as authors explore different approaches to telling stories using interactive media. In this paper we propose a multi-layered evaluation methodology based on the principle of deconstructing an interactive narratives internal fabula and story and three separate stages of interview for collecting evidence of the efficacy of different techniques used within story payloads to deliver content. This proposed methodology shows early promise, and potentially provides a means to identify the individual efficacy of techniques within a wider digital narrative

    On writing sculptural Hypertext

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    The Narrative and Hypertext Workshop Series and the value of Workshops to Research Communities

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    Narrative and Hypertext (NHT) is the longest running workshop series at ACM Hypertext, and as it enters its 8th year we reflect on the value of workshops to research communities, and how they enable dissemination and discussion in a different, but equally valuable, form to conferences. We look at NHT as a case study, and how through providing a publication venue for new ideas and early work alongside a substantial platform for key discussions it has supported it's community

    Avebury Portal – A Location-Based Augmented Reality Treasure Hunt for Archaeological Sites

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    Many archaeological sites are less popular by visits amongst the younger group and overall less popular than majority of other heritage sites. They are often not enhanced by supporting medium like in museums or historic buildings. Many augmented reality (AR) systems have been developed for archaeological sites and proved to benefit user engagement. However, most result in superimposing a virtual reconstruction of the site for users to passively observe and lack exploration of other methods for designing an interactive engaging experience. In this paper, we demonstrate the development of a location-based treasure hunt AR app, Avebury Portal, for the heritage site; Avebury in England. Avebury Portal uses puzzles with the environment to give clues, and a narrative that responds to the user’s location. We developed Avebury Portal with Unity Engine and Vuforia to demonstrate the effectiveness of using AR to enhance visitors’ experiences on learning

    Novella 2.0: A Hypertextual Architecture for Interactive Narrative in Games

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    The hypertext community has a history of research in Interactive Digital Narrative (IDN), including experimental works and systems to support authoring. Arguably the most prevalent contemporary form of IDN is within the world of computer games where a mixture of large-scale commercial works and smaller indie experimental pieces continue to develop new forms of interactive storytelling. We can explore these pieces through the lens of hyper- textual theory and support them with hypertextual architectures, but there are unique challenges within modern game-based storytelling that these frameworks sometimes struggle to capture on a content level, leaving us in some cases with insufficient models and vocabulary. In this paper, we build upon previous work by presenting a discussion on techniques of modeling video game narrative. This is followed by thorough presentation and demonstration of our game-centric theoretical model of interactive narrative, Novella 2.0, which builds upon our previous contributions. This model is then positioned within a novel architecture for the authoring, interchange, integration, and simulation of video game narrative. We present alongside the architecture four key innovations towards supporting game narrative. We include support for Discoverable Narrative and other game narrative content alongside structural features in a deference of responsibility to game engines and our own approach to mixing calligraphic and sculptural hyper- text structure
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