7 research outputs found

    Using scrum together with UML models: a collaborative university-industry R&D software project

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    Conducting research and development (R&D) software projects, in an environment where both industry and university collaborate, is challenging due to many factors. In fact, industrial companies and universities have generally different interests and objectives whenever they collaborate. For this reason, it is not easy to manage and negotiate the industrial companies’ interests, namely schedules and their expectations. Conducting such projects in an agile framework is expected to decrease these risks, since partners have the opportunity to frequently interact with the development team in short iterations and are constantly aware of the characteristics of the system under development. However, in this type of collaborative R&D projects, it is often advantageous to include some waterfall practices, like upfront requirements modeling using UML models, which are not commonly used in agile processes like Scrum, in order to better prepare the implementation phase of the project. This paper presents some lessons learned that result from experience of the authors in adopting some Scrum practices in a R&D project, like short iterations, backlogs, and product increments, and simultaneously using UML models, namely use cases and components.This research is sponsored by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and Technological Development PEst-UID/CEC/00319/2013 and by project in co–promotion nº 36265/2013 (Project HMIExcel - 2013-2015)

    Distributed agile patterns : an approach to facilitate agile adoption in offshore software development

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    Over a decade, companies have been using agile methods for the development of software. However with the increasing trends of offshore software development, companies are becoming more interested in using agile methods for such projects. While offshore development has several dynamic benefits such as cost reduction, flexibility, proximity to market, concentration on core processes and easy access to talent, they have introduced new challenges, such as trust, socio-cultural, communication and coordination, and knowledge transfer issues. These challenges not only affect the development process but also affect the applicability of agile practices in offshore development. As a consequence, companies have been modifying and adapting agile practices to overcome these challenges. However there has been little effort put to collect and document the common practices that have been used repeatedly to solve recurring problems in offshore development. Using the systematic literature review approach and applying customised search criteria based on the research questions, we identified and reviewed over 200 cases from literature. As part of this research we also conducted semi-structured interviews, in which we involved practicing professionals who were working with distributed teams. As a result, we identified and documented a number of solutions to address the common agile issues in software development, which we classified as distributed agile patterns. This research presents the challenges caused by offshore development, how they affect the applicability of agile practices in offshoring. We have then developed a catalogue containing the identified fifteen distributed agile patterns and have classified them into four categories. We have used a case study to explain how these patterns can be applied in offshore software development. To verify and validate our catalogue, we conducted a reflection workshop, in which we invited professionals to review and comment on the patterns. The participants engaged in reviewing the patterns and gave constructive feedback, which helped in improving the catalogue. Based on their feedback, the distributed agile patterns catalogue was finalised. The catalogue can help practitioners make a more informed decision while choosing agile for their offshore projects

    Patrones y antipatrones de gestión de proyectos de software

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    El informe de tesis muestra el estudio realizado sobre el estado del arte de los patrones y antipatrones de gestión de proyectos de software. Los antipatrones describen una solución común a un problema, que llevan a consecuencias negativas durante su aplicación, generalmente por no comprender el problema, por no tener el conocimiento o la experiencia suficiente para resolver un determinado tipo de problema en particular, o simplemente por el hecho de haber aplicado un patrón en un escenario que no es el adecuado. Durante el estudio, se relevan los principales patrones y antipatrones, sus causas y síntomas, sus formas y las consecuencias de sus aplicaciones. Para el caso de los antipatrones estudiamos las soluciones que son refactorizadas y que permiten llegar a un patrón de gestión encontrando soluciones al problema planteado. Se presenta un caso de estudio y la implementación de un prototipo, en donde mediante técnicas de data mining se analiza la factibilidad de reconocer la aplicación de algunos de los patrones y antipatrones estudiados. Para llevar adelante esta parte del trabajo, se estudian los principales conceptos de data mining aplicables al descubrimiento de patrones. Dado que el área de data mining no es la parte fundamental del trabajo, no se realiza un estudio del arte del tema sino que se presenta una lista de referencias que acompañan el caso de estudio presentado

    Agile software development in large-scale new product development organization: team level perspective

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    Many modern intelligent products and systems (e.g., automotive, consumer electronics, telecommunications) contain more and more embedded software. Often the new product development (NPD) companies developing such products operate under turbulent circumstances stemming from the business environment, technology development and other, even disruptive sources. The embedded software development functions of such NPD organizations then face the uncertainties directly or indirectly, often coupled with time-to-market, quality and productivity pressures. Agile software development has been advocated as a new way of coping with such circumstances in particular with small independent teams developing customer-driven software products. This thesis investigates in contrast how it can be utilized with embedded software development teams in large-scale market-driven industrial NPD context. The exploratory, problem-driven research process is based on interpretive design science and action research principles. The author worked as a full-time software quality and process development specialist employee inside the case organization, thus acting as a reflective practitioner. The longitudinal study research cycles were conducted over several years in that particular NPD organization context. The cycle viewpoints evolved from first recognizing typical software project problems and uncertainties, and developing certain solutions to software team knowledge management and software process model selection. This development led to consider, what problems current agile software methods address. The realization of agile software development was then further examined with respect to the cost factors, and finally towards integrating agile software product development teams into larger-scale NPD organization. The main result of this research is that agile software development models address many typical key issues in large-scale industrial NPD context, and the cost/benefit factors are in principle justifiable. However, if agile software methods are applied just bottom-up trying to integrate isolated agile software teams into larger organizational context, this inside-out approach leads often to problems with organizational barriers and impediments. Thus, in order to be able to leverage the potential benefits, agile software development should be approached more from the strategic business perspective (outside-in), viewing the software development functions as elements of the total value-creation system in the NPD organization. Different software development (project) teams may have different roles and needs for agility in this complex over time. The contributions imply that rational software team-level improvements require in many cases wider, even enterprise-level perspectives in creating and improving the agile capabilities of the NPD organization. It is thus fundamental to conceptualize agility in the NPD context by combining software development with the overall NPD processes. In particular in large organizations, the improvements may require more actions at the organizational level than in software teams

    Die Betrachtung der Earned Value Methodik im agilen Projektumfeld hinsichtlich des Projekterfolgs

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    The Earned Value analysis has proven to be beneficial in waterfall and located software projects for monitoring the project management triangle. Nowadays, more and more virtual and agile project teams are used to manage the software requirements process. However, it remains unclear whether using the Earned Value metrics’ general positive effect generates project success in such an area too as additional challenges arise like communication or coordination difficulties. This thesis examines the assumption of a positive influence of the Earned Value technique on the project success during the software requirements process within a virtual, global project team in an agile software project environment. In addition, it should be clarified whether coordination and communication elements moderate this effect. The research is achieved with a sample size of 190,051 international people, mainly extracted from the consulting company Capgemini. Therefore, a mixed methods approach is used which consists of a partially-standardized and structured online survey as well as non-standardized and semi-structured guided interviews. The analyses of the latter ones are based on Mayring’s content analysis. This dissertation has not revealed any evidence of a positive influence on the project success by the Earned Value analysis during the requirements process in virtual project teams of an agile software project. This outcome is based on an inconsistent view of how to successfully apply this project controlling approach, whereby the subjective perception of project success played an important role. In this particular context, the Earned Value metrics reached their practical limits due to certain challenges named within this research. Although, the moderation analysis showed no significant effects of communication or coordination on the relation between the Earned Value method and the project success during the requirements process in a virtual agile software project team, a positive tendency emerged from both dimensions. The thesis presents some prerequisites that must be fulfilled in order to weaken or even reduce the problems in the application of the Earned Value analysis in this research context. Lastly, consistent definitions as well as standardized utilization understandings are required for a successful implementation of the Earned Value controlling instrument in this particular field