207,351 research outputs found

    Patterns for distributed real-time stream processing

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    In recent years, big data systems have become an active area of research and development. Stream processing is one of the potential application scenarios of big data systems where the goal is to process a continuous, high velocity flow of information items. High frequency trading (HFT) in stock markets or trending topic detection in Twitter are some examples of stream processing applications. In some cases (like, for instance, in HFT), these applications have end-to-end quality-of-service requirements and may benefit from the usage of real-time techniques. Taking this into account, the present article analyzes, from the point of view of real-time systems, a set of patterns that can be used when implementing a stream processing application. For each pattern, we discuss its advantages and disadvantages, as well as its impact in application performance, measured as response time, maximum input frequency and changes in utilization demands due to the pattern.This work been partially supported by Distributed Java Infrastructure for Real-Time Big Data (CAS14/00118). It has been also partially funded by eMadrid (S2013/ICE-2715), HERMES-MARTDRIVER (TIN2013-46801-C4-2-R) and AUDACity (TIN2016-77158-C4-1-R); and also by European Union's 7th Framework Program under Grant Agreement FP7-IC6-318763. We are also in debt with our anonymous reviewers that improved the quality of the article

    Techniques for online analysis of large distributed data

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    With the advancement of technology, there has been an exponential growth in the volume of data that is continuously being generated by several applications in domains such as finance, networking, security. Examples of such continuously streaming data include internet traffic data, sensor readings, tweets, stock market data, telecommunication records. As a result, processing and analyzing data to derive useful insights from them in real time is becoming increasingly important. The goal of my research is to propose techniques to effectively find aggregates and patterns from massive distributed data stream in real time. In many real world applications, there may be specific user requirements for analyzing data. We consider three different user requirements for our work - Sliding window, Distributed data stream, and a Union of historical and streaming data. We aim to address the following problems in our research : First, we present a detailed experimental evaluation of streaming algorithms over sliding window for distinct counting, which is a fundamental aggregation problem widely applied in database query optimization and network monitoring. Next, we present the first communication-efficient distributed algorithm for tracking persistent items in a distributed data stream over both infinite and sliding window. We present theoretical analysis on communication cost and accuracy, and provide experimental results to validate the guarantees. Finally, we present the design and evaluation of a low cost algorithm that identifies quantiles from a union of historical and streaming data with improved accuracy

    Dynamic re-optimization techniques for stream processing engines and object stores

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    Large scale data storage and processing systems are strongly motivated by the need to store and analyze massive datasets. The complexity of a large class of these systems is rooted in their distributed nature, extreme scale, need for real-time response, and streaming nature. The use of these systems on multi-tenant, cloud environments with potential resource interference necessitates fine-grained monitoring and control. In this dissertation, we present efficient, dynamic techniques for re-optimizing stream-processing systems and transactional object-storage systems.^ In the context of stream-processing systems, we present VAYU, a per-topology controller. VAYU uses novel methods and protocols for dynamic, network-aware tuple-routing in the dataflow. We show that the feedback-driven controller in VAYU helps achieve high pipeline throughput over long execution periods, as it dynamically detects and diagnoses any pipeline-bottlenecks. We present novel heuristics to optimize overlays for group communication operations in the streaming model.^ In the context of object-storage systems, we present M-Lock, a novel lock-localization service for distributed transaction protocols on scale-out object stores to increase transaction throughput. Lock localization refers to dynamic migration and partitioning of locks across nodes in the scale-out store to reduce cross-partition acquisition of locks. The service leverages the observed object-access patterns to achieve lock-clustering and deliver high performance. We also present TransMR, a framework that uses distributed, transactional object stores to orchestrate and execute asynchronous components in amorphous data-parallel applications on scale-out architectures

    Automatic Anomaly Detection over Sliding Windows: Grand Challenge

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    With the advances in the Internet of Things and rapid generation of vast amounts of data, there is an ever growing need for leveraging and evaluating event-based systems as a basis for building realtime data analytics applications. The ability to detect, analyze, and respond to abnormal patterns of events in a timely manner is as challenging as it is important. For instance, distributed processing environment might affect the required order of events, time-consuming computations might fail to scale, or delays of alarms might lead to unpredicted system behavior. The ACM DEBS Grand Challenge 2017 focuses on real-time anomaly detection for manufacturing equipments based on the observation of a stream of measurements generated by embedded digital and analogue sensors. In this paper, we present our solution to the challenge leveraging the Apache Flink stream processing framework and anomaly ordering based on sliding windows, and evaluate the performance in terms of event latency and throughput

    CEP-DTHP : A Complex Event Processing using the Dual-Tier Hybrid Paradigm Over the Stream Mining Process

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    CEP is a widely used technique for the reliability and recognition of arbitrarily complex patterns in enormous data streams with great performance in real time. Real-time detection of crucial events and rapid response to them are the key goals of sophisticated event processing.  The performance of event processing systems can be improved by parallelizing CEP evaluation procedures. Utilizing CEP in parallel while deploying a multi-core or distributed environment is one of the most popular and widely recognized tackles to accomplish the goal. This paper demonstrates the ability to use an unusual parallelization strategy to effectively process complicated events over streams of data. This method depends on a dual-tier hybrid paradigm that combines several parallelism levels. Thread-level or task-level parallelism (TLP) and Data-level parallelism (DLP) were combined in this research. Many threads or instruction sequences from a comparable application can run concurrently under the TLP paradigm. In the DLP paradigm, instruc-tions from a single stream operate on several data streams at the same time. In our suggested model, there are four major stages: data mining, pre-processing, load shedding, and optimization. The first phase is online data mining, following which the data is materialized into a publicly available solution that combines a CEP engine with a library. Next, data pre-processing encompasses the efficient adaptation of the content or format of raw data from many, perhaps diverse sources. Finally, parallelization approaches have been created to reduce CEP processing time. By providing this two-type parallelism, our proposed solution combines the benefits of DLP and TLP while addressing their constraints. The JAVA tool will be used to assess the suggested technique. The performance of the suggested technique is compared to that of other current ways for determining the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm

    Engineering Crowdsourced Stream Processing Systems

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    A crowdsourced stream processing system (CSP) is a system that incorporates crowdsourced tasks in the processing of a data stream. This can be seen as enabling crowdsourcing work to be applied on a sample of large-scale data at high speed, or equivalently, enabling stream processing to employ human intelligence. It also leads to a substantial expansion of the capabilities of data processing systems. Engineering a CSP system requires the combination of human and machine computation elements. From a general systems theory perspective, this means taking into account inherited as well as emerging properties from both these elements. In this paper, we position CSP systems within a broader taxonomy, outline a series of design principles and evaluation metrics, present an extensible framework for their design, and describe several design patterns. We showcase the capabilities of CSP systems by performing a case study that applies our proposed framework to the design and analysis of a real system (AIDR) that classifies social media messages during time-critical crisis events. Results show that compared to a pure stream processing system, AIDR can achieve a higher data classification accuracy, while compared to a pure crowdsourcing solution, the system makes better use of human workers by requiring much less manual work effort

    When Things Matter: A Data-Centric View of the Internet of Things

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    With the recent advances in radio-frequency identification (RFID), low-cost wireless sensor devices, and Web technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) approach has gained momentum in connecting everyday objects to the Internet and facilitating machine-to-human and machine-to-machine communication with the physical world. While IoT offers the capability to connect and integrate both digital and physical entities, enabling a whole new class of applications and services, several significant challenges need to be addressed before these applications and services can be fully realized. A fundamental challenge centers around managing IoT data, typically produced in dynamic and volatile environments, which is not only extremely large in scale and volume, but also noisy, and continuous. This article surveys the main techniques and state-of-the-art research efforts in IoT from data-centric perspectives, including data stream processing, data storage models, complex event processing, and searching in IoT. Open research issues for IoT data management are also discussed

    Snapshot Processing in Streaming Environments

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    Computational issues related to streaming data, and in particular the monitoring and rapid correlation of multiple sources of streaming data, are becoming increasingly important in contexts ranging from business processes to crisis detection. For example, a government system to detect bioterror attacks must correlate multiple streams of possibly low-confidence data from sensors and local and national public health information networks with cues from indicators such as news and government sources indicating geographical locations, tactics and timing of possible attacks. The results of this correlation trigger appropriate responses, such as flagging information for more in-depth analysis or sending alerts to public health officials. Monitoring and correlation applications of this type are ideal for deployment on distributed computing grids, because they have high transaction throughput, require low latency, and can be partitioned into sets of small communicating computations with regular communication patterns. An important consideration in these applications is the need to ensure that, at any given time, computations are carried out on an accurate - or at least close to accurate - picture of the environment being monitored. One way of doing this, which we call snapshot processing, is to treat collections of events that occur at approximately the same time as representing a global snapshot - a valid state - of the environment. Computation on the resulting series of snapshots is much like computation on a real-time video of the entire environment. We briefly describe our model for these stream processing computations and introduce the concept of snapshot processin

    Knowledge-infused and Consistent Complex Event Processing over Real-time and Persistent Streams

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    Emerging applications in Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) present novel challenges to Big Data platforms for performing online analytics. Ubiquitous sensors from IoT deployments are able to generate data streams at high velocity, that include information from a variety of domains, and accumulate to large volumes on disk. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is recognized as an important real-time computing paradigm for analyzing continuous data streams. However, existing work on CEP is largely limited to relational query processing, exposing two distinctive gaps for query specification and execution: (1) infusing the relational query model with higher level knowledge semantics, and (2) seamless query evaluation across temporal spaces that span past, present and future events. These allow accessible analytics over data streams having properties from different disciplines, and help span the velocity (real-time) and volume (persistent) dimensions. In this article, we introduce a Knowledge-infused CEP (X-CEP) framework that provides domain-aware knowledge query constructs along with temporal operators that allow end-to-end queries to span across real-time and persistent streams. We translate this query model to efficient query execution over online and offline data streams, proposing several optimizations to mitigate the overheads introduced by evaluating semantic predicates and in accessing high-volume historic data streams. The proposed X-CEP query model and execution approaches are implemented in our prototype semantic CEP engine, SCEPter. We validate our query model using domain-aware CEP queries from a real-world Smart Power Grid application, and experimentally analyze the benefits of our optimizations for executing these queries, using event streams from a campus-microgrid IoT deployment.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figures, accepted in Future Generation Computer Systems, October 27, 201