214 research outputs found

    Applications of two neuro-based metaheuristic techniques in evaluating ground vibration resulting from tunnel blasting

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    Peak particle velocity (PPV) caused by blasting is an unfavorable environmental issue that can damage neighboring structures or equipment. Hence, a reliable prediction and minimization of PPV are essential for a blasting site. To estimate PPV caused by tunnel blasting, this paper proposes two neuro-based metaheuristic models: neuro-imperialism and neuro-swarm. The prediction was made based on extensive observation and data collecting from a tunnelling project that was concerned about the presence of a temple near the blasting operations and tunnel site. A detailed modeling procedure was conducted to estimate PPV values using both empirical methods and intelligence techniques. As a fair comparison, a base model considered a benchmark in intelligent modeling, artificial neural network (ANN), was also built to predict the same output. The developed models were evaluated using several calculated statistical indices, such as variance account for (VAF) and a-20 index. The empirical equation findings revealed that there is still room for improvement by implementing other techniques. This paper demonstrated this improvement by proposing the neuro-swarm, neuro-imperialism, and ANN models. The neuro-swarm model outperforms the others in terms of accuracy. VAF values of 90.318% and 90.606% and a-20 index values of 0.374 and 0.355 for training and testing sets, respectively, were obtained for the neuro-swarm model to predict PPV induced by blasting. The proposed neuro-based metaheuristic models in this investigation can be utilized to predict PPV values with an acceptable level of accuracy within the site conditions and input ranges used in this study

    A neuro-genetic hybrid approach to automatic identification of plant leaves

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    Plants are essential for the existence of most living things on this planet. Plants are used for providing food, shelter, and medicine. The ability to identify plants is very important for several applications, including conservation of endangered plant species, rehabilitation of lands after mining activities and differentiating crop plants from weeds. In recent times, many researchers have made attempts to develop automated plant species recognition systems. However, the current computer-based plants recognition systems have limitations as some plants are naturally complex, thus it is difficult to extract and represent their features. Further, natural differences of features within the same plant and similarities between plants of different species cause problems in classification. This thesis developed a novel hybrid intelligent system based on a neuro-genetic model for automatic recognition of plants using leaf image analysis based on novel approach of combining several image descriptors with Cellular Neural Networks (CNN), Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNN) to address classification challenges in plant computer-based plant species identification using the images of plant leaves. A GA-based feature selection module was developed to select the best of these leaf features. Particle Swam Optimization (PSO) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were also used sideways for comparison and to provide rigorous feature selection and analysis. Statistical analysis using ANOVA and correlation techniques confirmed the effectiveness of the GA-based and PSO-based techniques as there were no redundant features, since the subset of features selected by both techniques correlated well. The number of principal components (PC) from the past were selected by conventional method associated with PCA. However, in this study, GA was used to select a minimum number of PC from the original PC space. This reduced computational cost with respect to time and increased the accuracy of the classifier used. The algebraic nature of the GA’s fitness function ensures good performance of the GA. Furthermore, GA was also used to optimize the parameters of a CNN (CNN for image segmentation) and then uniquely combined with PNN to improve and stabilize the performance of the classification system. The CNN (being an ordinary differential equation (ODE)) was solved using Runge-Kutta 4th order algorithm in order to minimize descritisation errors associated with edge detection. This study involved the extraction of 112 features from the images of plant species found in the Flavia dataset (publically available) using MATLAB programming environment. These features include Zernike Moments (20 ZMs), Fourier Descriptors (21 FDs), Legendre Moments (20 LMs), Hu 7 Moments (7 Hu7Ms), Texture Properties (22 TP) , Geometrical Properties (10 GP), and Colour features (12 CF). With the use of GA, only 14 features were finally selected for optimal accuracy. The PNN was genetically optimized to ensure optimal accuracy since it is not the best practise to fix the tunning parameters for the PNN arbitrarily. Two separate GA algorithms were implemented to optimize the PNN, that is, the GA provided by MATLAB Optimization Toolbox (GA1) and a separately implemented GA (GA2). The best chromosome (PNN spread) for GA1 was 0.035 with associated classification accuracy of 91.3740% while a spread value of 0.06 was obtained from GA2 giving rise to improved classification accuracy of 92.62%. The PNN-based classifier used in this study was benchmarked against other classifiers such as Multi-layer perceptron (MLP), K Nearest Neigbhour (kNN), Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC), Radial Basis Function (RBF), Ensemble classifiers (Adaboost). The best candidate among these classifiers was the genetically optimized PNN. Some computational theoretic properties on PNN are also presented


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    Invention of artificial intelligence (AI) is certainly one of the most promising technological advancements in modern economy. General AI reaching singularity makes one imagine its disruptive influence. Once invented it is supposed to surpass all human cognitive capabilities. Nevertheless, narrow AI has already been widely applied encompassing many technologies. This paper aims to explore the research area of artificial intelligence with the emphasis on the business economics field. Data has been derived from the records extracted from the Web of Science which is one of the most relevant databases of scientific publications. Total number of extracted records published in the period from 1963-2019 was 1369. Results provide systemic overview of the most influential authors, seminal papers and the most important sources for AI publication. Additionally, using MCA (multiple correspondence analysis) results display the intellectual map of the research field.Otkriće umjetne inteligencije zasigurno predstavlja jednu od najvažniji tehnoloških inovacija moderne ekonomije. Opća umjetna inteligencija koja može dosegnuti singularitet ima potencijal kreirati novu tehnološku arenu. Jednom otkrivena smatra se da će nadmašiti sve ljudske kognitivne sposobnosti. Nadalje, specifična umjetna inteligencija već je otkrivena i primijenjena u brojnim sustavima. Ovaj rad nastoji istražiti područje umjetne inteligencije s naglaskom primjene u ekonomiji. Podaci su derivirani na osnovi zapisa Web of Science baze jednog od najrelevantnijih izvora znanstvenih radova. Ukupan broj ekstrahiranih zapisa u periodu 1963-2019 bio je 1369. Rezultati čine sustavan pregled najutjecajnijih autora, radova te izvora publikacija. Dodatno, koristeći MCA kreirana je intelektualna mapa istraživačkog područja

    Granular computing approach for the design of medical data classification systems

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    Granular computing is a computation theory that imitates human thinking and reasoning by dealing with information at different levels of abstraction/precision. The adoption of granular computing approach in the design of data classification systems improves their performance in dealing with data uncertainty and facilitates handling large volumes of data. In this paper, a new approach for the design of medical data classification systems is proposed. The proposed approach makes use of data granulation in training the classifier. Training data is granulated at different levels and data from each level is used for constructing the classification system. To evaluate performance of the proposed approach, a classification system based on neural network is implemented. Four medical datasets are used to compare performance of the proposed approach to other classifiers: neural network classifier, ANFIS classifier and SVM classifier. Results show that the proposed approach improves classification performance of neural network classifier and produces better accuracy and area under curve than other classifiers for most of the datasets used

    An improved multiple classifier combination scheme for pattern classification

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    Combining multiple classifiers are considered as a new direction in the pattern recognition to improve classification performance. The main problem of multiple classifier combination is that there is no standard guideline for constructing an accurate and diverse classifier ensemble. This is due to the difficulty in identifying the number of homogeneous classifiers and how to combine the classifier outputs. The most commonly used ensemble method is the random strategy while the majority voting technique is used as the combiner. However, the random strategy cannot determine the number of classifiers and the majority voting technique does not consider the strength of each classifier, thus resulting in low classification accuracy. In this study, an improved multiple classifier combination scheme is proposed. The ant system (AS) algorithm is used to partition feature set in developing feature subsets which represent the number of classifiers. A compactness measure is introduced as a parameter in constructing an accurate and diverse classifier ensemble. A weighted voting technique is used to combine the classifier outputs by considering the strength of the classifiers prior to voting. Experiments were performed using four base classifiers, which are Nearest Mean Classifier (NMC), Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC), k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) on benchmark datasets, to test the credibility of the proposed multiple classifier combination scheme. The average classification accuracy of the homogeneous NMC, NBC, k-NN and LDA ensembles are 97.91%, 98.06%, 98.09% and 98.12% respectively. The accuracies are higher than those obtained through the use of other approaches in developing multiple classifier combination. The proposed multiple classifier combination scheme will help to develop other multiple classifier combination for pattern recognition and classification

    A neuronal classification system for plant leaves using genetic image segmentation

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    This paper demonstrates the use of radial basis networks (RBF), cellular neural networks (CNN) and genetic algorithm (GA) for automatic classication of plant leaves. A genetic neuronal system herein attempted to solve some of the inherent challenges facing current software being employed for plant leaf classication. The image segmentation module in this work was genetically optimized to bring salient features in the images of plants leaves used in this work. The combination of GA-based CNN with RBF in this work proved more ecient than the existing systems that use conventional edge operators such as Canny, LoG, Prewitt, and Sobel operators. The results herein showed that GA-based CNN edge detector outperforms other edge detector in terms of speed and classication accuracy


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    Time series data represents measurements taken over a specific period and is often employed for forecasting purposes. The typical approach in forecasting involves the analysis of relationships among estimated variables.In this study, we apply Fuzzy Time Series (FTS) to water level data collected every 10 minutes at the Irish Achill Island Observation Station. The FTS, which is based on Fuzzy C-Means (FCM), is hybridized with the Cat and Mouse Based Optimizer (CMBO). This hybridization of FCM with the CMBO optimizer aims to address weaknesses inherent in FTS, particularly concerning the determination of interval lengths, with the ultimate goal of enhancing prediction accuracy.Before conducting forecasts, we execute the FCM-CMBO process to determine the optimal centroid used for defining interval lengths within the FTS framework. Our study utilizes a dataset comprising 52,562 data points, obtained from the official Kaggle website. Subsequently, we assess forecasting accuracy using the Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE), where a smaller percentage indicates superior performance. Our proposed methodology effectively mitigates the limitations associated with interval length determination and significantly improves forecasting accuracy. Specifically, the MAPE percentage for FTS-FCM before optimization is 20.180%, while that of FCM-CMBO is notably lower at 18.265%. These results highlight the superior performance of the FCM-CMBO hybrid approach, which achieves a forecasting accuracy of 81.735% when compared to actual data