8,615 research outputs found

    Pattern masking for dictionary matching

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    Data masking is a common technique for sanitizing sensitive data maintained in database systems, and it is also becoming increasingly important in various application areas, such as in record linkage of personal data. This work formalizes the Pattern Masking for Dictionary Matching (PMDM) problem. In PMDM, we are given a dictionary of d strings, each of length , a query string q of length , and a positive integer z, and we are asked to compute a smallest set K ⊆ {1,
,}, so that if q[i] is replaced by a wildcard for all i ∈ K, then q matches at least z strings from . Solving PMDM allows providing data utility guarantees as opposed to existing approaches. We first show, through a reduction from the well-known k-Clique problem, that a decision version of the PMDM problem is NP-complete, even for strings over a binary alphabet. We thus approach the problem from a more practical perspective. We show a combinatorial ((d)^{|K|/3}+d)-time and (d)-space algorithm for PMDM for |K| = (1). In fact, we show that we cannot hope for a faster combinatorial algorithm, unless the combinatorial k-Clique hypothesis fails [Abboud et al., SIAM J. Comput. 2018; Lincoln et al., SODA 2018]. We also generalize this algorithm for the problem of masking multiple query strings simultaneously so that every string has at least z matches in . Note that PMDM can be viewed as a generalization of the decision version of the dictionary matching with mismatches problem: by querying a PMDM data structure with string q and z = 1, one obtains the minimal number of mismatches of q with any string from . The query time or space of all known data structures for the more restricted problem of dictionary matching with at most k mismatches incurs some exponential factor with respect to k. A simple exact algorithm for PMDM runs in time (2^ d). We present a data structure for PMDM that answers queries over in time (2^{/2}(2^{/2}+τ)) and requires space (2^ dÂČ/τÂČ+2^{/2}d), for any parameter τ ∈ [1,d]. We complement our results by showing a two-way polynomial-time reduction between PMDM and the Minimum Union problem [Chlamtáč et al., SODA 2017]. This gives a polynomial-time (d^{1/4+Δ})-approximation algorithm for PMDM, which is tight under a plausible complexity conjecture. </p

    Learning sparse representations of depth

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    This paper introduces a new method for learning and inferring sparse representations of depth (disparity) maps. The proposed algorithm relaxes the usual assumption of the stationary noise model in sparse coding. This enables learning from data corrupted with spatially varying noise or uncertainty, typically obtained by laser range scanners or structured light depth cameras. Sparse representations are learned from the Middlebury database disparity maps and then exploited in a two-layer graphical model for inferring depth from stereo, by including a sparsity prior on the learned features. Since they capture higher-order dependencies in the depth structure, these priors can complement smoothness priors commonly used in depth inference based on Markov Random Field (MRF) models. Inference on the proposed graph is achieved using an alternating iterative optimization technique, where the first layer is solved using an existing MRF-based stereo matching algorithm, then held fixed as the second layer is solved using the proposed non-stationary sparse coding algorithm. This leads to a general method for improving solutions of state of the art MRF-based depth estimation algorithms. Our experimental results first show that depth inference using learned representations leads to state of the art denoising of depth maps obtained from laser range scanners and a time of flight camera. Furthermore, we show that adding sparse priors improves the results of two depth estimation methods: the classical graph cut algorithm by Boykov et al. and the more recent algorithm of Woodford et al.Comment: 12 page

    Pattern Masking for Dictionary Matching:Theory and Practice

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    Data masking is a common technique for sanitizing sensitive data maintained in database systems which is becoming increasingly important in various application areas, such as in record linkage of personal data. This work formalizes the Pattern Masking for Dictionary Matching (PMDM) problem: given a dictionary D of d strings, each of length ℓ, a query string q of length ℓ, and a positive integer z, we are asked to compute a smallest set K⊆{1, 
, ℓ}, so that if q[i] is replaced by a wildcard for all i∈K, then q matches at least z strings from D. Solving PMDM allows providing data utility guarantees as opposed to existing approaches. We first show, through a reduction from the well-known k-Clique problem, that a decision version of the PMDM problem is NP-complete, even for binary strings. We thus approach the problem from a more practical perspective. We show a combinatorial O((dℓ)|K|/3+dℓ)-time and O(dℓ)-space algorithm for PMDM for |K|=O(1). In fact, we show that we cannot hope for a faster combinatorial algorithm, unless the combinatorial k-Clique hypothesis fails (Abboud et al. in SIAM J Comput 47:2527–2555, 2018; Lincoln et al., in: 29th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2018). Our combinatorial algorithm, executed with small |K|, is the backbone of a greedy heuristic that we propose. Our experiments on real-world and synthetic datasets show that our heuristic finds nearly-optimal solutions in practice and is also very efficient. We also generalize this algorithm for the problem of masking multiple query strings simultaneously so that every string has at least z matches in D. PMDM can be viewed as a generalization of the decision version of the dictionary matching with mismatches problem: by querying a PMDM data structure with string q and z=1, one obtains the minimal number of mismatches of q with any string from D. The query time or space of all known data structures for the more restricted problem of dictionary matching with at most k mismatches incurs some exponential factor with respect to k. A simple exact algorithm for PMDM runs in time O(2ℓd). We present a data structure for PMDM that answers queries over D in time O(2ℓ/2(2ℓ/2+τ)ℓ) and requires space O(2ℓd2/τ2+2ℓ/2d), for any parameter τ∈[1, d]. We complement our results by showing a two-way polynomial-time reduction between PMDM and the Minimum Union problem [Chlamtáč et al., ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2017]. This gives a polynomial-time O(d1/4+Ï”)-approximation algorithm for PMDM, which is tight under a plausible complexity conjecture. This is an extended version of a paper that was presented at International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) 2021

    Solving Inverse Problems with Piecewise Linear Estimators: From Gaussian Mixture Models to Structured Sparsity

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    A general framework for solving image inverse problems is introduced in this paper. The approach is based on Gaussian mixture models, estimated via a computationally efficient MAP-EM algorithm. A dual mathematical interpretation of the proposed framework with structured sparse estimation is described, which shows that the resulting piecewise linear estimate stabilizes the estimation when compared to traditional sparse inverse problem techniques. This interpretation also suggests an effective dictionary motivated initialization for the MAP-EM algorithm. We demonstrate that in a number of image inverse problems, including inpainting, zooming, and deblurring, the same algorithm produces either equal, often significantly better, or very small margin worse results than the best published ones, at a lower computational cost.Comment: 30 page

    Spatially Aware Dictionary Learning and Coding for Fossil Pollen Identification

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    We propose a robust approach for performing automatic species-level recognition of fossil pollen grains in microscopy images that exploits both global shape and local texture characteristics in a patch-based matching methodology. We introduce a novel criteria for selecting meaningful and discriminative exemplar patches. We optimize this function during training using a greedy submodular function optimization framework that gives a near-optimal solution with bounded approximation error. We use these selected exemplars as a dictionary basis and propose a spatially-aware sparse coding method to match testing images for identification while maintaining global shape correspondence. To accelerate the coding process for fast matching, we introduce a relaxed form that uses spatially-aware soft-thresholding during coding. Finally, we carry out an experimental study that demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of our exemplar selection and classification mechanisms, achieving 86.13%86.13\% accuracy on a difficult fine-grained species classification task distinguishing three types of fossil spruce pollen.Comment: CVMI 201

    Decoder system Patent

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    Binary data decoding device for use at receiving end of communication channe
