88,490 research outputs found

    Extension of One-Dimensional Proximity Regions to Higher Dimensions

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    Proximity maps and regions are defined based on the relative allocation of points from two or more classes in an area of interest and are used to construct random graphs called proximity catch digraphs (PCDs) which have applications in various fields. The simplest of such maps is the spherical proximity map which maps a point from the class of interest to a disk centered at the same point with radius being the distance to the closest point from the other class in the region. The spherical proximity map gave rise to class cover catch digraph (CCCD) which was applied to pattern classification. Furthermore for uniform data on the real line, the exact and asymptotic distribution of the domination number of CCCDs were analytically available. In this article, we determine some appealing properties of the spherical proximity map in compact intervals on the real line and use these properties as a guideline for defining new proximity maps in higher dimensions. Delaunay triangulation is used to partition the region of interest in higher dimensions. Furthermore, we introduce the auxiliary tools used for the construction of the new proximity maps, as well as some related concepts that will be used in the investigation and comparison of them and the resulting graphs. We characterize the geometry invariance of PCDs for uniform data. We also provide some newly defined proximity maps in higher dimensions as illustrative examples

    Random Feature Maps via a Layered Random Projection (LaRP) Framework for Object Classification

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    The approximation of nonlinear kernels via linear feature maps has recently gained interest due to their applications in reducing the training and testing time of kernel-based learning algorithms. Current random projection methods avoid the curse of dimensionality by embedding the nonlinear feature space into a low dimensional Euclidean space to create nonlinear kernels. We introduce a Layered Random Projection (LaRP) framework, where we model the linear kernels and nonlinearity separately for increased training efficiency. The proposed LaRP framework was assessed using the MNIST hand-written digits database and the COIL-100 object database, and showed notable improvement in object classification performance relative to other state-of-the-art random projection methods.Comment: 5 page

    Compact Random Feature Maps

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    Kernel approximation using randomized feature maps has recently gained a lot of interest. In this work, we identify that previous approaches for polynomial kernel approximation create maps that are rank deficient, and therefore do not utilize the capacity of the projected feature space effectively. To address this challenge, we propose compact random feature maps (CRAFTMaps) to approximate polynomial kernels more concisely and accurately. We prove the error bounds of CRAFTMaps demonstrating their superior kernel reconstruction performance compared to the previous approximation schemes. We show how structured random matrices can be used to efficiently generate CRAFTMaps, and present a single-pass algorithm using CRAFTMaps to learn non-linear multi-class classifiers. We present experiments on multiple standard data-sets with performance competitive with state-of-the-art results.Comment: 9 page

    Automated detection of extended sources in radio maps: progress from the SCORPIO survey

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    Automated source extraction and parameterization represents a crucial challenge for the next-generation radio interferometer surveys, such as those performed with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its precursors. In this paper we present a new algorithm, dubbed CAESAR (Compact And Extended Source Automated Recognition), to detect and parametrize extended sources in radio interferometric maps. It is based on a pre-filtering stage, allowing image denoising, compact source suppression and enhancement of diffuse emission, followed by an adaptive superpixel clustering stage for final source segmentation. A parameterization stage provides source flux information and a wide range of morphology estimators for post-processing analysis. We developed CAESAR in a modular software library, including also different methods for local background estimation and image filtering, along with alternative algorithms for both compact and diffuse source extraction. The method was applied to real radio continuum data collected at the Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) within the SCORPIO project, a pathfinder of the ASKAP-EMU survey. The source reconstruction capabilities were studied over different test fields in the presence of compact sources, imaging artefacts and diffuse emission from the Galactic plane and compared with existing algorithms. When compared to a human-driven analysis, the designed algorithm was found capable of detecting known target sources and regions of diffuse emission, outperforming alternative approaches over the considered fields.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure
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